
"Someday. I will get you a chocolate key." Jackson says, smiling. "It will unlock your heart."

"Very ambitious of you." She said,slightly leaning towards him. "I've kept it locked up for a while now."

"But have never met me before." Jackson says. He smiles. He leans in slightly too.

"Fair enough, but you're only meeting me now. I don't scare you?" She asked.

"No, not really. This is going to sound sappy, but I feel safer around you." Jackson says. "Your not scared of me?"

"No, you make me feel safe too. I look up at you and just see kindness, nothing to scare me." She said softly.

Is this the right time to kiss her? Jackson thinks. Not yet, but soon. "I feel that way too. Like together, we are invincible." He says. You can NOT flirt Jackson' his thoughts say.

She smiled and said, "The world feels like it'll be constantly against us then?" She chuckled. "I hate to drag you into any more trouble."

"If there is trouble, I would want to face it next to you." Jackson says. "I am the one draging you in to trouble."

"I know a few people who would disagree." She laughed. "But still, it feels...better to face trouble with someone rather then be dealing with it alone."