
Amaya | F | 3 | Wings Amaya would get up and then walks around the enclosure. She would unfold her wings and flaps her wings following the air flow. Amaya would fly around stretching her wings out so they dont get sore. After a few minutes she would then lower to the ground and lands. She would fold her wings back up. Amaya would look around at the other wolves. She would then go back to her original spot and sits back down.

Lucy/5/wings Lucy would stretch her wings and land next to a she wolf(Amaya). She would fold her wings in and say "Hi." She would look at the she-wolf waiting for a response. Edited at February 13, 2022 04:21 PM by Shadow-Wolf

Amaya | F | 3 | Wings Amaya looks over at Lucy. "Oh hello" she replies happily. Amaya would shift a bit nervously as she waited for a response.

Kelly looked around startled at the small pup that had ran up to her. "It's ok little one" Kelly said smiling,"Emily, your sister Sky is OK." She came up and hugged the pup, not taking her eyes off of the red and black wolf.

Lucy/5/Wings Lucy says "My name's Lucy." She would then ask "What's your name." Lucy would sit down in front of Amaya. She would wait for a response. Emily/3 1/2 Months/ Wings Emily looks up at her and says "Are you sure?" Emily was scared for her sister and she looked up at Kelly as she hugged her. She just sat there unsure if Sky was okay. Edited at February 13, 2022 04:33 PM by Shadow-Wolf

When Sky woke up she saw a foggy Emily and another wolf she couldnt quite reconize. She lifted her head slightly but fell back down. She could barly talk but she managed to say hey

Kelly Smiled "Yes, she's ok," I told her,"I saw her and she was ok." I didn't mention that she was being dragged to the test chamber, but the pup didn't need to worry any more.

By the voice she reconized it was Kelly and she tryed to lift her head again but her head just fell to the ground again this time she bite her toung and she let out a small whimper but she tryed to keep it in due to her sister standing right there

Emily/3 1/2 months/Wings Emily wonder where Sky was and if they had brought her back out yet.Emily was scared that they might have hurt her but she was going to take the wolf"s word. She looked around and steped back from the wolf and said "Do you see Sky anywhere."

When sky woke up she was in a cage and the cage was moving and soon she was on the grass again she blew out a breath of air looking up to see her sister