
Emelote then bids Ryan farewell, she wanted to go out by herself and just relax a bit. So indeed she did, heading back in the direction of the stall market, but instead she avoids it, heading to the main market instead. Much business was still going on, though news of the event from the stall market had spread and Emelote had to suppress a smirk. The Guild always loved leaving a mark, and Emelote's dark magic definitely left a hell of a mark. Emelote muses quietly to herself, would the Masks start searching for the one behind the magic? Emelote shrugs, everyone knew that elves held magic, and not many knew of her half blood status so if the Masks did anything they would probably try to blame the elves.

Joshua sighed as he wandered on his patrol. It got rather quiet and boring as the patrol continued on without incident; a lively morning followed by a boring rest of the day... not too bad in his eyes. As he continued to walk on, the insults and jeers continued from passing civilians, but he continued to not give them any attention, knowing that they wanted him to be incited to be yet another incident of the Masks overstepping their power, but he wasn't going to be another case for them to try to destroy the Masks. He was with the group for a reason; to uphold the king's law and to make sure that everyone in the town was safe, but he couldn't help but notice that the king was starting to implement more... 'strigent' laws and gave the guards more power to arrest people, and he didn't mind a part of it, but there were some things about it that concerned him slighty. Joshua's mind also floated on who caused the blindness... it was surely an Elf, but who specifically?

"I'll ask you this one. Move." Emelote growls, narrowing her eyes at the large Mask blocking her way. The Mask sneers,"Why should I?" Emelote bristles, she was just trying to have a relaxing stroll before she returned to the chaos of the Guild only for this large oaf to come and block her way. "Because, all I'm doing is taking a stroll and you're blocking my way. So move." The Mask scoffs,"Oh, come on, lighten up a bit." Emelote rolls her eyes as the Mask reaches for her. Now, normally her magic was temporary, after all the ones she normally targeted were innocents. However the moment the Mask touches her, he reels back in surprise,"What have you done!" Emelote hisses, glad that her hood had been on and hiding her face,"I warned you, did I not?" The Mask snaps,"This better be temporary like the other attacks."
Emelote shakes her head,"It wouldn't have any touched you had you moved out of the way like I had asked. Now scram!" The Mask bellows loudly in rage and charges Emelote, who ducks out of the way, allowing the large Mask to go barreling straight into a bunch of garbage cans knocking them over and just causing a loud ruckus. Emelote bristles, there could be other Masks around and she wasn't willing to pick a fight with more. So without another word, Emelote fades into the shadows using them to aid her escape. Leaving the Mask behind, laying in a bunch of garbage and permanently blind.

Joshua conitnued on his patrol until he looked up at the sun. Close enough I guess.... Without saying a word he slipped into a side street and began to skulk about. It was strange to use the Guild's tactics against them, but all's fair in war after all, and Joshua was hellbent on taking them down. He carefully climbed up a building and reached the rooftop before walking and looking down at the street below. It was strange to him how many people missed an obvious person standing on a roof sticking out like a sore thumb when he wasn't in their immediate field of view; he figured that the whole 'out of sight, out of mind' phrase did ring true in this moment. This also allowed him to see much more of what was going on from where he was, and so far nothing was happening... except for three Masks carrying a fourth back to the guardhouse. There wasn't blood anywhere, so Joshua must've figured that whoever was wielding the dark magic had struck once again, this time taking down the Mask by... he guessed either paralyzation or blindness... scratch that, he was squirming around, so maybe it was blindness after all. He started to walk where the Masks were coming from, hoping that there were some witnesses to the whole exchange.

Emelote slips through the shadows, back to the Guild. Half distracted as she gave the access code and slipped inside. "Rene, is something wrong?" Emelote looks up at the door guard as he shuts and locks the door,"Not really, just had an encounter with a Mask." The guard grimaces,"Ah, what was his punishment?" Emelote's voice was grim,"Permanent blindness." The guard frowns,"Are you not worried that they will figure out who you are?" Emelote raises an eyebrow,"Dark magic, well any magic is the elves realm. And not many are aware of a half blood elf-human around. As I'm sure many are aware of the laws against half bloods in elven culture, oh and human culture."
The guard nods, though he looked concerned as he watched Emelote head deeper inside the Guild. The young woman avoids the mess hall as she slips into her room, shutting and locking the door behind her. Emelote removes her cloak as she sighs, staring at herself in the mirror. Emelote shakes her head as she hangs up the cloak before going to sit down on the bed, staring at the wall. Permanent blindness, something that she did not often do. Maybe she needed a new trick.

