
"All I need is a confession. And Todd's alibi doesn't hold together at all. Besides with strangulation, it's typically harder to use the murder weapon as the main point."
“Huh okay. At the academy they alway made it seem as if it was so incredibly important to find a murder weapon, but then again, they thought us quite a few useless things,” he chuckled softly as he shrugged a little.
Florian followed the detective outside to her car and got in, putting on his belt and listening to Evelyn speak into the radio before hooking it back onto the dash and starting to drive.
"Typically, rookies shouldn't be this close to an arrest their first time through."
He leaned back a little and looked over at the woman, “Don’t worry, I’ll stay out of your way and do my best to avoid getting strangled by Todd,” he smiled playfully before going quiet again and continuing listening to her.
"That's probably where I get my cold hearted nature from."
The man raised an eyebrow before grinning a little, “Oh so you’re aware of what you’re like? Well, I can say that I like this side of you more.” She was an intimidating person to say the least and Florian had quite honestly been walking around on eggshells around her up until just a few minutes ago, afraid to do something wrong and have her think that he was just some dumb rookie, but now that he had proved her the opposite, she seemed a bit more friendly towards him.
He got out of the car upon arrival, following after his mentor. As the two made their way up onto the killer’s porch, the blond male glanced around, noticing a few well-hidden cop cars as he did.
"Detectives. What brings you by?"
He looked at the man in front of them, his suspicion of them was clear and understandably so, he most likely knew what this was all about after all. Florian entered behind Evelyn but stopped in the hall for a brief second, waiting for Todd to close the door before he continued after Evelyn into the living room. It wasn’t that Todd would have gotten far if he’d tried to run out the door but better safe than sorry.

"Huh okay. At the academy they always made it seem as if it was so incredibly important to find a murder weapon, but then again, they thought us quite a few useless things."
Evelyn shrugs,"A murder weapon is best, yes, especially with prints. But, if there is no prints on a murder weapon, then it becomes less important." Evelyn shrugs,"The academy teaches what they think is best. Your teachers often come from being part of the force themselves, and they typically teach you from what they learned in the field. But that can change. Things change constantly and you must be prepared for anything." As Florian replies to Evelyn's comment of rookies not being near arrests, she gives him a side look. Though a hint of amusement could be seen in her gaze.
"Oh so you’re aware of what you’re like? Well, I can say that I like this side of you more."
Evelyn half scoffs half laughs,"Are you kidding? I am very well aware of what I am like." Evelyn grins,"Then again, I've never been much of a people person. Even before I became a detective." Evelyn shoots a side look at Florian,"Once I warm up to people, I'm not so bad, but that cold nature is always there." Her eyes flash, turning to an icy grey, before she grins again and the ice is gone.
Once inside the living room, Evelyn gestures for Todd to sit, which he obeys. "We talked to some of the other neighbors, and they also heard a fight the other night." Todd nods,"Did they happen to hear what it was about?" Evelyn nods and Todd realizes,"Ah, that's probably what led you to your killer." Evelyn agrees,"It did. It led me straight to him... To you." Todd frowns,"What do you mean?" Evelyn replies,"Our witnesses say that the screaming match was not between Arthur and Lucas. But it was between you and our victims." Todd scoffs,"You think I killed Arthur and Lucas?" Evelyn raises an eyebrow,"Why else would you lie about the screaming match."
Todd leans back,"I didn't, I just said I heard Lucas and Arthur screaming bloody murder." Evelyn sighs,"It would be so much easier on you if you just confessed." Todd sneers,"Confess? To what? A murder I did not commit. You have no solid proof. The murder weapon isn't in my house. Your officers searched it up and down." Evelyn agrees,"True. But your alibi doesn't align. You were unaccounted for during the time of the murder." Todd opens his mouth but Evelyn continues over him,"We know you are in a cartel, and we know about your history with drugs." Todd shrugs,"Doesn't mean I killed them."
