
Emelote could tell that she had caught the Mask off guard. Emelote eyes him warily, would the Mask attempt to attack her and subdue her? Even off duty? Finally the Mask strides forward slowly, ignoring Emelote. But despite that, she still moves with him, never letting him out of her sight and keeping a decent distance away. A frown stays on her face as she keeps a eye on the Mask. Watching as he sits down at a fence post and leans against it, pulling out a piece of paper before scribbling on it. Emelote hesitates, she could leave now. But she was intrigued. She liked playing cat and mouse. Maybe she could taunt the Mask some more... But she wouldn't be the first one to say anything, no, she preferred to stay decently quiet and she wasn't great with starting conversations.

Joshua wasn't sure what to do at this point. He thought that she would simply walk on and ignore him, but yet she stayed by him. Great... Now what do I do? He scratched his chin to silently think for a moment before looking up at her. "Do... You need something from me?". He asked, pausing his writing for a moment. He was trying to remake the sunset that he saw just a bit earlier, but that wasn't the main point. Does she know who I am? If she doesn't, maybe I can try to trick her into something advantageous.

Emelote frowns at the Mask as he speaks. Should she challenge him? Tell him that she knew who and what he was? What would that achieve? Emelote just stares, before replying. "What's a Mask doing so far away from his master?" The master part was obvious that she was speaking of the King. The Guild had always thought the Masks were simple guard dogs for the king, and that the king was too scared to come out of his castle to take care of his citizens. But since none of the Guild bothered with attacking or bothering the king, they just insulted the Masks themselves. Calling them all sorts of names and taunting them.

Joshua was stunned silent by her response. How did she know that he was within the Masks? Was it his voice? So maybe it was a bad idea to try to play dumb and act like he didn't know her from before, but what would he do now? He technically didn't have the power to arrest her, and even if he brought her in (which was legal since there were wanted posters of her plastered around the city), she could still use her magic to get away from him, potentially permanently blinding him, which would definitely ruin his life in more than a few aspects. He simply bit his lower lip before getting up and putting away his paper, still fighting on the inside about whether or not he could still play dumb, but in the end he knew the jig was up. "Well... What's a thief doing out here in the open?" He countered, staying firm, but on the inside he was panicking for what to do next. "I thought a thief's best friend was the shadows." He didn't pay any mind to the master bit, mostly because he was used to being called a dog for the King to command.

Emelote could tell she caught the Mask even more off guard by knowing he was a Mask. And she had to hide the satisfaction of it. He speaks and Emelote smirks,"Perhaps so. But, right now everything is in the shadows." She had a gleam in her eyes, and she could almost compare this interaction with a cat playing with a mouse before it pounced. Her being the cat... And well, the Mask being the mouse. "Besides, it's a long way from Cille." Not actually a long way, but exaggeration never hurt anything. "Masks don't usually patrol this far." A hint of bitterness enters her voice, that was another reason she hated the Masks. They only cared about the main part of Cille.

Joshua was quiet when he heard Emelote say that Masks never traveled far, which was a problem that he himself had brought up to the captain as soon as he got a proper look at how and where the Masks operated, but the money was in the main parts of town and the shadier parts were almost abandoned out of a feeling of there being no chance of salvaging the place and the people. "We may be on opposite sides of the law, but that is something I agree with as well." He rubbed his face and sighed. This was not a good situation and he was considerably disadvantaged. There needed to be a way for him to flip the conversation on her, but what? "I must admit... I never expected to have this conversation with you, but since I cant catch you on my own thanks to all of the magic that you know, could you humor me with an answer to a simple question: why did you become a thief?"

Emelote raises an eyebrow at the Mask's agreeing, however she simply frowns. Then the Mask drops a question, one that quite honestly surprises her. Emelote hesitates, before answering. Her eyes narrowed,"My mother used to teach me that Cille was the best place in the world. That I would love Cille... and I did.. Even though my mother and I spent our lives on the run. And then my mother was burned for her so called crimes of having a half blood child with an elf. And then I lost my faith in Cille. When Ryan found me it wasn't hard to convince me that you couldn't trust Cille. And so I became a thief." Emelote's eyes flash gold.

Joshua didn't react when he heard that Emelote's mother was burned for having a half blood child. "I have heard rumors that having a half blood child would be punishable by death, but I never imagined that they would be burned alive." There was a hint of compassion in his voice; he was showing a hint of earnest pity, but he couldn't fully show compassion. She was still a thief and he was still a Mask, after all. Now... He didn't know what to do. He was still wrestling the idea of trying to take her.

Emelote shrugs,"That's just Cille for you." At the compassion in the Mask's voice, Emelote bristles slightly. She was not a small child anymore, begging for her mom. She was now a magic capable thief. Her mom's death had been hard, but she was over it. Emelote narrows her eyes at the Mask, half tempted to say something else. Maybe come up with another insult for him. But she didn't feel like it. But she wasn't going to be the first to leave, that would ask to be ambushed from behind. And she wasn't one hundred complete sure that she had enough energy back to slip into the shadows and slip away from the Mask yet again.

Joshua stared at Emelote as she continued to stand there. He wasn't sure what to even say anymore, but he also wasn't sure what to do now. She hasn't left yet, but yet she also didn't try any of her magic yet to make a getaway... but why? Was she too tired to use her magic? Or maybe it was something where she wanted to toy with him and continue taunting him with the fact that she could get away whenever she wanted and he couldn't do a thing about it. "Why do you continue resisting the Masks? They took down the Guild and they make sure that the streets... well, whatever streets they deem necessary... are safe. If we weren't here then chaos would be the rule of the day." He couldn't hide the irritation in his voice when he talked about the streets that the Masks patrolled.