
"They tasted sweet to me!" She laughed, giving him a playful nudge before finishing up. "I think we should have enough. Let's head back, unless you want anything else."

Jackson racks his brain. "Yes, but I can wait. Let's go." He starts to move back to the house, but stops. He smiles, grabs a berry and tosses it. "Catch."

She paused, trying to catch the berry in her mouth. She fumbled, instead allowing it to bounce it into her right hand. "Still got it. Technically." She laughed.

Jackson rolls his eyes. "Technicalitys are weird. Techniality, I and standing on air by jumping. Techinacly, If you freexe a blueberries at any moment, it will be still, even if it is moving. " Jackson smiles and boops her nose. "Lets go eat."

"Good let's go." She laughed as she looked back at him. "I'm starving remember." She raced ahead, even as her stomach growled eagerly. "What about you? Hungry?"

"Hey, I'm not hungry, I'm Jackson!" He laughs, yells, make noise. Jackson's lanky frame takes over her short one, be he lets her win anyways.

"Whatever you say hungry." She teased with a smirk before disappearing into the kitchen to cook. "Just grab som plates and napkins! It won't take long."

Jackson rolls his eyes and smiles. Snatching two plates and and some forks. "Orange juice?" He asks. "You like orange juice, right?"

"Orange juice is actually my favorite, so yes please!" She called back. She hummed in the kitchen, soon finishing out and setting down some pancakes for them both.

"Alright then!" Jackson rumages in the freezer. Finding some frozen orange juice, he mixes it with warm-ish water. Pouring it into two glasses, Jackson places them on the table and pulls out Sophia's chair.