Ekon nodded, "that is perfectly fine Princess Anasuri." Dakota looked around, wondering if Dava was out and about as well or if she was still in her jewelry. Ekon was actually worried about Anasuri, though he did not show it. She was his kill, though he didn't actually want to kill her. Ekon didn't enjoy killing anyone, especially people who had a whole life ahead of them. But Ekon couldn't resist his superiors unless he too wanted to be killed, plus, he wanted to bring her back, and that was really the only incentive he needed.
While they were walking to the stables, Dava met up with them, coming from the bamboo garden. The panda bear rubbed her head against Anasuri, drawing out a small laugh from the girl, "Hey honey... We are going to the woods, okay? So you'll have to go away in a bit..." The panda huffed, and fell back to walk beside Dakota, "Hello!"
Dakota immediately seemed to relax a little. He did not like this new place, it was filled with crackling tension from his own companion. But Dava made it bearable, if he had to go through this with another companion he may have already told Ekon that they needed to leave. "Hello Dava, are you ready for the next deadly adventure?" Dakota was obviously being sarcastic, although the bear may have seemed serious, his sense of humor never failed him.
Dava's head swung as she walked. Even though she was a large animal, it was not nearly to the same extent that Dakota was. The giant bear dwarfed the panda. Dava was good with that, though, as she was no longer the only odd one among the small little birds and animals that most of the palace had. "Definitely. My bones are aching for an adventure. It has been a long time since Anasuri felt bold enough to leave two days in a row."
Dakota huffed, as close to a laugh a bear could truly get. "I see, well I'll make sure to keep you as safe as possible for the entirety of our adventure. Although I'm sure you can take care of yourself as well, but it is my job." He did his little old man bear grin even though he was still quite young. He was much like Ekon.
"Pooh. I'm about as scary as a squirrel, with an even smaller desire to fight. You know 'Dava' means to heal? That is my nature, not fighting. It is good to have someone watching your back. Thank you, Dakota." There was something about Dava that was so old and timeless. Perhaps it was her way of talking, or the aura of a quiet power that radiated off of her.
Dakota huffed again, Dava seemed to make him laugh a lot Ekon noticed. "If that is the case then I'll gladly defend you whenever the time arises, though I do hope it wouldn't. It does seem like our companions had found themselves in a bit of trouble again." Dakota was obviously talking about the almost assassination that had occurred only a day prior.
Dava became serious with Dakota'a words, "Yes. Although I was not out, I could sense the panic, and Anasuri told me about it... How odd that they would attack... It must have been relatively impulsive, I guess? Not many people knew of Anasuri going to the town..." Either the would-be assassins impulsively decided to attack, or someone informed them of Anasuri being in town. The only people who knew that though were the lords she was meeting with, the royal family and some of the staff.
Dakota nodded and released the words he'd been wanting to say but hadn't wanted to scare anyone. "I believe that there is a spy on the grounds, though I may be wrong of course. It is just completely odd that the men had known Anasuri would be in that exact spot at that exact time. I don't know, it just all sounds a bit suspicious to me." Dakota shuttered a little, not in fear but in a soft anxiety that was running up and down his spine. Though the anxiousness was not his own. Dakota looked up at his companion. There was something that Ekon was hiding.
Dava nodded, "It is sad to suspect people in our own home, but that is what I have been fearing as well. I do not believe it would be the stable boys, as the stablemaster has been a close family friend, and the boys who prepare the royal horses are his sons." Dava thought of who else may know, "I would not put it past the actual members of the family. And only one maid knew, unless she reported to the head maid." Dava noticed Dakota looking at Ekon, and wondered for a brief moment if they were the spies. She decided against the idea, at least for this attack. There was still a possibility that they intended harm, but Dava did not want to think it... at least for Dakota, who genuinely seemed to be kind.