Wolf Play : Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]
05:21:28 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
I didn't max him but I'm close to maxing him in social
Boo, personally I would if he were mine.
05:13:36 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
-WP Click-

should I buy bronze figurines to get more cp so he can be maxed in social?
Has anyone managed to speak to the sheepdog?
Whenever I click talk the adventure block just goes blank.
Cypress, I'd never give up my dog, not ever he's my world.
04:58:13 01
id choose to move out with all my things id be to depressed without my dog but honestly I dont know your situation so it is just my opinion
 Cypress Road
04:55:02 Cy, love
If yall had to decide between moving out and getting to keep all your stuff including your dog but getting no help from your family and moving back into your parents house but having to get rid of just about everything including your dog, what would you choose?
04:34:14 Ash H:H!!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-

What should I name these 2 boys-
04:30:20 Will
New dye new dye yeahhhh
 LaPearl Park
04:14:47 Mystery Machine
Hi is it worth keeping enchanted water or not?
04:14:22 The Minor Nuisance
Welp, It's 9 pm and I'm going to bed.

G'night, Y'all!
 Pink Tears
04:09:12 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
i dont know-

part of me wants to do a river but i think thats a little dark considering le lore
04:07:38 The Minor Nuisance
...is octopus something to make it on?
04:07:16 The Minor Nuisance
Oh, cool, an OC!



...Nup. My brain isn't braining. All I can think of right now is octopus. I don't know why. Just is.
 Pink Tears
04:04:05 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

maybe? im trying to get ideas and also think of possible oc refreces since im basically making a phone wallpaper of my oc where the center is his eye

literally the only thing ive thought of on my own is his dog but i dont wanna draw a dog lol
03:59:52 The Minor Nuisance

A storm/cyclone, perhaps?

might fit the colours better.

But I'm no artist (profile pic is proof), so my suggestions probably aren't that good.
 Pink Tears
03:56:44 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

hm- i think it would look a little off since the eye is a clouded (blind) albino eye
 Ghost Queen
03:56:43 Ghost, Queen, Hades
Hmm I need 700 bones to get everything I want Xad
03:54:24 The Minor Nuisance

A forest, perhaps?

Or a tree or some tree bark
 Pink Tears
03:51:02 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
can someone give me some background ideas for my drawing of an eye?


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Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]July 13, 2021 05:21 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10672
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Everyone is used to heat, it's not something that surprises them when it comes around every year, it's something that, as uncomfortable as it is, is familiar. The horses know what it means: water will be scarce, and food will diminish. But it was never a promise of death.

Til Now.

A heat wave has cloaked the valley, simmering along it's surface so that water vaporizes, and all edible plant life wilts to dust. At first, it seemed like any other dry season with hot temperatures, long days, and little sustenance. But then the water began to disappear, even water sources that had been reliable in the previous years. Food followed shortly after, even the hardiest of plants and trees would fall, taking with them the whisper of hope. Then the horses began to drop like flies as well, whether it was from hunger, disease, or heat, it seemed no one was safe from the wrath of the sun.

Instinct for the Valley horses was to take cover and try to wait it out, that things would eventually get better. But then, they had never been so bad before. The Lead Stallion of the Herd knew that there was little left for them in the Valley, but change is terrifying for anyone. The worst thing happened though, when the Lead Mare, ill from heat exhaustion, was lost, unable to keep fighting any longer.

With a void in the herd, the Lead Stallion lead what was left of his raggedy herd, and departed from the valley in hopes of finding some place new to call home. It's a long, dry road ahead of them, but the thrill of the unknown and the hope of something better lingers on the air. Unfortunately, this hope, this promise, of something new and better isn't without it's perils. Other stallions still desire herds of their own, and mares might be more keen to leave given the cirumstances, willing to try their odds with someone else. Starving predators lurk in every crevice, awaiting for anyone to slip up enough for them to capitalize.

Where will you stand?


My Co-Leads are Tenebris Umbra and Polly if they wish it. Please show them respect just like you would me. Thank you!


For my Activity, I work 4 Days a week, 10+ hours, so I'm not commonly on those days. Which means I do depend upon those who join to help keep the Rp active. Do not join, especially for a high rank, just to never be active.

