Judy said "I do know somewhere we can go." She walk into the forest and went to a place that had a lake by it. Judy look at him and said "This is the place. I am not sure if you like it or not." She was calm as she was hoping that he liked the place that she had chosen. Judy thought *I wonder what our future would be like together.* She was feeling relax as she was waiting to see what he was going to say. She was feeling safe around him which made her happy.
Michael looked around at the lake, reflecting the moonlight on the surface of the water before looking around and taking in the scenery. "It's a really pretty spot Judy. I like it." Michael casually walked around before walking back to Judy. He smiled before sighing and sitting down against a tree. "This is really nice: just you and me, away from everything else that is going on and just being able to spend tume together." Michael looked at the ripples on the water, enjoying the silence.
Judy listened to him and said "I am glad that we are going to be spending time together." She enjoyed being in the forest as it made her feel at home. She knew that she could live among the humans but she was unsure of how well that would work out since she would have to be in the forest before the sunset as she did not need everyone in the town to know about werewolves. Judy also knew that someone would have to lead the pack and she was the only werewolf in her pack that could lead as she had more training than Alexandra. Judy look up at the moon.
Michael casually looked at Judy before looking up at the moon with her. I wonder how the moon is able to give us our power. It's almost like our werewolf forms are connected to the moon somehow. He looked back at Judy and began talking. "So Judy, has anyone ever explained how, or where, our werewolf forms come from? I'm also curious about our werewolf forms in relation to the moon; when I transformed, I had this overwhelming feeling wash over me, almost as if the full moon was calling for something inside of me to come out." He looked back up at the moon, still wondering about his new form and how it works.
Judy said "well since we are like wolves expect we are shifters. The moon calls the werewolves out since we are connected to the moon. They believe that it is because our werewolf sides can come out during a full moon. That is what I was told." She look at him before looking up at the moon. Judy said "the moon is also like a star for werewolves. When they are lost all they have to do is look up at the moon and howl as they follow the moon." She was remembering what she was told from when she first shifted into her werewolf form.
Michael played with his claws before looking back at Judy. "Huh... never thought of it like that before..." He looked up at the moon and realized that what Judy said did make a lot of sense: when he transformed, he could feel like the moon was giving him some kind of new power, so perhaps the moon was a star for werewolves. Michael sighed, scratching his head as the dilemma he faced before creeped back into his mind. "Oh Judy, what am I going to do? I have too many tethers to human society for me to just up and leave them, but at the same time I can't let anyone outside of the pack know about this side of me. I want to move here and live with the pack; everyone has been so welcoming for me, but with the murders going on and Humphrey running amok, I fear that the police are going to investigate the woods only to find the pack and potentially kill everyone here." He rested his head on his knees, noting the soft fur on his legs as he rested.
Judy listened to him as she was unsure of what to say. She said "Michael, Do you what you want to do. We can handle Humphrey but if the cops do come to the woods. They might do it during the day as we normally try to grow herbs and well we don't have any weapons to protect ourselves unless it was dark and a full moon." She look at him as she gave him a hug as she wanted to make sure that he was ok. Judy said "We will help the cops with the proof that Humphrey is the real killer." She look at him as she hoping that they could get proof that Humphrey was the real killer.
Michael returned the hug before smiling at her. "Thanks for the words of encouragement. I think I needed that." He sighed before realizing that he had run out of things to say. "So... if you're free, maybe you and I can have another date on Saturday? I don't work weekends so hopefully I can stop by and visit the pack during the day and see if I'm missing anything." He looked at the lake one more time before realizing he still had the blood from the deer staining his fur pelt. "Give me a minute; I just need to clean myself up a bit." Michael walked over and kneeled at the water's edge to clean his fur from the blood of the deer.
Judy said "I am free. We can have another date on Saturday. It would be fun. I am sure that the pack will be happy if you visit them again. " She smiled as she was thankful that they were on a date together. Judy was calm as she was looking at him and she had a feeling that they both would have a dream happen. Judy was unsure if she would be able to handle the pack if they did have kids. Judy knew that the pack would try to help her but she was unsure about something.
After he finished wiping away the blood from his pelt, using the water as a makeshift mirror, he wondered what he should do to get rid of the water that was now on his pelt. I'm guessing there aren't any towels around to dry myself off. He took a few more moments to think about how to solve the problem before realizing something: what do dogs do when they're wet? They shake off the water. It wasn't completely effective, but he couldn't find another option, so he took a minute to shake off the water that was still dripping off his face before turning to Judy, who was lost in thought about something. "Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, walking back towards her.