Evelyn's eyes turn ice cold as does her voice,"We have witnesses that say that you are the leader of a small local cartel. Exchanging drugs, doing human trafficking, and who knows what other kinds of crime. But I'm not a drug cop, I'm a homicide detective." Evelyn stares Todd down,"You were seen entering Mikey's gun shop the day before the murderers. We have video of you fighting with the victims, arguing that you should be allowed to see Michael Carbello to strike up an alliance. While Arthur and Lucas are trying to convince you not to. They threaten to tell on you, so what do you do? You fight with them again that night, and then today you killed them."
Todd was staring back at Evelyn, his jaw tense, but his expression calm. "You strangled them with a rope, and then dumped the rope. But your biggest mistake was not burning it." Todd's eyes widen ever so slightly as Evelyn continues,"We found the rope, Todd. It has your prints on it and skin DNA from Arthur and Lucas." Evelyn glares at Todd, waiting for him to either crack or call her bluff. They never had video of Todd entering the gun shop, and they sure as hell never recovered the murder weapon. Todd finally cracks,"Fine! I did it!" Evelyn inclines her head ever so slightly as she pulls out her handcuffs.
Todd spills,"I did! I wanted an alliance with the Carbello mafia! I deserve it, I fought my way up and I proved myself worthy. But those little idiots! Had they just stayed out the way..." Todd suddenly pleads,"I didn't want to kill them.." Evelyn approaches Todd,"Todd Wayne, you are under arrest for the murder of Arthur Osborne and Lucas Heartwood." Todd waits for Evelyn to approach before lashing out. The detective easily ducks, but Todd takes that moment to get up and flee. Evelyn sighs,"They always run. Why do they always run?" Evelyn nods at Florian,"Don't bother following. The cops outside will get him."
Evelyn chuckles to herself and follows Todd out the front door, at a slower and calmer pace. Sure enough as the detective exits the house, Todd was wailing,"Get it off!" One of the cops had released a K9 who had tackled Todd about two seconds out the door. Evelyn crouches down beside Todd, ordering the K9 off as she secures him, cuffing him. "Why did you run?" She muses, Todd doesn't respond as Evelyn hauls him to his feet.
(Sorry, this one is long, XD. Incredibly long.)

As Evelyn began the interrogation, Florian stood quietly, watching Todd and listening to his mentor. From just one day with her and seeing her interrogate people and do her work, he’d already learned a lot. It was no wonder that the other detectives respected her, she was good and she picked up on the smallest of details. Once Evelyn started telling Todd what they had found out through their investigation, the man’s innocent facade quickly started fading. He kept on insisting that it wasn’t him but he was no longer as convincing as he had been just earlier today.
"We found the rope, Todd. It has your prints on it and skin DNA from Arthur and Lucas."
Florian side-eyed Evelyn, what was she talking about? Just a few minutes earlier she’d said that they didn’t have the murder weapon and now she said that they did? If she was lying then she was taking a huge risk. Todd did crack however, telling them exactly why he’d done it.
He watched as Evelyn approached Todd, seeing him lash out at her before he dashed out the room and just as Florian was about to go after him, Evelyn stopped him and he glanced at her quietly as he rocked back and forth on his feet slightly before looking back after Todd. He didn’t like the idea of letting Todd just run but he knew she was right about the cops outside catching him, still that didn’t change the fact that it took him some self control to stay put.
The man followed his mentor slowly out the house, holding back a chuckle as he saw Todd on the ground, being held down by a K9, something that could’ve been avoided if he’d just not ran. He watched Evelyn haul the man on his feet, slightly impressed at how effortlessly she did it. The expression on Todd’s face after his failed attempt to escape was amusing, the man had not once in his life paid for any bad thing he’d ever done and now he would have too.
Even if he’d just played a minor role in solving this case, Florian couldn’t help but to feel pleased. Finally he got to make some actual change instead of sitting in a classroom all day and studying. Had it prepared him for working on the force? Yes it had. But he hadn’t enjoyed much of it. He’s always liked learning via experience rather than sitting still and reading all day.

