I howled with her as I felt happy as I knew that I would do everything that she wanted to do. I felt relax as I was not sure what was going to happen next.
I smiled at him as I heard his beautiful hell I leaned into him while we kept howling I felt so happy and relaxed
I kept howling as I knew that I was willing to do anything with her. I was hoping that nothing would happen as I was enjoying the peaceful quiet with just us and our pups.
I stopped howling and then I turned to Bruce and I asked is there anything else that you want to do tonight or do you want to go to bed she looked at Bruce waiting for his response hoping that he would want to do something else
I stop howling and I look at her. I said I want to do something else. I want to spend time with you. I was hoping that she would be able with my response as I did want to spend time with her since I hardly got to. I look at her.
Okay do you have anything in mind cuz if not I have some good ideas and yeah I know I've been very busy I'm sorry I should spend more time with you I have noticed that you are getting pretty lonely I put my nose on his nose and wait for his response
I said I don't have anything in mind, it's okay. I understand that the pups need you more than me. I look at her as I was hiding my sadness as this was the only time that I got to spend time with her. I knew that I did not want the night to end.
Okay then how about we run through the field with all of the beautiful fireflies and then we go swim together how do you feel about that she looked at Bruce waiting for his response hoping that he would like that
I said that sounds like fun, I will love to fo that. I smiled softly as I was ready to do what she had said. I wanted to run though the field and go swim. I look at her as I was ready to go. I felt happy to be spending time with her again and I knew that I did not care what the packs would say when we did return back to them.
I started running and I ran through field and then all of the fireflies start flying up I stared every single one then stopped in the field and I brushed my tail on the grass and a whole bunch more flew by I had a giant smile and I looked over at Bruce to see his reaction