
Crimson looked up from cleaning his pelt. A human came and started dragging away a wolf, leaving behind a black pup. Too late to save the other wolf, Crimson ran over to the pup and curled around her protectivly

Daisy/3/Wings Daisy said "I said hi." She the asked " Do you rembemer how you got here?" Daisy was worried they wouldn't get out. She waited patiently for the male to answer. Edited at February 13, 2022 03:11 PM by Shadow-Wolf

Emily/3 1/2 m/ Wings Emily felt someone curl around her and felt safe. She thought about Sky and hoped they wouldn't hurt her. Emily thought I had just founded her don't take her away. Emily fell asleep after awhile. Edited at February 13, 2022 03:11 PM by Shadow-Wolf

Kelly opened her eyes again as she heard the humans take in another wolf. She squinted through the metal bars and saw Sky! She tried to gnaw in the metal and escape to help her but it wouldn't budge. She sighed, pitying Sky who probably thought the humans were helping her again. She but her paw over her eyes and fell back into nothing.

Luna|F|4|Wings Luna woke up, realizing she must've fallen asleep. She stood and looked around. As she stood, she felt some weight on her back. She looked behind her. There were a magnificent pair of wings. Luna stood, stunned, and wondered, Did the humans do this? She looked around. Many wolves had wings like her but some did not. As she looked around, wolves had been shot and dragged out of the area. Luna wanted to go attack the humans but that wouldn't help the situation. She shook the rain off of her pelt. Maybe if birds can fly, I can too. She tried flapping. After a few tries, she got it and started to fly up. She then lost control and fell. She stood up, amazed, and then sat down, watching as wolves got dragged out of the enclosure. She was disappointed because she couldn't help them, she could only watch. Edited at February 13, 2022 03:37 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Luke|M|3|Feathers Luke opened his eyes. He stood up and started rapidly blinking. He recognized most of the wolves he was looking at. There was one who was watching all of the wolves being taken away out of the area. He didn't know who that wolf was. Then, he realized that the wolf had wings on her back. Several of the others did too. Luke looked on his back and half expected to see wings on his back. There were none though. Disappointed, he sat down and looked at his feet. He then yipped in surprise. He had feathers around his feet. He looked around and saw only a few with feathers. Luke felt surprised though. How did these wolves get bird features? Edited at February 13, 2022 08:06 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Skadi f 4 wings Skadi glanced up as a silvery wolf took a few feet into the sky and fell again. She had watched from behind a tree as some wolves were taken. More experiments probably she sighed. Walking into the open she looked around. There was indeed a net above them preventing their escape. If the smaller silver wolf could get into the air surely they could fly. She herself stood at a good 34 inches tall. While large she wasn't as heavy as she looked having lost some weight while there. She tested the weight of them extending the large raven like wings. After a few test flaps she did a few with a running start. She gasped as she was suddenly in the air. She circled once above before attempting to land. Not as gracefully as she wished. Ending up with grass in her mouth and a scrape on her upper arm

Scrape Scratch Kelly woke up moments before she was roughly shoved back outside. She yelped, stumbling on her paws and her wings shot out, flapping awkwardly. She regained balanced and decided not to attack any more humans. She saw a couple more wolves she didn't recognize. Her eyes followed and landed on a red/black wolf that was curled around Emily. She smiled solfty and stayed there watching him intently, her wings simmering light blue and white.

Lucy/5/Wings Lucy decides to take off and makes it up to the sky net. She had figured out how to fly by watching the sliver she wolf. She said out to the wolves "If you wanna fly don't go against the air and wind follow it until you are just right in the air to fly yourself."

Emily/3 1/2 m/ Wings Emily heard the humans and jumped up she rushed over to the wolf that was thrown out but as the wolf came into view she saw it wasn't Sky. Emily ears and tail went down and she said "Sorry I mistook you for someone else." She looked at the she wolf she had beautiful wings.