Edited at July 13, 2021 05:33 PM by Imperial Sands
Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]July 13, 2021 05:22 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10672
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Roleplay Rules
Follow all WP and Eve's Rules.
1. Be Active. Seriously, do not join just to never be active. Also, do not claim a high rank if you aren't going to be active.
2. This is a Semi-Literate to Literate Rp, this needs to be shown in Rp forms And Posts.
3. Maxium Four Characters per Person. This will likely change with time.
4. Please keep genetics in mind when creating offspring. If you need a tool to help you, I can give you one.
5. Not all Horses (Stallions) can be gigantic. If I see too many being 17+ hh, I'll restrict it. There is nothing wrong with a short boi.
6. Orphaned foals ARE allowed in this Rp. HOWEVER, you must find someone to take care of your foal prior to being accepted.
8. Please Ask me before your mare has twin foals. Twins, especially healthy twins are rare, and likely someone isn't coming out unscathed, whether it be mare or foals.
9. If you've read everything so far, put the missing number in your form. Please hide it.
10. Mares can leave the herd, but they must do it without the Lead Stallion knowing. When you do this, you must give the LS a chance to interfere. Give him a chance to react/interact. If you don't I WILL call you out.
11. Stallions can also steal a mare from a herd. The mare ultimately can try to run away from him, and alert the LS if she wants, or she can go willingly.
12. That being said, for rule 10 & 11, please Pm Me FIRST. Just so there isn't 5 leaving all at once. If you've read this, put butterfly in your form.
13. Please have fun!

Valley Herd Rules
1. Mares & Foals are not to venture away from the herd without permission. Foals NEED supervision.

2. Any interaction without outside stallions is strictly prohibited. Familial relations will be on a case by case basis.
Ex: A son comes to visit his mother and/or father.

3. Herd Stallions are expected to be loyal to the Lead Stallion. If they aren't, they'll be removed from the herd.

4. Herd Stallions are also expected to protect the herd with their lives.

5. Herd Stallions Must obtain permission from the Lead Stallion to mate with a Herd Mare. They May Not, however, mate with the Lead Mare.

6. Colts/Young Stallions are to be kicked out from the herd at Year 3, unless they wish to join the ranks of Herd Stallion.

7. Lead Mare Can Not be Challenged for. It is appointed by the Lead Stallion, or by the herd (in the case the Lead Stallion chooses not to pick or is absent.)

Will Add More
Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]July 13, 2021 05:23 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10672
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The Valley Herd Roles

Lead Stallion

This is the Leading Stallion of the Herd. He is in charge of the protection of the herd, and also the rules of the herd. He is a big part of making decisions for the herd. His word is law, if you disobey him, it's basically treason, and the results will not be to your favor. He can decide which mares he wishes to foal with, and is herd stallions get to father foals as well. Being the Lead Stallion, he is who you have to beat in order to take over the herd, but not the only one.

Lead Mare
She is the Leading Mare of the Herd. She is in charge of leading the herd to different places for food, water, shelter, etc. She is also in charge of the mares in the herd, and helping them, etc. Like the Lead Stallion, her word is law. Typically she is a widely experienced horse who had gained knowledge from those before her. This is knowledge she instills in the young mares she births, and to those she has chosen as her successors. She doesn't have to be the Lead Stallions "mate", but he is supposed to be the only one allowed to father her foals. Her position cannot be challenged for, as she is appointed to the position, or inherits it.

This is the stallion who the Lead Stallion trusts the most and typically has a deep bond with. Could be related to him, could just be a close friend. This stallion is whole heartedly loyal to the Lead Stallion, and accompanies him in fights, etc. When the Lead Stallion is away, the Lieutenant is the one left in charge, though more often than not, it's the Lieutenant getting sent off to do things. If the Lead Stallion dies in anything other than a challenge, the Lieutenant is who takes over, and would have to be challenged for someone to assume the Lead Position. Lieutenants can also choose to help the Lead Stallion with challenges, primarily if they feel the challenger isn't worthy. If it's a worthy opposition, especially if it's a single stallion challenging, the Lieutenant is known to stand down, as it would be an insult to the Lead. For challgenges, the Lieutenant is primarily there to keep things fair. So if two stallions try to challenge the LS, he can step in to fight so it's fair. The position of Lieutenant cannot be challenged for, it's appointed by the LS.

