
"Okay! Sit down on one of the cots, close to that electrical outlet over there. Let me just grab the straightener and stuff." Kaitlyn skipped over to a corner where Addilyn's gang had put all their stuff. Speaking of Addilyn, Ami was still torturing her. Though she had given up on trying to bite her and just glared harshly at the girl while she did her hair. Kaitlyn picked up a bag and dig through it, pulling out a black, thin hair straightener which worked magic.

Rainbow did as they were told, and just watched as Addi and Amika interacted. They had almost no female interaction for a while, and wondered if it was always like that.

Addilyn looked grumpy and annoyed. Ami's hands deft as she began on another braid. Her plan for Addilyn's hair was simple. A side of her head would be braided into cornrows. The makeup portion would be beautiful. Once Kaitlyn grabbed the straightener and other supplies, she plugged the thing in. Waiting patiently for it to heat up before beginning her work on their hair. Straightening it with a smile.

Rainbow had taken an old iPod from Jason's house, and decided to play the music on it. They clicked on a random song, which was, "Die a Happy Man." As the song started to play, Rainbow noticed how it was just a guitar. Then, she almost fell out of her chair. Jason. His voice sang from the iPod, rough, with gravely tones, yet soft at the same time. It was a bit higher than it was now, but the song was dated a couple in months before he was caught and put into jail. His voice was amazing.

Addilyn looked up immediately, recognizing Jason's voice. Her eyes narrowed in on Rainbow hen the iPod in their hand. She listened intently, her hard expression melting with each word. It was so obvious that Jason was the one person who could really get under her armor. Amika flinched as Addilyn relaxed. Expecting sudden retaliation but it never came. So she continued to braid Addilyn's hair. Edited at August 1, 2018 09:29 PM by Soaring Free

Once that song was done, they clicked another. This one was, "Say You Won't Let Go." Rainbow felt their heart melting, as it was obvious who he songs were about. They smiled, and knew that is would not be one of the things they teased him about. This was too sweet.

Addilyn didn't say anything, her eyes going back to what they had once been. A light loving green in color. A kindness yet slight hardened looked in her eyes. If Jason came in now, he would see the girl he had once known. The girl before she'd killed Charlotte, the girl who was deeply in love with Jason and would do anything to stay with him.

Jason had felt a little tug, like he was being called. He headed to the room, and knocked on the door. When Rainbow said, "Come in," he opened the door to a blast from the past. His singing, which he blushed about, and the softness in Addi's features that was different from the battle hardened girl he knew now. It was the Addi he fell in love with. And was still in love with. His icy blue eyes no longer held their tight, closed in look, and seemed more human. With those eyes he saw the younger Addi. The less scared Addi. The sweet Addi. The innocent-ish Addi. The one he took away. The happy moment for him was suddenly gloomy in his mind, his features took on a sadened look, one that he tried to shake but found he couldn't. The other girls, and Rainbow, did not know him enough to read his face. But Addi would. She would know exactly what he was thinking.

Addilyn could almost see all the emotions going though Jason's head; and nearly cried out in pain at his sadness. Seeing his face so sad, because of her, made everything hurt. It made it hard to breath, hard to think, hard to do really anything. Her heart was being beaten and she felt each time a cold whip strike it. She visibly winced and her green eyes darkened. Slowly reverting back to where they had been before except much more saddened. No longer cold and hard, but melted and so completely sad. Normally, Ami would've kicked Jason out. Because it was girls day. But at the same time, this was Addilyn's boyfriend. She shouldn't kick him out. "You can stay in here but you can't look at Addilyn because no one was supposed to see her until I finished. It was supposed to be a surprise but since I care about Addilyn I can let you stay. For now at least." Amika's voice was as soft as always but sprinkled with a dash of annoyance.

Jason looked relieved, and went by Addi first. He crouched beside her and kissed her, nothing much, but enough to covey, "It is not your fault. Ever. It is, and will never be, your fault." His eyes said the same thing as he looked into her green ones. "I love you, Addi. Always." With that, he snatched the iPod from Rainbow, and played another song, When a Man loves a Women.