
"Meow?!" "I'm coming." Jacson is soon overtaken by the kitty. He pours soom dry kibble into his bowl and tops it with a singular cat treat. "Don't tell anyone I gave you that. I might get in trouble."

She soon finished up and peeked at the two of them. "Someones spoiling the potato." She laughed. She dried off her hands and said, "I think he deserves all the snacks, so I'm a bad influence."

Jakson jumps. "I can explain, oh, your siding WITH me?" He pets the cat and smiles. "What can I do for you? Need me to finish the dishes?" - Sorry I am not more active. I have something coming up for a week, then I will make it up to you.

"Trust me, if I've gone missing while feeding the horses...that may mean that I'm spoiling them with sugar cubes and apples." She chuckled. "No no, I finished washing them, I just left them to air dry. I didn't want to worry you about it."

"Me, worry? Like that could ever happen." Jackson pets Potato on his head. "Merrep?" (I have caught my cat saying that.) "Fine, one more."

"Well you fuss about me doing everything in the house." She said with a smirk. "So I call that worrying." She pat Potato as well and chuckled, "You're really gonna give him another?"

"I don't call it worrying, I call it helping. And yes. He just deserves all the treat by what you said." Jackson says. He grabbed another tree and puts on Potato's nose. Potato eats it.

"You're spoiling the spud." She laughed. "No wonder he begs for treats, you're a big old softie." She playfully shoved him before saying, "Worrying, helping, whatever you wanna call it."

"The only sofie here is you, not letting me wash dish bevause a big ol' butter knife might hurt." Jackson pushed back and smiled.

She snorted and shoved him once again. "Hey everyone knows how dangerous those butter knives can be. I'm saving your life." She playfully ruffled his hair before hopping away.