
She smiled as she finished up, finally able to sit down. "Please, go ahead and start eating." She chuckled before drinking her orange juice. It was cool And quite delicious. "Thank you for this."

"No, thank you." Jackson says as he inhales the pleasent aroma. He sits and stuffs his face. "Ummm... I expected them to be good. Not this good."

"Then you like them!" She grinned happily. "It's all delicious, but the fact that you like my cooking so much makes me happy. I'll cook more for you then."

Jackson blushes. "I'll tell you the truth. I think the grilled cheese the other day was better. Just by a hair." He shoves pancakes in his mouth before he can say another word.

"Gotcha, well I'll make sure to make a note about that. The current favorite is my grilled cheese." She smiled and teased, "Unless I find more things to make you."

Jackson swollows and proceds to stuff my pancake in his face. Jackson finishes his orange juice and glances in a window. Quickly, he wipes blueberry from his face.

"Unless there's anything else that you'd like, I'm gonna get started on washing the dishes." She said as she got onto her feet. "I mean it, im gonna get to them first."

Jackson smiles. "Fine. You can wash the dishes. I want to change out of my pajamas anyways. And I have to feed the cat." He stands up and walks away with potato at his heels.

"Fair enough, that looks to be a very hungry potato." She laughed before returning to her dishes. She started washing, humming and singing parts of a melody as she finished.

"Fair enough, that looks to be a very hungry potato." She laughed before returning to her dishes. She started washing, humming and singing parts of a melody as she finished.