
"Hey!" She laughed and splashed him back. "Yeah! The waters cold enough, so I can mess around with ya!" She playfully splashed him again before scooting away.

"Hey!" She laughed and splashed him back. "Yeah! The waters cold enough, so I can mess around with ya!" She playfully splashed him again before scooting away.

"Hey!" She laughed and splashed him back. "Yeah! The waters cold enough, so I can mess around with ya!" She playfully splashed him again before scooting away.

"Last I checked, I mess around, you groan at me." Jackson says. He grabs a handful of water and trys to through it. (Does not work) "That played out better in my head."

"Not always, I admittedly squeak!" She laughed. Seeing him mess up his plan made her snort and splash him again. "Silly bug! See, even this water doesn't wanna get me!"

"I am considering takling you in to the river." Jackson says. He smiles and splashes some water at her.This time he accualy splashes, not grabs.

"Oh don't you dare!" She said, splashing him back, before backing away. Just in case he tried to tackle her into the water. "I mean it!"

"all right, all right. I won't. That it would have been fun though." He says. "What do you want to do now? Because wishing you into the river is out of the question."

She chuckled and walked back over to him. The temptation to push him into the water and chuckled, "Eh, would be fun!" She went and pushed him into the water.

"I'm not allowed to do it to you, but you can do it to me?" Jackson reaches up and pulls her into the water. "Now we're even."