
"Faster this is done, faster we can get out of here. Less chance your parents will come in." Jackson says. He would rather not run into her parents. He washes the last cup and rubs it with a towal.

"Fair enough." She smiled. "They'll be asking us tons of questions about us and so on. Still thank you for your help. Now, where shall we go? A ride in the woods? A walk?"

Jackson thinks on that. "Your choice, my lady." He smiles misciviosly and holds in a giggle. He makes the way to the door and holds it open for her.

"Ooh now I'm a lady then?" She giggled. "I want to ride horses my lord. And don't worry, I'm fine, I won't get hurt. I'll be extra careful." Edited at May 21, 2024 08:20 PM by BlackClaws

"Well, then I should get a move on. My mate is back at my place." Jackson says. He smiles and turns to go. "I'll be back is 15ish minutes." He turn and starts running back to his house.

"Perfect!" She grinned before she ran outside to the stables. She got over to her horse and started to saddle him before hoping on and waiting patiently for him to return.

I arive breathless and toss a saddle on my mare, Mora. I leap on her and wheel her around. Toughter, we race back. The wind flys and we rush trough the plains.

She grinned and sprinted over to catch up with him. She was just able to catch up to him and poked him. "Tag, you're it." She laughed.

"hey!" Jackson yells and sturs his hourse. He gallops after her and smiles. "No fair!" He runs next to her and reaches out. "Tag!"

"Hey!" She laughed, laughing with a snort before she went after him again. She carefully leaned over and tagged him again. "Gotcha!" She turned down a path to the forest and sprinted ahead to get away.