
She walked alongside him, careful not to trip over the branches and undergrowth. She pointed and said, "Oh I think I see that bush. Come on!" She bounced ahead eagerly.

"Wait up you Baffin. Let me pick some." He runs forward and smiles. His long legs can easily over take her Short ones.

"Fine fine." She laughed. "We're picking them together, it's not a competition after all." She looked over the bush, tasting a couple of the berries and smiled, "Tastes perfect."

That was supposed to say baffoon Jackson smiles and grabs a handful. He tosses one up to catch in his mouth, but it lands in his eye. He blushes and pretends that never happened.

She peeked over, snorting and giggling as she noticed his mistake. "Nice job, really good aim." She teased with a little shove before she continued to collect berries and put them in the basket.

"What?" He asks. "Nothing happened. Where would you get that from?" He picks more blueberries and throws one at her.

"Hey, don't start throwing them at me!" She laughed, throwing berries back at him. *Big old meanie! I'm trying to collect them here!" She nodded at her basket.

"fffiiinnnee...." Jackson says. Picking more, he smiles and balances one on his nose. Trying his best not to drop it, he keeps picking berries.

She couldn't help but giggle as she eventually spotted the berry on his nose. She continued to gather up berries before snatching and snacking on the berry from him. "Not bad." She laughed.

Jackson pouts. He picks blueberries in silence. "How was my nose blueberry? Full of boogers?" He ask, smiling. 3 more berries appear in the bowl before appears in Jackson's mouth.