
"Unless we've been here before," Finn prompted, having fallen silent for most of the brief conversation. He had been thinking over it after he had said something. "Or you were someone important... or time passes here far faster than it does on ... earth. Are we on earth? I feel like we should be," he shook his head lightly and sighed. "But yeah, sleep is probably the best thing we can do." He made his way to one of the beds with a loose sigh and a brief huff as he sank down onto the bedding, stifling a yawn. Oh this was... the worst. -- Xevon watched the beast stop in his tracks and a grin lifted upward before he mused. "Good grief, I knew you were a low-watt bulb but this is low even for you," Xevon pinched the bridge of his nose. "I have asked him. He doesn't remember much from before, no thanks to you. I know why I'm here. I was lured here as a tourist trap. I have all my memories, genius--" He ruffled his feathers. "Why should I care about what he was? What he was doesn't help me now. I couldn't care less about what he is or was. If I'm going to be here for eternity, I might as well help you instead of fighting a losing battle!" Xevon finally cried out, exasperated. "The past isn't going to help anyone!"
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Callisto let out a small sigh, turning away from the pair and pacing a little further away. They were talking crazy, it couldn’t be some strange time distortion. Surely not, things were strange enough without all that. He only looked back over towards them as they decided on the means of sleep to gain some knowledge and perhaps a sliver of rest. Lily was walking after Finn carefully placing her feet, remaining quiet as she thought. She hadn’t been here before, it was impossible if Callisto had never seen anyone escape. She should have died if that were the case, unless she was somehow older than Callisto. With a small groan, Lily sat down on her bed and rubbed her hands over her face. This was all too mind boggling for her to absorb. It felt like she had been trying to wrap her head around some new revelation every two minutes and it was beginning to make her head hurt. As she turned to scoot herself into the centre of the bed, still keeping her lips sealed, Callisto watched her warily. His eyebrows bunched up as she closed her eyes, clearly she wasn’t sleeping yet, her face was still twisted into confusion and exhaustion. Eventually, he turned back towards the rest of the room, deciding that he did not want to linger on the subject either. Slowly, he tilted his head up to look at the ceiling. He hoped that Xevon would return soon, he didn’t like him being up there for so long. That being said, there were no sounds of war waging above them so maybe everything was okay. The creature only widened its grin as Xevon went on, watching the growing aggravation manifest itself in raised voices and ruffled feathers. Poor thing, he had no idea. Now the part that intrigued him was the sudden rise in emotion now that the conversation had turned to the other ancient spectre. “You will care about what he was.” The creature said simply, beginning its advance again. “The past will not help anyone, you are correct. His memories will certainly not help you, but if you are so wound up over it..” The creature flicked out his hand, within it a small misty white orb. “I shall return a drop of his past to him.” With that, the god snapped closed its fist and the orb immediately dissipated, a smokey trail lingering in its hand. In conjunction with the orbs flattening, Callisto bowed over at the waist with a quiet strangled noise as his head felt like it was being squeezed with a vice.
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Finn tucked his hands under his chin as he tried to doze off. His heart skipped a few beats in his chest, uncertain what to do or even think. His mind was whirling with thoughts, trying to figure out why on earth Lily would recognize Callisto. That didn't make any sense at all. He shook his head lightly and let out a low breath, almost a sigh but not audible enough. "... I'm not the one wound up over his memories," Xevon stated dryly. "I'm wound up because apparently this whole thing is run by some freak whose IQ is lower than mine. That's saying something. I'm saying that I'm trying to join your side--to help you, you big idiot. Obviously not anymore because you're far too daft--good grief, how on earth did you kill me?" He pushed one hand through his misty hair and shook his head. "Consider yourself solo, man. Because at least Callisto is smarter than you. Holy cow it's like talking to a brick wall," he stated dryly and shook his head, drifting through the floor with his emotions simmering. The urge to just try and knock it out was hard to resist. But... but why not? Xevon balled his fists and launched back upwards, aiming to land a solid hit. Just one. So maybe Callisto wasn't wrong... In the meantime, Finn startled awake as Callisto let out a sharp noise. "What--what the ... are you good?"
