Houdo said " your my best friend since cubs and since you my favorite female and since other females just what the queen " as he walks beside her then looks at her and said " I want you to be my queen but I can wait if you're not ready"
Amara stopped in her tracks, looking shocked at Houdo. "Y-you want me, of all lionesses in the pride, to be your queen?" She looked nervous before she shook her head. "I dont even know the first thing about being queen. There are others in the pride who watched your mother more closely than what I could, and I am sure others know more than I do" she admitted. She wasnt saying no by any means. *Does he really mean this* she thought.
Houdo looks at her and said " I want you then everyone else you are kind and I think you would be perfect for it and then the male will not take you again but then again this is your choice " as he smiles before looking away
Amara moved closer to Houdo before she replied. "I would love to be your queen" she told him. "But you should know, he tried to breed to me" she admitted. "I dont think anything actually took." She didnt want him to think she was just going to use him like the others would. She nuzzled Houdo as she glanced around. She saw Kyra and a few others glaring at her, and she knew why. While she knew they couldnt hear what they said, she knew the lionesses didnt like her close to Houdo.
Houdo nuzzles her and said " I don't think anything would take don't worry " as he smiles before saying " come you stay in my den and I'll bite every single lioness who try to be mean " as he licks her face then purs before walking
Amara gave a soft purr before she saw Kyra walking up. "Houdo! There you are. I was looking for you" she said in her fake sweet voice, causing Amara to growl. "Back off Kyra" she said. Kyra laughed. "Not like you can do anything about it" she stated. Amara narrowed her eyes, knowing she wasn't officially queen, there wasn't much she really could do.
Houdo hiss then growls before he nips her and said " you talk to her like that again then I'll kick you out hear me " as houdo growls he knew to make sure the lioness keep themselves in track when around him or with him not there
Kyra looked shocked. "But she's the lowest rank of us" she told Houdo. She was confused as Amara gave her a smirk and chuckled. Amara made her way to Houdo's den, causing a few of the lionesses to be even more confused as she laid down. *Let them be confused* Amara thought.
Houdo growls other time before following her into his den before he lays down beside her and smiles before licking his leg yeah it hurt but he didn't want to make a big fuss about it
Amara nuzzled Houdo. "When do you think we should tell them" she asked. She helped lick his leg before she spotted a bit of zebra left over. Her mouth watered as she watched it, wanting to grab it but not wanting to get pushed around.