Ayesha's own temper began to rise, and Asliane leans away from Ayesha. "Ayesha....." The young weredragon's eyes were beginning to glow slightly, and she forces her eyes shut. Taking deep breath after deep breath. Ignoring everything around her. Focusing on happy memories, anything that will keep her grounded and keep her from destroying the house. But at the back of her mind, her temper was rising. Even faster then the calm was rising. Asliane swiftly gets to her feet and leaves the room. Calling behind her,"Good luck."
Those two words were the pointbreaker.
The tempature in the room calmed back down and when Ayesha opened her eyes they were calmer. With a soft sigh, the weredragon gets to her feet and makes her way out the the door. Ayesha spares a glance at Leo,"Sorry." Was all she said before she continued on, stalking off the yard and then when she reaches the road. She stops, her voice calm as she calls back to Leo. "So where are we suppose to go now?" Ayesha wasn't even real sure they had an actual plan. But she wasn't going to say that outloud.
Apelios let out a short scoff. "The thing leaves a residue where it goes. I can see it in the trees. Just follow me." He stated shortly, flatly even, before taking to the skies. His wings beat the air, keeping him afloat in the warm summer breeze. In this form, not only could he see the residue, he could smell it as well. A dark black smell, reminded him of tar or oil, that rested on the tops of the trees where the being had trailed. Whether it was the returning trail or where it started, Apelios wasn't sure. He just knew he was following it.
Ayesha sighs before bobbing her head. Slipping into the forest, before she changes forms. The change was smooth and easy as she releases all the tension and anger. Soon a large red dragon was rising above the forest. Red wings beating at the sky to follow Leo. Sure she was quick on her feet and her human senses were stronger then most. But it would be easier to just follow Leo in a dragon form. Besides she needed to release some emotions and tension.
Her own sharp eyes scanned the forest, spotting the resiude and then she could smell it. Ayesha could also smell everything on the wind and in the surrounding areas. Ayesha had forgotten how great it was to spread her wings and fly. Most of the time when she was shifted it was because Asliane was teaching her something else and most of the time she didn't actually get to spread her wings and fly.
Apelios hardly paid attention to the dragon behind him, focusing on following the trail. Whatever had attacked was large--gigantic even. It was evident in the gentle slope of the trail it left, a large beast traveling at high speeds could only turn so fast. Eventually, he slowed and began a descent, landing in the forest foliage. The sun was setting, throwing her last rays out in the sky. Stars were starting to poke out through the darkness and he was tired. Wordlessly, Apelios shifted and walked forward. Despite the darkness, the young man gave off a gentle golden glow.
The trip didn't feel that long but it didn't feel that short either. Perhaps that was because Ayesha was distracted by the trail and the smells. But either way, the young weredragon didn't mind as she follows behind Leo. Her gaze flashing towards the sun every so often as it sets. Dipping every lower to the horizon, while behind them the moon was beginning her ascent rising ever higher for every inch the sun sunk lower.
Ayesha was so distracted by her surroundings she almost missed the fact that Leo had begun a descent. Ayesha comes to a halt, before following him. Pulling her wings closer as she gets lower and lower until she lands. The stars shining in the sky as Ayesha folds her wings and allows the shift to began. Joining Leo as he began to walk forward. Glad that she was one of the few rare shifters who could shift back and forth with clothes. As if the clothes melded as part of her dragon body.
Her blue gaze scanning the undergrowth. Her sharp eyes able to see in the dark, but Leo's glow helped a lot as well.
Silent. Absolutely silent. Leo didn't hardly talk to the other shifter as he prepared a makeshift lean-to and worked on starting a small fire in the middle of the clearing. The tension and irritation was still rolling off his shoulders and he wasn't about to talk to anyone about anything. He had a deep feeling nobody really cared and they wouldn't understand. It was always the same old story. Leo had stopped caring.
Ayesha was growing tired of the silence. Even if she was one of the quiestest kids in school. Ayesha made her own lean to, assuming Leo didn't want to share with her. Her gaze flashing up as a small fire was made in the middle. Finally Ayesha was done. "Are we seriously going do this in silence?" She straightens up,"You are going to have to talk eventually." Ayesha glances around. "Look I don't know if you're mad at me or not. But can we just not sit in silence?"
"I thought you wanted my silence," he snapped back at her, the glow burning just a bit brighter from him. "I thought I was some how that annoyance that kept jumping in your conversations," his words were seething. "So no. I'm not going to talk much because I don't feel like talking because nobody listens and if they hear what I say, they somehow have to make it so that I'm the villain and somehow they're the victim." Leo turned again and huffed, sitting beside the fire in silence again. His ruby gaze flashed with distaste.
Ayesha sighs,"No. Not this kind of silence." Then she shot a glare at him,"I never thought that, and I never said that." Ayesha sighs, shaking her head. She sits down by the fire,"The only reason people see villains as villains, is because no has bothered to stop to hear that side of the story." Ayesha glances away,"A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told." Ayesha glances back at Leo,"Look. I'm sorry." Ayesha wasn't one hundred percent sure what she was apologizing for. But she didn't want tension, and she wanted to warm the ice between them.
Leo gave her a cold look in return. "You didn't have to say it. You showed it," he shot back and remained silent. He stoked the fire a couple times. Sappy sentiment. Tch. He hated it. His claws dug into the ground, unconsciously reacting to his own irritation.