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Callisto lifted a hand up to the base of his neck, heaving ever so slightly. It was a sudden piercing type of pain that had rocketed up the vertebrae of his neck and rattled around his skull. He heard Finn startle and speak, his free hand flicking out palm first towards him. There was something at the edge of his mind, scrambling its way through a hair thin crack in his memories and good gods it hurt. The god merely stood there, hand lowering back into its heaving mass. All remains of the orb gone. This little winged man was amusing. As amusing as he was irritating. His little ploy wasn’t exactly well thought through. He expected him to believe he would leave that lion-man and help kill others after the fight he had put up. Ridiculous. Watching quietly as he began to descend back down into the floorboards. Then as Xevon flung himself back up, the god didn’t move. Instead taking the shot to the lower jaw with a low growl. It cracked against the bone and sent his head backwards, unsteady on his feet. He took a second to correct his stance before he turned his burning eyes back to Xevon with a low snarl, beginning to arch his own attack back. Callisto let out another gasp as his head was bombarded. It felt like his mind was being assaulted, visions forcing their way into his headspace uninvited and Callisto was wholly unprepared. The wound on his side ached, the half bent position causing some more black liquid to begin to drip out of his torso. Yet that all was distant as before him he could see a candle-lit room. Warmth permeating the air around him, his arms were extended out before himself, long sleeves covering them. His palms were turned outwards, there was no one else in the room. He barely had time to process what was happening when a sudden burst of flame, dark and foul smelling erupted in front of him. Then he heard himself laugh, a loud and manic sound. A rattling cough took over Callisto as his eyes began to focus back on the floorboards of the hotel room. His hands went to his chest and mouth, trying to dislodge whatever was in his airways. His shoulders hunched and his ribs rattled as he tried again. With a particularly disgusting retch, he coughed up a small amount of black matter that fell to the ground before slowly fading out of existence.
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Callisto lifted a hand up to the base of his neck, heaving ever so slightly. It was a sudden piercing type of pain that had rocketed up the vertebrae of his neck and rattled around his skull. He heard Finn startle and speak, his free hand flicking out palm first towards him. There was something at the edge of his mind, scrambling its way through a hair thin crack in his memories and good gods it hurt. The god merely stood there, hand lowering back into its heaving mass. All remains of the orb gone. This little winged man was amusing. As amusing as he was irritating. His little ploy wasn’t exactly well thought through. He expected him to believe he would leave that lion-man and help kill others after the fight he had put up. Ridiculous. Watching quietly as he began to descend back down into the floorboards. Then as Xevon flung himself back up, the god didn’t move. Instead taking the shot to the lower jaw with a low growl. It cracked against the bone and sent his head backwards, unsteady on his feet. He took a second to correct his stance before he turned his burning eyes back to Xevon with a low snarl, beginning to arch his own attack back. Callisto let out another gasp as his head was bombarded. It felt like his mind was being assaulted, visions forcing their way into his headspace uninvited and Callisto was wholly unprepared. The wound on his side ached, the half bent position causing some more black liquid to begin to drip out of his torso. Yet that all was distant as before him he could see a candle-lit room. Warmth permeating the air around him, his arms were extended out before himself, long sleeves covering them. His palms were turned outwards, there was no one else in the room. He barely had time to process what was happening when a sudden burst of flame, dark and foul smelling erupted in front of him. Then he heard himself laugh, a loud and manic sound. A rattling cough took over Callisto as his eyes began to focus back on the floorboards of the hotel room. His hands went to his chest and mouth, trying to dislodge whatever was in his airways. His shoulders hunched and his ribs rattled as he tried again. With a particularly disgusting retch, he coughed up a small amount of black matter that fell to the ground before slowly fading out of existence.
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Finn watched the ghost with concern. This whole thing looked absolutely awful. The way he heaved, the way he lurched forward, holding his head like it was an explosive. His feathers rattled, slowly moving from his bed to Lily's, acting like a meat shield should ... the ghost actually explode. He had his doubts but at the same time, he doubted his doubts. One hand held the dagger up and pointed toward the ghost as he shuddered and gasped out. Xevon gave the beast a sharp laugh, flashed him a quick #1 sign and drifted down into the floorboards again. He could attack all he wanted but now he was riled up. He would be fishing for a fight again which was... not unusual. But this time, he could test his theory on whether or not the lantern did anything. If he was busy prowling... he could toy with that stupid thing. He lowered into the room and paused. "Callist--oohhh oh that--holy catfish--" Xevon's sharp cry of surprise came just mere seconds after he retched up the black matter. "Good glory, how..." he rushed forward to take hold of his shoulders, holding tightly to him. "Callisto, stay with me." Finn's nose crinkled up before he felt his own stomach lurch. This was not his strong point and his stomach swirled and twisted in his torso. It threatened to come back up and he was desperate to not let it.
