
"It is not your worst feature." Jackson pouts. He smiles and says "I could get lost in them. Sometimes I am worried I will not escape."

"You are incredibly sweet to even say that. And the scar? It doesn't bother you?" She asked, instinctively trying to cover it up.

"Why are you asking me this? A scar makes you look tough." Jackson runs his shoulder into Sophia.

"I just got used to covering it up. Others and my parents said that it's an imperfect and damages any chance that people will want to see me more often." She sighed.

"Parents are, how do I put this nicely, (insert derogatory, yet 100% clean word.)" Jackson observes. "A scar shows your feisty, if you can think of a decent story." He laughs.

"Even if this is from me being clumsy?" She chuckled. "There's no real cool story behind it."

"Oh come on. You have to say something like 'I was malled by a bear' or 'I ramed into a tree while saving my mom'. Not 'I was clumsy.'" Jackso huffed. "From the top. How did you get that scar?"

"I was a little kid and well I used to help my dad around the stables. Safe to say I wasn't paying attention to the horses while I was fixing the fence and I got kicked into it. The sharp pieces of the fence cut into me." She said.

"You are obviasly not good at making things up. I could tell you a have a scar on my back from a mt. lion." Jackson says. He smiles. "It was an infectied chicken scrach." He whispers.

"Ouch, sounds like a vicious chicken." She laughed. "Well still you can use your height to appear tougher. As you see, I am small." She chuckled with a little twirl.