Deputy or better known as Deputy Mare is the mare who is basically the Lieutenant to the Lead Mare. She is not the Lead Mare's successor, but a mare trained to assist the Lead Mare. She helps keep the Herd Mares in line, is there to support the Lead Mare through her foaling process (and vice versa), and she helps watch over the Lead Mares foal when she cannot. She can fill in for the Lead Mare when the LM is absent, but she does not take her position unless chosen by the LS, or the herd if he chooses not to pick. She understands she is not a successor, just a mare there to aid the Lead Mare. She is fiercely loyal to the Lead Mare, and helps to protect her in times of stress or danger. The DM would, undoubtedly, give her life for the Lead Mare, and be stolen before she would let the Lead Mare be. More often than not, the DM is the LM's sister or a close friend. Deputy Mare cannot be challenged for, she is chosen by the Lead Mare.

Herd Stallions
These are the stallions of the herd allowed to remain in the herd by the Lead Stallion. Their purpose is to protect the herd from threats, which includes carnivores, other stallions, etc. It's expected of a Herd Stallion to be willing to lay down his life for the herd if needed. If a Herd Stallion starts to get disrespectful or rebellious, he likely will be run out. If he attempts to challenge the Lead Stallion, and loses, he could be killed or run out. Herd Stallions must gain permission to father foals, for each mare they wish to foal with. If they don't they could be run out or killed. Their foal may even be left behind if the Lead Stallion feels insulted enough. Herd Stallions also keep Challenges fair. If a band of bachelors come and try to challenge the Lead Stallion, they will ensure that it isn't a 4v1, the strongest of them will join in, or they'll keep the rest of the band from fighitng and only allow the leader of it to fight. Ultimately, herd stallions live a rather cush life if they're loyal.

Herd Mares
These are the mares of the herd, and under the protection of the Lead Stallion. Mares tend to prefer herd life because it is safer for them and their offspring. Mares, though, are expected to show loyaly to their leads. They are expected not to wander off or help a Bachelor Stallion invade, though it does happen, typically because of the promise of "love". Herd mares who are found to aid in treasonous activity, may be left behind or kicked out. If their foals have been fathered by outside stallions, or with a stallion in the herd without permission, the foal may be left behind. Though this isn't all that common, safety is often more important. Herd Mares help each other take care of foals, and in the death of a mother, a mare may take on her foal so it doesn't suffer the same fate.

These are the young horses in the herd that range from a year to three years, and once they turn three they either join the adults of the herd, or leave (if they're colts). Unlike foals who have no responsibilities, Yearlings are expected to have some. They help watch over younger foals, keep sentry with adult horses and can scout too. This is so, when they are adults, they have an idea of what to do. Yearlings are never left to do things on their own, however, with time, it becomes natural and they'll start keeping a look out while with the herd. Yearlings are expected not to be so foalish either, so them running off won't be tolerated. It isn't tolerated as foals either, but consequences will become harsher.

These are the babies of the herd, the fillies and colts who are all under the age of one. They aren't expected to have responsibilities, but mares are expected to keep them under control and from causing trouble. If a foal leads a carnivore back to the herd, especially if someone is attacked, it'll be the parents getting in trouble alongside the foal. Foals, however, are supposed to be protected. If a foal dies under someone's watch, they are liable to be punsihed or exiled.
Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]July 13, 2021 05:23 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10672
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The Available Roles

The Valley Herd

Lead Stallion
Atolos | 10 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1

Lead Mare
Deceased; Will be Appointed

Anil | 10 Yrs | Polly | Pg. 2

Adira | 8.5 Yrs | Ciao | Pg. 4

Herd Stallions
Amethyst | 4 Yrs | Edera | Pg. 3
Ouranos | 4 Yrs | Mafia Queen | Pg. 6
Rastus | 5.5 Yrs | Tenebris Umbra | Pg. 6
Varian | 4 Yrs | Salom's Pack | Pg. 5
Deimos | 7 Yrs | Corpses | Pg. 8

Herd Mares
Asenath | 3 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 2
Inessa | 11 Yrs | Polly | Pg. 4
Sylph | 5 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 2

Neamh | 3 Yrs | Mafia Queen | Pg. 2
Naga | 7.5 Yrs | Mafia Queen | Pg. 2
Nysa | 5 Yrs | Ciao | Pg. 4
Cadhla | 9 Yrs | Tenebris Umbra | Pg. 5
Naryene | 8 Yrs | Autumn Shire | Pg. 6
Lovtar | 9 Yrs | Spellbound | Pg. 7
Morrigan | 4 Yrs | Spellbound | Pg. 7
Aine | 11 Yrs | Spellbound | Pg. 7

