
As Finn took the ring, she bit her tongue to stop herself from commenting on his distaste towards taking it. Instead, she turned back around to face the pair of ghosts. Her head tipped to the side as she listened closely, they would have to wait longer to see if there was anything useful. As much as her body screamed at her to just get out of there, Lily planted her feet solidly and gave a small dip of her head towards Finn in agreement. “If you want to wait to see if there is anything useful. We can do that.” She reinforced her agreement, peeking past the ghosts despite their translucency towards the beds. She pushed a hand into the side of her hair and pushed it back over her shoulder quickly. It looked like more 20 questions or sleeping on messy beds as they waited. She wasn’t sure which she would prefer. Despite the infrequent rest, she didn’t feel overly exhausted. “Somewhere to sit other than the floor would be nice though.” Lily gave Finn a sheepish look before returning her eyes towards the stacked furniture at the door. Callisto shot Xevon a quick look, eyebrows furrowing together, he wasn’t sure how he felt about Xevon venturing further into the god’s abode. It seemed to be a helpful endeavour, but heading into the deepest part alone did not sit comfortably with him. “Is that..” Callisto started before switching his wording. “You will make sure he is not up there when you go?” He pressed, drifting a little closer towards Xevon. Callisto didn’t question the other man’s abilities, but rather the fact it was new territory even for him. He debated offering to go with him, but he did not want to slow Xevon down by any means. The question danced on the tip of his tongue as he contemplated voicing it.
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Finn nodded briefly, looking down at his hands. Something... felt off. Why? Why did it feel off now that he had the ring on? What was it about this thing that had his hair standing on end--metaphorically of course. Why did he feel like wearing it was ... wrong? His nose crinkled upward again before shaking his head clear of his own thoughts as Lily looked toward him and he flushed with color. Yeah... probably... Finn swallowed and made his way toward the makeshift barricade, shoving the dresser back across the floor with a short grunt and dragging the beds back to their rightful place as well. "... I just ... panicked," Finn admitted quietly. Xevon shook his head. "That's some strength to your panic there, pal," he commented idly but turned back to Callisto and extended his hand to take his. "I'll do my best," he whispered. "I figure, if I'm quiet, he won't know I'm there. He seems to only notice me when I open my mouth and insult him." And he was rather proud of some of his insults. As of that current moment, he was the standing leader on who had the most creative insults and who had used them the most. The next was unfortunately the god. But he didn't count because most of his insults were just screaming. "I'm sure I can get in and out before the Banshee Baboon can figure out that I've been around," Xevon scoffed lightly and looked up toward the ceiling again before looking toward the two. "If you two have more memories, I'm sorry. They're probably not gonna be pleasant." "Oh, gee, thanks for that," Finn grumbled from the bed.
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Lily stood back as Finn began to once again move the furniture back to where it was supposed to be, but when he turned to her and spoke quietly she felt her heart wrench. She stepped up to him and gave a smile, her head tilting to one side. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, I was trying to make a stupid joke.” She shook her head and looked back to the beds. “It made me feel better that he couldn’t get in through the furniture.” Lily conceded as she turned her head back around to look up at Finntello. “I’m just impressed you can move things that heavy so easily.” Callisto felt his shoulders tense up as his hand was taken into Xevon’s, it was a familiar feeling but still felt strange at the same time. He didn’t know what to make of it. He took a second to formulate what he was going to say, the gears in his head clearly spinning to try and create something. Meanwhile he stared at Xevon with wide pink eyes. “You shutting your mouth for once would be a miracle in of itself.” He finally quipped out, his head clicking the tiniest bit to the side. Despite his teasing comment, Callisto did steal a small glance over his shoulder as Xevon spoke to the living, gauging their current level of attention. Lily was looking at Finn and Finn was grumbling to himself. Callisto brought himself that bit closer to Xevon and lifted his free hand to the side of Xevon’s face. A finger hooked just behind his jaw and ear, his thumb resting on his cheek. The touch was only there for a second or two as he spoke. Peering upwards to him, the left side of his lips where the long scar lay twitched momentarily before he let the words come. “Be safe.” Callisto prompted quietly, letting his touch fall from his face, grazing the skin on the way down. Then he turned away and headed towards the beds the living were situating themselves on. Perhaps to take him mind of the fact that Xevon was prancing around above them in imminent danger, he could soothe the living. Especially considering Xevon’s parting words to them.
