
Black Rose nodded and smiled. "Want me to help?" She asked and stretched. She hummed happily as she sat down. (It's okay! Have fun!)

"Sure! It goes faster with two, our territory is pretty small, but other packs try to steal our land, we don't like to put up a fight but it sometimes ends that way" Chase explained, "It's about two miles round trip if we go along the borderline." He started off to the left.

Black Rose smiled a little. Oh god. This is going to take a while. She thought before dashing off to follow him. She sniffed the air to make sure no intruder's were there, other than herself. She looked around at the plant life and hummed.

Chase knew what she was thinking an commented on it, "It doesn't take that long, it's quite an enjoyable walk" he replied honestly. "So, Black Rose was it? Nice name by the way, anyways, how do you like pack life?" Chase asked.

Black Rose looked at him. She didn't think he had remembered her name. "Yeah, you can call me Rose if you want." She said and then hummed. "It's eh. Okay, I suppose." She said. "I'd much prefer being on my own, but at least some of the wolves here are nice." I'd just wish for them to be more nice to the other animals.

Chase nodded, "I understand. Feel free to leave whenever you wish, but you're always welcome here" he offered. He caught the scent of a dead animal and rushed towards it. He sniffed at, "died of disease, the poor thing" he whimpered slightly. He quickly dug a hole, dropping the rabbit gently down. "May you live a better life."

Black Rose walked up to the hole and placed down a dandilion she had gotten before she walked and let the flower drop into the hole before she covered it up. "May you live a better life in your afterlife." She whispered to the hole before looking back at Chase. "And I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." She bowed her head to the alpha.

Chase smiled, taking in the nice, fresh smells of the deep forest. "It' always so enjoyable walking in the woods" he murmured. He leaped over a fallen log, then waited for Rose to catch up. They reached a stream, with a few ducklings struggling to follow their mother. He gently nudged them over to the other side of the stream. The mother duck quacked and went on her way.

Black Rose jumped after him over the log and nodded to him. "It's much better listening to the sounds of the forest." She said and then saw the ducklings and heard the quacking of the mother duck and stepped away. Leaving the children and their mother alone.

Chase took her advice and listened to all of the calming sounds, the tricklings streams, leaves gently falling down, the ocasional caw of a Raven, which startled him and made him jump. He chuckled slightly at his clumsiness.