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[I realise I totally forgot Lily in that last post, study brain is not braining...and that I double posted </3] Lily leaned up from where she had just managed to settle onto the covers, hearing the unsettling gurgling coming from across the room. Peeking her head up, she could see that it was not Finn, much to her relief, but Callisto. He stood away by the door and was bent over, struggling to breathe. Though she supposed as a ghost you didn’t need to breathe, but it certainly looked painful. She slipped her legs off the edge of the bed, unsure as to what was happening. Finn had reached for a dagger. Clearly he was also concerned about what was happening. Her muscles were taut under her skin as she placed her feet on the floor, preparing to leap forward if this god creature had somehow possessed her guide. Then Xevon jolted through the ceiling and it took him mere second to be at Callisto’s side, gripping him and holding him steady. A flicker of relief came over her, Lily’s shoulders relaxed and she leaned back to look over at Finntello. “What is going on?” Meanwhile Callisto was trying to right himself, attempting to unflex his torso and straighten his spine but it wasn’t happening. Only more liquid dripped from his almost healed wound as his muscles were drawn tight, forcing the fluid out. His heart fluttered with comfort as he felt Xevon’s hands land firmly on his shoulders. With great effort, Callisto lifted his head to look over to Xevon and forced a smile. The smile was crooked and twitching with effort. He wasn’t dying again, it was just extremely uncomfortable. But now his airways were clear, whatever that black thing was had been coughed up and now he wasn’t so distressed. However, he looked impossibly paler. His mind was still a swarm, the pain dulling ever so slowly but the vision he had seen. Was it a memory? Or was it the god toying with his mind again. What had Xevon done up there? One hand departed from his chest and reached over towards Xevon, finger curling around his forearm to steady himself. The other remained by his own jaw in preparation, just in case another coughing fit took him over. As far as he could tell, he was finished but he had no idea what was going on. His chest was wheezing with each breath, but with each passing second it was returning to normal. Edited at November 5, 2024 08:35 PM by Urux
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((Ahh, no worries at all XD)) Ghosts didn't need to breathe and yet there he was struggling to even drag in a breath at all. Which was uncanny--especially with the noise that it made. That was the worst noise he had heard at that current moment. Or at least that he remembered. His rusty gaze flicked toward Lily as she prompted to ask him a question. His eyebrows raised, as did his shoulders. "Bruh--I don't even know. I was trying to get some sleep and the next thing I know, he's hacking up... whatever that stuff is... and looking not so hot." Xevon shook his head lightly, cupping his cheek. "Callisto," his voice held a steady stream of pain that wavered his tone. "I'm so sorry," he whispered quietly. It had, in theory, been his fault. Had he known that the god was partially deaf, he would've fixed his words but the time for that was past. "Just steady and relax," his hands didn't leave the other's shoulders. There was a concentrated gaze in his blood red eyes, focusing on him. "It's... that god has your memories," he whispered softly, "he knows something about you and your past. Obviously. He can't hold it over my head because I don't care." "Wait--" Finn lowered his knife slightly, his wings lowering as well. "He has our memories? That thing has our memories?"
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Lily scrunched her nose up, flicking her head back around to look at the two ghosts. Callisto seemed to be bringing himself back under control but whatever had just happened to him was clearly very very bad and very unexpected. Callisto let a jaggared breath out between his lips, head half falling half tilting into Xevon’s hand. Causing that side of his face to squish up against his palm, now trying to give a reassuring smile into his hand rather than to his face. Only when he gathered the words I’m sorry from his friend did his smile waiver and almost fall, why was he sorry? He hadn’t done anything. His eyes moved up to catch his as they bore down into him. The poor man barely had time to think on the idea that what he just gained was a memory and that the god was in possession of them. Lily tipped her head, lifting herself up from the bed to gesture towards the pair, looking over her shoulder towards Finn. “If it had our memories, surely we would be hacking up whatever that is every time we regained one. No?” She twisted back around to look at the pair, the were very close and lingering. “I think this is something different.” Lily murmured under her breath, moreso to herself than to the man behind her. This had to do with why she remembered him, why was he special enough to have memories deliberately withheld? Callisto drew in a sharp lungful of air, letting it fill his chest before purposely releasing it out again slowly. “Well, I hope he does not gift me with anymore. That was horrendous.” His voice was a little raspy and it was obvious that speaking was a strain. Callisto felt his own voice was bouncing off of the walls in his brain, causing bruises all over it. “He can cause me as much pain as he likes. As long as you are not hurt.” This piece was spoke far quieter, but he knew Lily would hear it. Frankly, at this moment in time, Callisto could not care less what that woman thought. The hand that was secured to Xevon’s forearm tightened ever so slightly.
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Xevon shook his head lightly, lowering his head afterwards to rest against Callisto's forehead for a brief moment. It was entirely his fault. Not that he had known what the god was going to do or, at this point, what it would do to Callisto. He hadn't had any idea at all and seeing him wracked with torment and pain was agonizing. It was far more agonizing knowing that he could do absolutely nothing to stop or calm the pain. He could just provide his presence and that was it. Agonizing. "I can not promise," he whispered softly, "but it tears me apart to see you in pain, Callisto. I would rather take the pain--where I know what it is like, what it does... than to see you suffer and struggle like this," his hand tightened on Callisto's shoulder as well before finally looking back toward Lily. "It was different. He hinted to Callisto's past--also, apparently he think he's all that and a box of rocks," Xevon commented dryly, "I'm much more good looking--even as a skeleton--than he is. But I digress." Finn put one hand to his face, shook his head briefly and flopped onto the bed again with a groaning yawn. "Whatever, I'm tired... and I think I should sleep." Xevon tipped his head lightly. "It is probably best to rest for now."
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