Evelyn hands Todd over to the police officers who came over to retrieve their K9. The two detectives may have made the arrest but the officers would take Todd to jail. Once Todd was away, Evelyn turns toward Florian, a small smile resting on her face. "Not bad..." She heads for her car, calling over her shoulder in a playful tone,"For a rookie!" Once at her car, she ducks into it. Starting the car as she pulls out her phone, calling Page,"Hey. Did you get him?" Evelyn confirms,"Just sent him off with officers."
Page answers,"Nice. We'll start pulling down the murder board. I guess we'll see you and Florian back here pretty soon." Evelyn agrees,"About five minutes." Page muses,"You took a rookie to an arrest? How did the captain not find out?" Evelyn shrugs,"I have no idea. But I'm not going to ask him. Florian needed the experience and there is only way one to get it. I knew he'd be fine and we had plenty of backup. Besides I told him to stay away from Todd just in case." Page chuckles,"Alright. Well, you've got a point there. But I guess I'll see you in a little bit."
The two bid each other bye and hang up, Evelyn tucking her phone away. Then she starts the car, buckling up, and once she was sure Florian was in. She starts off. She was happy, even if she didn't show it, another case solved. Justice brought to two innocent men just trying to help an old friend. Evelyn sighs to herself, there was a lot of evil in the world... And though she hated all the evil, it did give her a job to do. A job she enjoyed thoroughly. A job she fought for since her parents were never big fans of police work. Nor is her brother.
Her brother... Daniel MacQuoid, her twin brother to be precise. The two were so different, despite being twins. The only thing they shared was appearance, besides that... Nothing. Evelyn worked hard and was not a people person and worked for law enforcement in America. While Daniel was lazy, loved people(Sort of), and worked in a mafia in Scotland. Evelyn would admit that she did miss her brother... She missed him a lot, but what she missed was how Daniel use to be before their parents died. When everything had been normal and they were living in Scotland happily with a lot of friends and plenty of contact with their family. Not split apart and not talking to each other.

"Not bad..."
Florian smiled a bit proudly as he followed after Evelyn, happy to have received some praise from the detective.
"For a rookie!"
“Hey! There is nothing wrong with just saying that I did a good job!” He called after her while chuckling softly and following her to the car.
The blond got into the car, listening slightly to Evelyn as she talked on the phone, supposedly with one of the other detectives. Florian buckled up and leaned back in his seat before looking out the window. Today had been a success.
He could already tell that he was going to enjoy working as a detective. It was something he’d wanted since he was young, much to his parents dismay. His whole childhood they’d urged him to get involved with the family’s business and to prepare to take it over when the time came.
That was never Florian’s plan though and it always annoyed his parents. He went his own way with the support of his sister. Him and his parents had never been close and him choosing a different career path than the one they’d intended for him definitely hadn’t helped their relationship. They barely kept in touch any longer, he hadn’t even told them that he started working today. But then again there wasn’t really any need, they had plenty of contacts, and given the three calls earlier, it was pretty safe to say that they’d found out anyways.
The young man let out a soft sigh as he kept looking out the window, he did not look forward to calling his parents back and talking to them but he knew it had to be done. Florian and his parents would most likely never have a good relationship seeing as they disagree on nearly everything but for some reason, his parents, his mother especially, insisted on continuing to try.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why’d you become a detective?” Florian asked as he turned his head and looked over at the woman driving the car. “And don’t give me one of those boring answers about how it’s the right thing and that you want to make the world a better place, everyone wants that but that doesn’t mean everyone is becoming detectives left and right.”

"If you don’t mind me asking, why’d you become a detective?"
Evelyn was startled, that wasn't a question she was expecting. "And don’t give me one of those boring answers about how it’s the right thing and that you want to make the world a better place, everyone wants that but that doesn’t mean everyone is becoming detectives left and right." Evelyn chuckles,"You're right. I didn't join because I wanted to make the world a better place." Evelyn tips her head slightly,"Well, of course I do strive for that. But, no, that is not the reason that I became a detective." She grows quiet, it was not a nice story. In a way it was also kind of a cliche story.