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Finn shook his head lightly as Lily spoke. He let out a brief noise and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uhm," his eyes turned to the beds again. "Well, I--yeah," he said softly. "I don't know how either. It just... it isn't that heavy?" Finn shrugged after a moment or two, pulling his legs up to cross over each other. He wasn't entirely sure how or why but it was... what it was. A part of him paused before the young man huffed lightly. "Are they actually that heavy?" He questioned, and stood up. "Or are they actually more light? Can you try to push them and see?" He asked quietly. A part of him wanted to make sure that he wasn't just ... nuts. Well, he clearly was a bit nuts. Not as nuts as someone else though. Xevon gave him a light smile in return. "Maybe miracles can happen, you never do know," he chuckled weakly. His eyes softened, leaning into Callisto's touch briefly before he tipped his head. "I will be safe," he said quietly. "I'll do my best," he whispered and took flight toward the ceiling reluctantly. He stopped, waiting in the hallway to see if he could hear the beast at all before slowly slipping forward. The hallway was cool and quiet.
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Lily turned to look at the bed behind her at his questions, well now she could probably lift it considering her new little gift. But still, hulking those things across the room took effort. “I would think they would be heavy, I couldn’t shift them before but I don’t know about now.” Curiously, Lily leaned down and curled her fingers under the bottom of the bed, gripping the wooden beam. She could lift it, tilting it sideways a little before she let it settle back down on the ground. That didn’t mean it wasn’t heavy. She peeked back over to Finn as she caught sight of Xevon drifting up towards the ceiling. “I mean it is heavy, I can lift it easily. But moving it all across the room on my own would probably make me break a sweat.” Lily chuckled quietly before gesturing to herself and then Finn. “That and you are practically double my size.” Callisto didn’t miss the tilt towards his hand before he pulled it away, he kept his hands casually at his sides even if one of them still tingled with the sensation. He watched the living comment about the beds and their weight. Boring, but at least they were just talking. Not focusing all of their mind onto the terror that lurked around the halls. That was a refreshing thing to see. The majority of Callisto and Xevon’s time was eaten up by the god, he took up so much real estate in their brains that they rarely weren’t thinking about him. Even in the back on their minds.
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Finn let out a small noise and rubbed the back of his neck again, a loose chuckle escaped from his lips. That was slightly telling that she couldn't entirely move the bed. He was bigger, sure, but he wasn't that big. His hands slowly fell and rested in his lap as he sighed. "Maybe... maybe I do have strength alongside it," he murmured softly, more or less impressed with himself. "That's not too bad. I can work with that, right?" Super strength was far more comforting to know rather than just a giant pair of feathered wings. Sure, they were pretty and all but good golly were they fairly useless in a setting like this. "I wonder if that's why the dagger just... flew from my hand," Finn said quietly, tilting his head. "I need to test this--" he slid off the bed, digging through the dresser. "Hmmm.... if I can find something else to throw, we can test this theory." -- Xevon carefully slid forward, making his way forward to the end of the hallway. This was usually where he had been stopped or stopped in general. Any farther... was new territory. He paused briefly, testing to see if he could hear anything. He could hear shuffling around and Xevon peered into the room. The large bed was pushed to the side, likely the place where Callisto usually ... rested. Or normally had been. A mirror on the far side gave him an odd reflection. That... who was that? The man that stood in front of the mirror was no beast. Had he dragged in another man for kicks and giggles? To get rid of Finn? The dark brown hair was curled lightly and faded on the sides, his broad shoulders and large stature gave off a firm warrior-type look. He couldn't quite tell his eye color yet and slid forward carefully. Xevon wouldn't be reflected in the mirror... he hadn't seen his own reflection since he had died. This man... who was he? Xevon swallowed thickly, waiting silently to see what the man would do or say. Or if he would say anything. He couldn't... lie... he looked... kind of fine. If he was alive... well... he can't say he wouldn't have done a touch of flirting. Just for kicks and giggles.
