
( hi i was on break i'm back!) " god... everything hurts... but i'll be fine... let's keep going..." Ice said tiredly, standing on shaky legs

(I got lucky to come here today, I will fully be back on this upcoming monday) Fighter sighs then gets a bright idea and runs off without saying anything...(3 hours later) Fighters trots back with his head up proudly and...he had a leadrope in his mouth...he was leading and old gray female donkey (the donkey was 25 years old out of 40), "I called this donkey...Helen" Fighter says as the donkey replies, "I heard you needed help..." Then Fighter looks at Ice excpecting her to get on the donkeys back.

" Fine... but... i'm fine... It's ok... use it for the pups i can walk" She said before sitting

Fighter just sighs and rolls his eyes then just picks up Ice and throws her on the donkey and starts leading the donkey with the pups following and Stone on the donkeys head.

eventualy ice falls asleep, her ribs showing through her fur. when she woke up it was to luna pulling on her tail. " Luna... i know you're bored but go play with helen..." Ice didn't have the strength to lift her head. so she closed her eyes again pretending to be asleep.

FIghter kept leading Helen, when she heard Ice say her name she put her ears sideways trying to listen. Then Night went to play with her sister Luna. While Tommy and Princess and Sunshine run around sniffing everything but Fighter would call them back when they went tok far.

a few days later, ice woke up and realized how weak she was " How long have i been out?" she rasped, it was all she could do to roll her eyes to look at her mate

Fighter says, "We have been walking without rest and water and food for 3 staright days, even the pups are on the donkey by now" then Fighter pointed to the pups on and next to Ice on Helen their trusty donkey. Then Fighter picks up his pace to a trot.

" how much farther do we go? we've gotta be getting close right?" she asked

"The thing is we don't know where we will stop to live" Fighter says while he keeps trotting and leading Helen to trot too. Stone then just woke up on Ice's head and yawned.