"My parents died when I was younger, they died in a car accident. So my brother and I were sent to live with my aunt, but she never really did like us. So, we were kind of neglected and just left alone. I guess she didn't really abuse us cause she never talked to us or paid attention to us, but the few times she did talk to us she was pretty rude. So, my brother and I learned to fend for ourselves. We found ways to make money, legally and illegally, whatever it took to survive. We'd buy our own food, our own clothes, and we'd go to a public school. Well, we had another friend. Her name was Rylee Hunt."
Evelyn grows quiet, it had been many, many years since she talked about Rylee Hunt. "She, um, was richer then us. Her family was, I guess you could say a mafia. The Hunt Syndicate. So, whenever my brother and I couldn't make money, she would lend us money. But, overall, we were great friends. But of course, being the daughter of a mafia boss didn't often fare well, especially in a public school." Evelyn turns on her blinker as she pulls into the parking lot of the precinct. Parking. But she doesn't shut the car off, she simply puts the car in park and keeps talking.
"When we were seniors in high school one of Rylee's father's rivals came by. The school went on lock down but as the dude paced the hall everyone could hear him demanding Rylee. Just send out Rylee Hunt and everyone else will be fine. But, um, we wouldn't. But he finally broke in, and--" Evelyn glances out the window then back at Florian,"I watched my best friend get murdered in front of me. An innocent girl who was wanting to turn her life around. She never wanted to be part of the mafia, and she was going to move to America. To New York, and get out. Her older brother could handle all the mafia stuff."
Evelyn's eyes grow dark,"An innocent girl with a bright future, big hopes, and a pure heart murdered in a school just because she was the daughter of a mafia boss." Evelyn shakes her head,"It never sat right with me, and once I graduated high school, I moved to New York. I tried to get my brother to come with me, but he was already too deep into drugs and cartels. Me? I never got that deep. So, I moved. Managed to rake up enough money to join the police academy and once I graduated, I worked my way up from traffic to detective. I never did get to get revenge for Rylee, I didn't have the jurisdiction, but I did help MI6 catch the mafia that man was a part of. So in the end, the man got what he deserved. His mafia was busted, and most of them were sent to death row or were sentenced to life in prison."

"My parents died when I was younger, they died in a car accident. So my brother and I were sent to live with my aunt, but she never really did like us. So, we were kind of neglected and just left alone. I guess she didn't really abuse us cause she never talked to us or paid attention to us, but the few times she did talk to us she was pretty rude. So, my brother and I learned to fend for ourselves. We found ways to make money, legally and illegally, whatever it took to survive. We'd buy our own food, our own clothes, and we'd go to a public school. Well, we had another friend. Her name was Rylee Hunt."
Out of everything Florian had expected, it wasn’t anything close to what she was telling him now. He stayed quiet, simply keeping his gaze on the detective and letting her take her time. Whatever she was going to say, it obviously wasn’t easy for her and he wouldn’t blame her if she changed her mind and wanted to stop. They hadn’t even known each other for a full day after all.
"I watched my best friend get murdered in front of me. An innocent girl who was wanting to turn her life around. She never wanted to be part of the mafia, and she was going to move to America. To New York, and get out. Her older brother could handle all the mafia stuff." "An innocent girl with a bright future, big hopes, and a pure heart murdered in a school just because she was the daughter of a mafia boss."
The blond bit the inside of his cheek a little. You couldn’t choose your family, nor could you dictate their actions but you could still be judged for being related to them and get blamed for the things they’ve done. He hated it but that was life, it was how he himself had grown up, having people assume things about him and look at him with disgust just because of his last name. To those people it hadn’t mattered that he’d just been a kid at the time because he was still a Dorn.
