
Nyx quickly positioned herself so as she stood above the coyotes the sun would be behind her, that way they wouldn't be able to tell what she was. She let out a low growl while flaring her wings up to mid-height, some of the crows flocked away. This made the entire scene seem more ominous because the crows started landing on the ground near the coyotes. Most returned back to her and rested on her raised wings or on her back. Most of the coyotes shrunk, panicking, and looked up; a few smaller ones ran into the bushes, Nyx guessed they were the young brought for training. Then her mind got to spacing out again.

Kaila watched in awe as Nyx started to scare the coyotes away. However, as most of them were shrinking back Nyx's gaze grew cloudy and distant. One of the coyotes leaped for her while she was not paying attention and in a flash, Kaila was on it, tackling it to the ground with her powerful form. Snarling, she bit it in the shoulder. Then, she let it run away, howling and limping in pain. Most of the smaller ones followed suit but a few stayed and advanced menacingly forward. Kaila growled and kept her eye on the ones that were creeping forward closest to her. She lunged forward quickly then leaped back, a defensive tactic meant to startle and surprise the enemy.

Nyx flapped her wings snapping out of it and ended up cutting one f the coyotes with her wings, she didn't even know that was one of her abilities. She jumped down and joined the fight, slitting a couple of the coyote's throats with her wings as she went. she pinned one down and bit its jugular vein and blood squirted onto her face when she pulled her head back. Most seemed to be knocked down, there was blood pooling everywhere and draining into the river. She quickly went off in a random direction in a quick trot, if there were any larger predators out there they would most likely come out of the shadows now. she went into a canter and then into a full-on sprint after she heard large wing flaps going by her. She was grateful that she was a dark color, the shade of the trees helped hide her as she ran. She didn't know where the young female went, all Nyx knew is that if the female wasn't following her and trying to keep up she would most likely die from a dragon coming to investigate. (I'm going to head to bed so gnight)

Kaila watched in shock as the black wolf dissapeared into the forest as the coyote pack fled. She had never seen a wolf fight that way before, and frankly, it was a little bit disarming. She didn't know if she should follow that wolf or not, but her parents had taught her to be polite and to acknowledge debts. Then again, they also taught her to avoid life debts, as those tended to end in death anyways. Quickly checking over her shoulder to make sure it was safe, Kaila followed Nyx's scent trail. She eventually caught up to her in one of the thickest parts of the forests, heading away from the open plains of the valley. "Thank you" Kaila said, panting to keep up after the sprint she had taken to get there. "I am in your debt. If you so require I will be your companion as long as necessary to repay it." She pulled her ears back, tucked her tail in, and made herself look small in general. She also genuinly hoped that Nyx wouldn't blame her for bringing the coyotes on them.


~Terebinth Wolves~ said: Could i join?
Yup! (I'm working on my response rn btw)

Alright, i will make my character soon ^^

1st person I saw the small female caught up in my peripheral vision, then she spoke. "Thank you," Kaila said, clearly she was out of breath "I am in your debt. If you so require I will be your companion as long as necessary to repay it." "watch your breathing, we will be running for a while." I said, "a dragon flew overhead and I'd rather not stay to find out if it's friendly." As we went on the terrain started to get rockier, and the air was starting to get thin and colder. Some of the plants almost looked dead, while others had thick leaves and thick branches as if they were a tree and all we could see was the top. We were getting to higher altitudes, which meant the foes were going to be harder to beat, but also harder to come across. "watch your back, the animals around here have thick layers of fat to keep the cold out, so it will be harder to beat them." I said starting to go into a trot looking around me. There was a hill up ahead, I trotted over and hid behind a rock on top of it. Ahead of us was a shepherd and his goats and sheep along with 2 pack donkeys on leads. I hated donkeys, their kicks are worse than a wild horse's kick. Not only that, they aren't afraid of a fight and will run straight toward it, doesn't matter the danger level. I realized there will probably be some boars out here as well and cursed under my breath.

~Terebinth Wolves~ presents: Lily Name Lily Age 2 Gender female Companion Mal the SparrowHawk Breed Wolf + Dragon + SparrowHawk About lily Lily is a cross between a wolf, dragon and sparrowhawk. Although she dosent look like shes part hawk she is. Her parents died and for the past week Mallory, or Mal for short has been taking care of her. She is extremely curious and shy. She can speak bird, dragon and wolf so she pretty much set for languages. Edited at October 14, 2022 03:42 PM by ~Terebinth Wolves~

~Terebinth Wolves~ said: ~Terebinth Wolves~ presents: Lily Name Lily Age 2 Gender female Companion Mal the SparrowHawk Breed Wolf + Dragon + SparrowHawk About lily Lily is a cross between a wolf, dragon and sparrowhawk. Although she dosent look like shes part hawk she is. Her parents died and for the past week Mallory, or Mal for short has been taking care of her. She is extremely curious and shy. She can speak bird, dragon and wolf so she pretty much set for languages.
you are free to hop in whenever! I might add another character in here