Lorcan | 1 Yr | Tenebris Umbra | Pg. 6
Sena | 1.5 Yrs | Ciao | Pg. 7
Macha | < 3 Yrs | Spellbound | Pg. 8

Keanu | 3 Wks | Ciao | Pg. 5
River | 8 Wks | Imperial Sands | Pg. 6
Asteria | 8 Wks | Autumn Shire | Pg. 7

Non-Herd Roles

Bachelor Stallions
Kano | 5 Yrs | Edera | Pg. 2
Sherwin | 5 Yrs | The Wayne Pack | Pg. 4
Moros | 8 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 7
Cairo | 4 Yrs | Mafia Queen | Pg. 8

Lone Mares
Kage | 5 Yrs | Icy Eclipse | Pg. 5
Soleil | 5 Yrs | Autumn Shire | Pg. 6

Edited at July 20, 2021 06:30 PM by Imperial Sands
Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]July 13, 2021 05:24 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10672
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Other Important Information

The Deceased Lead Mare

Credit for Image Belongs to Velvet-Stain on DA. Stock Image.


Meaning "Sun"

Sunna was the Lead Mare along side Atolos, and was his mate. While he would have foals with other mares, Sunna was the one who had claimed his heart. She was 9 year olds when she died, having been a year younger than Atolos himself. They spent 5 years leading together, and have had multiple offspring together. Sunna died in the drought due to getting sick, and her body just deteriorating until she, and it, gave up and passed. It's important to know that Sunna was a kind and compassionate mare who was fair but lead with a solid and stern hoof. She wasn't the type to give in to mare drama, or let something slide. She was whole heartedly loyal to Atolos.

Color: Chestnut Sabino
Age at TOD: 9 Years

Asenath - 3 Yrs | F | Pg. 1
Open for other offspring, including foal, yearling, etc.

If you wish to make a character related to Sunna, you must first ask me, Imperial Sands.

Her Foal Spot is Still Open, but Filled with an NPC for Now.

Name: Bia
Gender: Filly
Age: ~2.5 Months
Appearance: Bia is a Chestnut Foal, much like her mother was. She has a deeper color of red for a coat, and a slightly lighter color mane and tail than her pelt. She, unlike her mother, has no sabino markings on her. Her eyes are a dark brown color. Ultimately, Bia is much like her mother in appearance.
Brief Personality: Bia is a shy foal when it comes to strangers, preferring to keep quiet and in the background. Often she seeks out the comfort of a horse she knows if she is in a situation that makes her uncomfortable. When she is with her family, though, she is a lively and happy foal, full of joy and playfulness. She isn't argumentative, and isn't the type to break the rules without a very, very good reason. Bia does have a hard time talking about her mother right now, not fully understanding what happened to her.

Edited at July 13, 2021 06:59 PM by Imperial Sands
Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]July 13, 2021 05:33 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10672
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Starting Posts Information

The Drought hit well over a month ago, so food resources have diminished to little to none within the immediate vacinity of the herd's territory, and water is basically nonexistent. Baby droughts had hit the valley before, but none like this, which is why they waited so long to leave in search of a new beginning. It's been about a week since Sunna, the Lead Mare, died, leaving her foal and yearling without a mother, and the herd without a Lead Mare. The Herd left a few days after her death, meaning they have been traveling for about a week.

The herd has been following a dried riverbed, hoping it'll lead them to a new water source, or the remnants of one, and possible food as well. They're able to temporarily survive off the reserves they have, and the little whisps of food they can find here and there, but soon the herd will need food.

Unfortunately for them, the dangers don't end there. With drought and famine comes desperation. Carnivores have felt the drought as well, and have begun to starve as their usual prey have left or died out. This makes them more brazen, bold, and desperate to come up with a meal. Animals that ordinarily might not mess with the herd have thrown caution to the wind and will openly, and actively hunt them. Things like this include: coyotes, cougars, bears, wolves (though less so as they have a larger territory range), etc. Foals and weak or injured horses are the easiest targets, so everyone will have to be on a look out.

It's Mid Morning when the Rp begins.
The herd has had a sleepless night due to coyotes howling and bark all night. They successfully killed a straggling foal, and celebrated the entire night much to the herd's disgust. Tempers will flare as the sun grows in heat, and the herd will have to decide if they want to try and find shade to rest up, or keep moving down the river bed in hopes it brings them closer to water.