"It never sat right with me, and once I graduated high school, I moved to New York. I tried to get my brother to come with me, but he was already too deep into drugs and cartels. Me? I never got that deep. So, I moved. Managed to rake up enough money to join the police academy and once I graduated, I worked my way up from traffic to detective. I never did get to get revenge for Rylee, I didn't have the jurisdiction, but I did help MI6 catch the mafia that man was a part of. So in the end, the man got what he deserved. His mafia was busted, and most of them were sent to death row or were sentenced to life in prison."
Florian stayed quiet for a moment, taking in everything that Evelyn had just told him and trying to figure out what to say. She’d just opened up to him and told him something that must be hard to talk about, he didn’t want to say anything that could come across as insensitive.
“Thank you for telling me, and I’m really sorry you had to go through all that… Especially at such a young age. It can’t have been easy and you’re really strong for being able to get through that, most people wouldn’t have been able to do what you’ve done,” he finally said, offering her a soft smile. “I know that we barely know each other yet, and that I’ll never be able to relate to you fully but if you want to talk I’m here and I can promise that I won’t judge you and that anything you say, it stays between you and me,” Florian told her as his eyes drifted and he looked out the window. He truly felt bad for her but he also admired her even more now, she was incredibly strong and she clearly hadn’t had an easy start to life.

"Thank you for telling me, and I’m really sorry you had to go through all that… Especially at such a young age. It can’t have been easy and you’re really strong for being able to get through that, most people wouldn’t have been able to do what you’ve done. I know that we barely know each other yet, and that I’ll never be able to relate to you fully but if you want to talk I’m here and I can promise that I won’t judge you and that anything you say, it stays between you and me."
Evelyn just sits there for a moment, her gaze fixed on the building wall in front of her unmarked. She definitely got lucky with her rookie, she coulda gotten one who was incredibly self centered and arrogant. And a sexist, those always made her the angriest. But, Florian was incredibly nice and sweet. He made an incredible detective and he still had a way to go for training, and he was a good person. Evelyn finally replies,"It was a long time ago, and--" Evelyn cuts herself off, sighing,"Who am I kidding? It definitely still bothers me." Evelyn finally looks at Florian,"But that's okay, because my past made me who I am. I wish I could have saved Rylee, but I couldn't." Her gaze grows dark,"That's one thing I've learned working in the force, you cannot save everyone."
Evelyn takes a deep breath,"I know I'm a cold hearted person and can be incredibly hard to get along with. But, I am always open to talk. I may not be the best with advice, but I am a hell of a listener." Evelyn half grins,"I also am incredibly blunt and rude, and not a people person." Evelyn then grows quiet for a moment,"But, I will do my best to be a good mentor for you."
Evelyn takes another deep breath, growing more serious,"Alright. let's head inside and get the paperwork done." She opens her door,"Because trust me, it doesn't do itself." She closes the door behind her. She waits for Florian before heading inside and stepping inside the elevator which takes them up to their floor. Evelyn steps out, the door closing behind them. Evelyn walks over to her desk, she really hated paperwork. She loved being a detective, she loved it with all her heart, but she hated the paperwork. Evelyn glances at Florian,"Feel free to go find the other rookies. All that's left is paperwork, and I get to fill that out." She sits down, glancing at the clock,"So, I guess your off duty for today, unless another murder happens."
Evelyn glances down at the files,"Dammit, I really hate paperwork." She flashes a half grin at Florian,"Trust me, wait till you're no longer a rookie detective and you're working your own murder cases. You'll hate the paperwork." Evelyn had never actually met anyone who liked paperwork. But, she had heard of a few of them. Thankfully none in her precinct, she probably wouldn't have been able to stand them. At all.

"I know I'm a cold hearted person and can be incredibly hard to get along with. But, I am always open to talk. I may not be the best with advice, but I am a hell of a listener." "I also am incredibly blunt and rude, and not a people person."
Florian looked at Evelyn as he let out a soft chuckle before smiling at her. “You're not that bad, at least not once one gets to know you. Some people do just take time to warm up to others,” he shrugged a little, “That's fine though. And thanks, sometimes it can be good to have someone that'll listen. People don't do that enough, they just do and believe what they want.”
