
"Sure, pass me the pasta. That cabinet." Jackson says, pointing to the one in the back. He pokes around the freezer for meatballs and garlic bread. "Your choice on the house. Bigger or smaller. Bigger might be more comfortable, while smaller will be easier to clean."

She nodded and went over to the cabinet, grabbing the pasta and handed it over to him. "I mean I much prefer smaller spaces. It makes things easier for someone who doesn't take up that much space."

Jackson dumps the dry noodles in the boiling water. Grabbing another pot, he puts in sauce and meatballs. "Smaller would be better. Who's is smaller though. I think it might be your's." Jackson stirs the noddles while in thought.

"Probably." She nodded. "I mean we'll have the stables, so we'll still have enough space for the horses. And I think that despite it being smaller, it's cozy. If this one's the bigger house, I think the parents will be fine and comfortable."

Jackson smiles and stires the noodles. "By the way, I think my parents are shopping." He says. Jackson lifts up the pot and drains it over the sink.

"Oh really? Do you know if they're doing things for the wedding?" She asked, gathering plates for them. "I'm just happy we can have a peaceful evening."

"I never understand parents. It is pretty nice to hang out, just the two of us." Jackson says. He scoops noddles and sauce onto one plate a pauses over the other. "How much sauce do you like?"

"Not too much, around a spoonful please." She replied. "Want anything to drink? Water okay?" She asked. "I will say that Ive got the dishes tonight."

"Water is fine. Milk is in the fridge if you want it." Jackson says. He ladles sause on her pasta and pulls out her chair. "Here you go. Anything else?" He asks before getting silverware.

"I don't think so." She said, getting them both a glass of water. "It looks and smells amazing." She sat down and eagerly started to eat. She nodded happily, satisfied with their meal.