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Lily furrowed her eyebrows together, her head swivelling to follow Finn as he set about walking across the room. “Something else to throw?” She repeated, now turning her torso to better see him. “Just don’t knock a hole in the wall please.” Her voice lifted upwards at the end, more pleading than asking. Lily finally dragged herself to her feet and pottered her way up beside him, peeking into the drawer he was searching through with her head tilted to one side. “What kind of thing are we looking for? There’s that pen, but did you want something bigger?” Lily scrunched up her nose a little, who knows what he was actually looking for. The god tilted his head to the side, admiring the way the shadows cast starkly across the skin and tendons of his neck. He had always had this form, usually for stalking around the living realms to entrance people into his guidance, other than that he found it rather useless. He raised a hand, about to pull his black shirt collar into a better position when his muscles tensed, freezing him in that position. Ever so slowly, his eyes slid to the side. He could feel another presence and he could take a rather good guess at who it was. With the briefest of smirks, he turned around. His pale eyes immediately finding Xevon’s, he adjusted his open shirt before letting his hand fall back to his side slowly. Peeking out from beneath the silken black shirt was the beginning of a ram skull tattoo. “Hello.” He cooed, head tilting to the side the tiniest bit. The god began to take steps towards Xevon, deliberate and well paced. “Who might you be?” He inquired, this voice normal, a deep resounding one but human. If Xevon wanted to poke fun at his seduction skills, then he could play that game. How did he think he enticed people to join his glorious cult? His lips cracked into a perfect smile, the canines ever so slightly elongated. “The name’s Veles.” He finished, raising his hands to adjust the black leather gloves that adorned them, making a point to flex the muscles of his exposed forearms where the shirt was pushed up.
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"The pen--that'll do," Finn turned on his heel almost immediately and rushed over to pick it up. "It doesn't have to be big at all, just not attached to anything else. That's all I need." He tested the pen weight in his hand, tossing it between his two hands to make sure he had control and a good idea of the weight of it. Within a few seconds, he turned away from both of them and threw it like a dart. Sure enough, the pen sailed through the air, bouncing off of the door and landing on the ground. The pen cap was cracked and there was a small dent in the door now and Finn set his hands on his hips. "Y'know, I don't think Xevon knows he has super strength, I'm going to be entirely honest." -- Xevon's chin tipped downward as he watched the man study himself in the mirror. But that smirk... that was alarmingly familiar. The man's blue eyes swiveled over him--he could see him. He... could see... him. The voice was firm and normal but Xevon knew exactly where it was hidden under. Usually it was hidden under a cacophony of noises, buried under stolen voices. But the name. Veles. Xevon shook his head, finding himself tangled in his own emotions. A part of him was almost--just almost--tempted to offer himself as a sort of ... offering in payment for the other three to have their freedom. But he knew that name from eons ago. Unlike Callisto and Finn and Lily, Xevon had no cult origins. He was a tourist on vacation that had come to the hotel to stay. He had bought the room he had died in, found the locket that he had been tied to. Veles was the name of the hotel manager who had offered him a luxury suite upgrade. "Well, well, well," Xevon leaned back, one arm over his head as he leaned against the wall. "I think you know full well who I might be," he kept his tone playfully and loose. "Didn't think you'd actually take my advice," he looked down at his other hand. His ruby red gaze lifted up again, studying the form of the god. "Almost makes me want to kick the others out..." he mused lightly, revealing at least part of his thoughts.