Joshua continued to patrol from the rooftops, carefully taking looks down at the streets below as he moved. On rare occasion someone would pop out their head and bark at him for being on their roof, but one look at the mask would quiet them down and they'd leave him be, so he didn't really bother with anyone unless they went face-to-face with him on that issue. He hopped the short distance from one set of roofs to another before taking another look at a brand new street, and to his surprise something was going down after all. A shorter girl had stolen a bag from a more well off woman, and because the victim in question was... more rotund in frame and not used to running dead sprints comapared to the thief, she was not able to keep up, but she did call out for the Masks to arrest the criminal, and that was all that he needed to get into action, but he was going to wait. Instead of climbing down to the street and initiate a chase with the girl he stayed on the rooftops and tailed her as she made her escape. Two loitering Masks did start a footchase with her, but she lost them thanks to several turns weaving through the different buildings, but Joshua continued to tail her despite her best effort. She then made her way into a decrepid building and Joshua waited two minutes before making his move. He made his way to the ground before slowly walking up to the doorframe. Without any warning he kicked the door in and instantly made a beeline to the girl, who was caught relaxing on a chair. Joshua was made aware of this detail quickly as she swung the chair at his head but missed and gave him the chance to tackle her and arrest her, but not without a scrum beforehand. "I don't know why you thieves always think that punching Masks in the face is such a good idea." Joshua noted as he picked the girl up and pushed her out of the hideout. He took her to the main street and called for a second to accompany him to the jail so she could be processed, but the sight of a Mask having a girl in cuffs, not to mention that she was visibally roughed up as well, didn't really fly with the citizens. A few wandered to Joshua and berated him for how he was treating the criminal, but he ignored their calls and began walking to the cell with the second Mask as backup in case things went South.

"Emelote, are you not hungry tonight." The young woman lifts her gaze to see Ryan leaning in the doorframe and she sighs,"I thought the door was locked." Ryan shrugs,"You live in a Guild full of thieves, lock picking is a well known skill." Emelote yawns as she sits up,"No, not particularity." Ryan nods,"Is everything okay? Door guard reports that you were distracted when you came in." Emelote nods,"Yeah, just had an... interesting encounter with a Mask." Ryan raises an eyebrow, and Emelote explains,"He got to close for comfort and wouldn't leave me alone and so I had to permanently blind him." Ryan sighs, nodding,"Ah... Well, you did what you had to. Don't blame yourself for that."

Joshua fumbled with the keys as he locked the cell and made sure that the girl wasn't going anywhere after he escorted her to the city jail. He heard the lock click and he handed the keys back to the warden before starting a conversation with him. "Do you think she's with the Guild?" Joshua asked him. The warden stared at the girl as she lied in the cell in wait before sighing and shaking his head. "I can't be sure. More independant criminals have been emboldened by the Guild being able to run rampant and the Masks not being able to properly stop them." Joshua groaned and nodded; it was a rather unfortunate truth, but it was true. The king knew that the Guild was gaining more and more power the longer they went, but at the same time he knew that if the people supported their criminal endeavors, then they would no longer be mere thieves; they would be renegades and more would be willing to support and join them. "Did you figure out what happened at the market?" Now it was Joshua's turn to shake his head. "Not a clue. There were four kids that didn't seem to be affected by what was going on, but there was nothing that were were able to see to connect them to what was going on and we had to let them go. I can't help but feel like they weren't there... naturally, if that makes any sense." The warden nodded and he let Joshua go on his way, and he resumed his patrol immediately after climbing onto the nearest building.

-Next Morning- Emelote strolls through the market, her hood down. She wasn't in thief mode at all, she was just exploring and looking around. Trying to act like a normal citizen, which she was doing quite well. Emelote glances in a stall, admiring the jewelry laid before her. However none were pretty enough to actually catch her eye enough to make her want to steal it. Emelote flashes a brief smile at the stall owner before moving on, flowing with the crowd. Most of the people were with other people and Emelote stuck out because she was alone. Emelote shifts her shoulders adjusting the black cloak on her shoulders.
Emelote then is halted by a large man, a familiar large man. The man from the tavern, who she saved the boy from. "You!" Emelote stumbles backward, surprise in her eyes. "Me?" The man sneers,"You're the one from the tavern!" Emelote raises an eyebrow,"I wasn't in the tavern any time recently, I went past-" The man growls,"Don't lie to me half blood bastard." Emelote recoils, surprise in her eyes. It had been a while since she had heard that insult,"Half blood bastard?" The man sneers,"I know who you are, I was there when your mother was hung."
Emelote's eyes come alight with anger,"Bad choice of words." Emelote was furious and her magic flares like wildfire, it hit the man like a boulder. The man reels back, yelling,"My eyes! My eyes! Gah!" The man the starts reaching out trying to grab Emelote, still yelling,"You half blood bastard! Release your magic and fight like a human!" Emelote just barely manages to keep away from the man in the crowd who was simply making it harder for her to get out. In fact some were even reaching out trying to grab her and keep her from escaping. But Emelote's elfish blood help her agilely slip through the crowd.

Joshua was out in the streets the next morning, hearing that the girl he tracked down and arrested the day before was being charged, so that was a plus. However, he couldn't stand around and celebrate that small victory, as people depended on him and the other Masks for safety, even though a few of them didn't want the Masks there at all. He was strolling along the same streets once again, getting an odd look now and again but he drifted through without a care since nothing illegal or dangerous was going on. The patrol was so uneventful that he even stopped to momentarily help a shopkeeper lift something heavy onto a shelf. After more walking he found the marketplace, the perfect spot for thieves to boost items. With a groan he began his time in the market, finding that staying in a short area was ungodly boring unless a criminal made a move and something happened, but much to his luck something did happen. A crowd had gathered in an area, clear that they were watching something, and in addition to that, he heard someone shouting about their eyes. Dark magic is at work. Whoever blanketed the stall market yesterday must be here! With haste he moved to the group and was about to push his way through, but the perpertrator came to him. A girl was able to slip out of the group right in front of him, and he recognized her from yesterday. "You! Stop right there!" Joshua said with authority, stepping forward, preparing himself to grab her before she was able to get away.