
She smiled and scooped out some treats to give the cat. "Handsome little boy. Has he got a name?" She looked over at the bookshelf and asked him, "Anything on the suspenseful side?"

Jackson pulls a dark book for the shelf. A dark green book with gold accecnts. "This, is one of my personal favorites. His name is Potato. He awnsers to Potato. His legal name is Jack."

"Thank you." She smiled. She gazed at the cat laughed, "Potato eh? To be fair, he does kinda look like one. But hey, I respect it. He seems to be quite the chill guy."

Jackson listens to the rumbling purr and smile. "I think he likes you. Can we keep him? Not my parents?" He pleades.

"I think we'll definitely keep him. Who can resist this cute little fluffball?" She laughed as she continued to pet him. "A sweet potato. I think he'll be perfect to have around the house."

Jackson smiles and sits down next to her. "If you said no, I would have smuggled him into my room to keep him." He says. He wraps an arm around her and watches her and the cat.

She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. She opened the book, trying to focus her attention on the words. Surprisingly she found herself reading out loud.

Jackson smiles and leans in. He listens and pets the kitty. He reaches out and pulls a blanket over. He gets up and lights the fireplace. This should be the setting she described a few days ago. He snuggles close.

"Hmm, perfect. Sweet you remembered." She smiled as she gazed up at him. She adjusted herself to be comfortable as she continued to read for them.

"If you have not noticed, it is my job to spoil you." He whispers. Jackson listens to the story, on the edge of his seat.