Please read everything. Once you have, you may post!~


All posts will need some form of header.
An Example:

Gender | Age | Rank | Mentions:
Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]July 13, 2021 06:08 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10672
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Stallion | 10 Years | Lead Stallion | Mentions: Sunna, Open

A tall, proud stallion stood beneath a decaying tree, it's decrepid branches angling down to claw at him with talons that couldn't reach. The brittle bones of the tree did nothing to ease the frustration of the goliath, his ears half pushed back as irritation gently marred his features. He wasn't necessarily mad at any one horse, just a little angry at the world.

The week prior his mate, his lead mare, had passed away, the drought that had come over a month prior, and that had claimed so many victims, had claimed her as well. Despite being one of the strongest, fiercest mares he knew, his beloved Sunna had fallen, and it had left him feeling empty. Terribly empty, like the barren landscape they now traveled through.

It had been a hard decision to leave their territory, it had been flourishing just months ago, and had through all their years. However, it was harder to leave Sunna's body, tearing their offspring away from her side. He knew there was no hope, no future for them there once she had gone, and he wasn't going to linger around to make their foals watch her body decay and turn to dust. That would do no one any good.

Snorting, the stallion lowered his large head, brushing his nose against his foreleg, his tail flicking in agitation behind him. He had kept them alive, though, leading them through the barren wasteland, showing them how to survive off the barest minimum. They would struggle, but Atolos believed, fully believed, they would get through.. though he wasn't convinced everyone would.

At the thought, his head lifted and peered in the direction the coyotes had been singing from all night. One of their foals, a weak little thing, had been picked off through the night, feeding the ghosts that haunted them at every turn. It was a sad feeling, but Atolos was a little grateful the foal had provided the herd with temporary safe travels from the pack of coyotes that seemed to practically be following them. With full bellies they would leave them be for a day, maybe two or three, depending on the size of the pack.

Still, the calls of the carnivores had been haunting, and had kept him up all night, their yips of glee doing little to settle his nerves. As much as he preferred to travel at night, he elected not to for the time being. He knew it was easier for predators to hunt them at night, and it was better to be a closed off unit to disway anything from attacking them. Those who had been picked off so far had been away from the main group, likely partially already accepting their fate.

Shaking his head, the stallion turned to glare down the river bed, it's dry contents doing little to ease his agitation. Why couldn't there just be water? What had they done to deserve this? His head turned to look off into a different direction, sporadic trees swaying with the faint lie of shade. He seriously doubted there would be any ample trees left to provide the herd shade, but it was an option he would have to consider.

Snorting, the stallion shook out his greying coat, large hooves stomping the ground. But not even the flies were around to bite at his hide right now.
Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]July 13, 2021 07:25 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9032
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Stallion || Yearling || Mentions: Open
Indirectly Mentions: Sunna, Atolos

The young stallion stood, his back pressed against a dead oak. He stood off to the side away from the others, far enough to be alone, but not far enough to need supervision. That was his new thing, ever since his mother died. He would stand alone, contemplating random things in life and complaining to himself how nothing was ever fair. Even now, he did nothing but stand, mainly listening to the creak of the tree's branches. It was an eerie sound, something mixed between a deep groan and low wailing.

With his head lowered, Lorcan nibbled on the dead grass, the dry plant sticking to his throat and mouth. It was horrid at first, but after a while, he grew used to the chalk-like texture and lack of taste. So, gnawing on it, he stood, watching the herd and thinking back to times before the drought.. Back to when his mother was still alive.

He missed her. How could he not? Lorcan stuck by her like a parasite, never more than a few meters away. He learned most of what he knew from her, so, when she fell victim to the drought, he found himself rather lost without her. He was but a yearling, hardly even remotely grown. He still wanted, no, needed his mother. What was he to do without her? Never in his short lifetime did he expect to see her fall. It was his mother. She was one of the strongest horses that he had ever known. If she fell, what did that mean for the herd?

Sure, he still had his father, but Atolos wasn't one who Lorcan was close with. It was his mother that he chose as a young foal. It was her he ran up to when he first tested out his legs, not his father. Would it be wrong to say that he was intimidated by his father? He wasn't sure why, that was his father for goodness sake, but something about him made Lorcan either run, or drop down into a bow before him. Perhaps it was because he didn't truly bond with him yet, or maybe it was because he hadn't yet tried.

