
Jackson sits down and takes a bite. "That came out... Better than I expected. I must have been because you were helping." He says as he eats.

"I think you were overthinking it beforehand. Like I said, it's perfect." She smiled. "And we were both hungry when we came inside, so I think anything we would make would come out better than imagined."

"Sure, sure. I still think it was your help. Besides, that grilled cheese helps my case. It was sooo good." Jackson says. He stuffs his mouth some more.

She smiled back as she finished her meal. "You're being a sweetheart. I've gotten used to making so many grilled cheeses for myself I don't even think about it." She drank her water before heading to clean up.

She smiled back as she finished her meal. "You're being a sweetheart. I've gotten used to making so many grilled cheeses for myself I don't even think about it." She drank her water before heading to clean up.

"Ah, no, I'll clean up. You relax." Jackson says, gently grabing her arm. He takes the food from her arms and puts it in the fridge.

She sighed and said, "If you insist. I mean I feel terrible having you constantly clean up afterwards. I still want to care for you at some point as well." She went to the side and sat down on the couch.

Jackson finishes and joins her. "Need anythng? Blanket, book, cat?" He asks. He sits down next the her and hands her cat treats. "Shake them." (Cat is orange tabby neutered male. On the chunky side. Because then is what I have, and I love him.)

"A book and a cat would be lovely." She smiled, shaking the bag of treats curiously. "I didn't know that you had a cat. They are quite sweet fellas."

"What kind of book do you want?" Jackson asks as a ginger tom trots into the room. "Give him some treats, and he will be your friend for life." Jackson walks over to the book shelves and relizes how many fansty dystopian books he has.