"But, I will do my best to be a good mentor for you."
“I appreciate that. I've already learnt a lot in just one day,” he smirks playfully at her, “better not teach me too well or I'll become a better detective than you soon.”
At the mention of paperwork, the blond let out a groan but he still followed MacQuoid out of the car and inside without protesting. Sitting still and working in an office was not for him and he’d never want to do it full-time, no matter the paycheck. It made him far too restless to sit at a desk for too long. He followed after the woman all the way to her desk, stopping and looking down at her once she was sitting down and she spoke to him.
"Trust me, wait till you're no longer a rookie detective and you're working your own murder cases. You'll hate the paperwork."
Florian chuckled a little, “I hate even having to think about it,” he looked down a bit while shaking his head lightly, “I guess everything has its downsides, I’m just happy as long as I can avoid it.” He paused for a second before looking up at Evelyn again with a slight grin, “Or who knows, maybe we can be partners in the future and you can do all the paperwork for us both?”
The man enjoyed being around Evelyn, she really wasn't as bad as she'd first seemed, or as bad as she seemed to think herself. She had her own issues and struggles but no one walks through life without facing any problems at all, that's just impossible. Given everything Evelyn had gone through, which was more than the average person had to go through, she'd turned out just fine it seemed. Of course it still haunted her but there weren't many who could've gone through the same things and end up okay in the end.
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it then, you seem so eager to get started after all,” Florian said with a smirk as he grabbed a pen of Evelyn’s desk and quickly wrote down his number on the back of a piece of paper, “That's my number, call me if there's a murder. Or you just want to talk,” he smiled softly as he put the pen back down, “Otherwise I'll just see you tomorrow, yeah?”

"You're not that bad, at least not once one gets to know you. Some people do just take time to warm up to others. That's fine though. And thanks, sometimes it can be good to have someone that'll listen. People don't do that enough, they just do and believe what they want."
Evelyn chuckles,"I think that you will find that debatable." She worked with many people doing her job, and the people who knew her best beside her team, were the detectives who worked in the precinct as well. And Evelyn and the detectives tolerated each other, she knew they were not a big fan of her. Mainly because of her personality and how closed up she was.
"I appreciate that. I've already learnt a lot in just one day, better not teach me too well or I'll become a better detective than you soon."
Evelyn smiles at Florian,"And that is my goal. The day you become a better detective is the day I know I have done well at being a mentor." She grimaces,"Though, I will admit. I'd prefer not to have another rookie. I don't think I'd get lucky twice." She flashes a half smile,"And like I said, not a people's person." She did get lucky with Florian, she could have gotten a rookie a lot worse.
"I hate even having to think about it. I guess everything has its downsides, I’m just happy as long as I can avoid it.... Or who knows, maybe we can be partners in the future and you can do all the paperwork for us both?"
Evelyn scoffs, though her tone was playful,"Are you kidding me? If we're partners, I can, and I will pull the I'm more experienced and in charge card and make you do paperwork." Would she? Probably, but not all the time. She would still do paperwork, that was required by the captain and even she couldn't wriggle all the way around that rule. But, she would definitely stack more paperwork on Florian if they became partners after Florian finished rookie training. She hadn't had an actual partner in years, not since her mentor retired. After rookie training, she had stuck with her mentor and they became partners.
Page, Elijah, and Forest were all detectives who were a part of Evelyn's team, which was not the same thing. Evelyn was their superior, and Elijah and Forest were partners. Page didn't have a partner. "Alright, I’ll leave you to it then, you seem so eager to get started after all." Evelyn grimaces,"Yup, so eager." She goes to pull out paperwork and starts opening files as Florian grabs a pen and starts scrawling something down. "That's my number, call me if there's a murder. Or you just want to talk." Her gaze flickers sideways to the number briefly,"Alright. Sounds good." Florian straightens up,"Otherwise I'll just see you tomorrow, yeah?" Evelyn waves Florian off as she starts,"Get outta here, go have some fun."