A small chill ran up Lorcan's spine, despite there being no breeze in the moment. Raising his head, the young stallion gazed around before dropping his head once more. If it was out of heat, sadness, or exhaustion, Lorcan himself didn't know. All he knew was that he was thirsty, so thirsty. Grunting, he pawed the ground a singular time before glancing up at the sky. Hardly even mid morning and already he could feel the humidity rising. He dreaded what the temperature would be come afternoon.

Shifting, he stepped back into what little shade the dead oak provided.

Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]July 13, 2021 07:41 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10672
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Mare | 3 Years | Herd Mare | Mentions: Atolos, Lorcan, Open

A dark figure, tall and statuesque, stood within the center of the gathered herd. The lean mare swayed slightly, almost as if pretending a breeze was brushing her to and fro. Her elongated ears flicked and swiveled, trying to pick up the faintest sound of bubbling brook. But it never came, and it hadn't for quite some time.

Asenath breathed out her nose, the soft sound caressing the air before drifting away quickly. Her eyes shifted about, scanning the horses around her with impressive disinterest, before landing on her father. He stood a few paces away, not far enough that he couldn't defend them if necessary, but far enough away, and proud enough, that it was obvious he was the lead of the herd.

There was a lot of similarities between the two, she had gained a similar portion of his height, being a rather tall mare, but not quite as tall as him. She had also gained his coat, though, unlike his, her's hadn't greyed out, nor would it. Truthfully, if he didn't have the grey gene, the mare would practically be his spitting image. Her personality though? Neither her father nor her mother were a hundred percent sure where that came from.

Sen had always been a stoic mare, even as a foal, not overtly emotional, and always surprisingly calm. She had never had much of an interest in play or games, preferring to bond with her father as she forced him to allow her to accompany him on his watches. Stubbornness, though, that was something she seemed to have gotten from both of them, fully. She was twice as stubborn as them both, not one to ever be shaken once her mond was set on something. Her determination used to make her father laugh, now, though, he merely would shoo her back to the herd with a stern tone. And she had let him.

Her mother dying had seemed to take the breath right from her lungs, and ever since Asenath had sworn she still couldn't breathe right. It felt like a heavy weight on her chest. She hated it. It made her feel weak, and the dark mare never enjoyed feeling that way.

Shaking her head, the youthful mare let her gaze drift to her younger brother, and her features pulled into a worried look. Lorcan had taken it especially hard when Sunna had passed, and she had never known quite what to say to him. She wasn't even sure there was anything to say.

Letting out a sigh, the long legged mare manuevered through the mass of bodies and walked over to the paler colt. "Brother," she greeted softly, her voice a low tone as she lowered her head to pick at the dry grass as well. It was more so a habit than actual grazing. The dead grass held little interest to her, but she didn't feel like holding her head up anymore.
Drought | Rp Thread [Open!]July 13, 2021 08:00 PM

the Wayne pack

Posts: 1924
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Sherwin - Stallion - Bachelor - Mentions: Open

The small stallion nibbled on the dry grass. The taste and texture making him snort, but kept on eating. He raised his head, angular ears flicking around to catch any noise, and the dark eyes alert for any threat. With a sigh, the lean stallion wandered away from that particular spot. He wished for rain, the lack of it was effecting everything. Especially the predators, he had managed to keep away from them, but for how long could he do that? He stopped and lowered his head again, more for something to do rather than actually eating. Soon after, he moved away again, feeling restless but he didn't have enough energy to move faster than a walk currently.

Sherwin stomped his back leg and wisked his tail, no flies, but habit. He wouldn't admit it, but he could get lonely, and he was at the very moment. He preferred to be alone, but he was a social animal by pure nature, his instincts told him to be in a herd. The thing was, he enjoyed his freedom, being alone. There were good things and bad things to being in a herd and being alone, it was his choice to weigh both and choose his life. He was thirsty, although he suspected all animals were, who wouldn't be? The lack of food, water, and the heat took his energy out of him, sure; he could muster enough to flee or fight off something, but that couldn't last forever. Not to mention he wasn't was imposing as some horses he had seen. Built for speed and agility, to pratically fly over the ground at full speed; not strength. One of the reasons why he tried to stay out of other horses' ways, he didn't have the bulk or power to last in a close fight

(Sorry it is short)

Edited at July 13, 2021 08:00 PM by the Wayne pack

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