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Lily blinked rapidly as Finn swooped in and scooped up the pen, readying himself to throw the thing. She cocked her head to the side as she watched, Callisto had drifted near her, simply pottering around and waiting for Xevon to return. At least the pair were doing something entertaining. With a small noise as the pen hit the door, she edged a little closer to look at the wood. It had pushed in a portion and the pen lay on the floor in a worse shape. “You haven’t seen him fight.” Callisto commented nonchalantly, lifting a hand and waving it in dismissal. Though, he supposed the man may not know the extent of his ability. “Okay, well, you thought I was going to turn into a cat, not a lion.” Lily quickly snipped back at Callisto, a little more fire in her tone that she intended. Callisto widened his eyes and followed her with his gaze as she marched up to Finn. “We can definitely use that. Maybe your ability is the cooler one after all.” His initially pleasant smile twisted into something more sinister as he watched the recognition flash across Xevon’s eyes. Veles watched as the ghost lifted an arm above his head, finishing his approach, he loomed in front of him. He stood at least a good 3 inches taller than Xevon, something that had always made this form stick out a little in the living’s world. Not that it was a bad thing, it attracted people to him. Veles let out a breathy laugh at his comment, then with a sharp speed lifted his hand up to grip Xevon’s jaw. Tilting the other man’s head back, Veles looked down at him with a predatory gaze. “I believe you said something similar the night we met, darling.” His voice was lowered, making an effort to maintain the dark gravelliness to his tone. Veles' eyes were narrowed as they peered down at him, a striking brightness to them in the dark shadow he had cast over the both of them. They burned with intensity, a concoction of emotions that swirled together and became unreadable other than the sheer heat of the gaze. He remembered watching this man walk into his hotel, oozing cockiness. He was the perfect little target. Veles tightened his grip ever so slightly. “I think that’s why I brought you here.” He practically threw Xevon’s jaw out of his hand and lowered it, but he remained standing where he was. As many people as he coaxed into his realm, he had always found this one particularly interesting. Not just because of his temper and constant pestering, but because of how he had died. Edited at November 15, 2024 02:28 AM by Urux
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Finn looked back at Callisto for a moment or two as he commented about not seeing Xevon fight. Well, no, no he hadn't. But he hadn't exactly planned on watching him fight either. From the two's loose and vague comments and considering how beat up the man looked without his facade up... Finn could take a gamble at how Xevon fought. And it wasn't by the rules. "Tch, turning into something is way cooler and always will be," Finn responded with a playful tone, nudging her arm briefly before he paused. "This... okay, this is going to sound really stupid but just... hear me out," he lifted his hands up. "I feel like, when I was back wherever I was, that I would go out and dance at night. I'm getting that feeling and I'm feeling that my brain is trying to tell me that it's time to go dancing, right?" His cheeks flushed with some color. "W-would you... uh... mind if we just... danced a little bit?" - Xevon could admire the sheer height of the man, not quite towering over him but definitely imposing. His lips curled briefly with a sharp and smug chuff of air before it switched into a gasped hiss taken between clenched teeth. His feathers and wings splayed out in a startled fray of feathers, fluffed up in surprise while his other hand lifted up to grip the offending wrist. His eyes followed up toward the pale blue that stared back at him. This--this was far more terrifying than before. At the least, the monster didn't draw a tangle of emotions from him. A brief terror coursing through his spine, a rush of respect and then the guilt of remembering why the heck he was up here doing this in the first place. The cynical part of him reminded him that he was the one dumb enough to do this in the first place. But that was a thought that came far too late. Xevon swallowed and slid back just a touch, keeping his eyes on Veles before he let out a sharp bark of laughter. "Brought--that's a rather generous word," Xevon stated flatly, ignoring the fact that he could very much now feel a heart beat in his chest. That was foreign. He was used to having nothing. "Lured, tricked, good grief even just straight up captured would be better words for it. But, I will say, I think there's something else, isn't there?" He had to get him talking, rambling--enough to give him time to look around the room and see what all was there and where it was. "Everyone else has been from your little cult following," Xevon mused aloud, keeping his ruby red gaze on him, "except for me. Now, I'll be honest, I figured it was a slow point for your cult. But ... now, I'm thinking there's a different reason for that. Isn't there?"
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