
Kelly turned around slowly and saw Sky and Emily snuggling together. Kelly whipped around and tan head-on were the white building was howling, crying, and trying to tear it down. If it wasn't for humans she had still have her mother. And siblings. Kelly cried, howling into the door. She'd had a family and not have to worry about living alone. She beat her wings and flew up, crashing into the sky net but she still fought to get out. On of the humans ran out as Kelly was struggling, and threw something at her, causing her to be thrown against the fence, the diamonds digging into her fur, bleeding. The force knocked the wind out of her, and she slowly got up and charged at the human. She got shot from the side, and fell over, slowly falling unconscious. She wanted to hurt them. Make them feel pain. She couldn't do anything while they dragged her back inside. Time for more tests. She thought slowly her wings felling heavy and watching Emily and Sky fade from view. The DNA mash up was making her unstable.

Sky was shocked by the sight and before Emily could see it she picked her up and ran to the farthest corner, then she slowly opened her wings so Emily could see again. Just then a shiver went down her spine and thats when she knew humans where bad and she swore to protect Emily the best she could from the humans, she would even die for emily, before she didnt have a perpus and thats probaly why she didnt relize the humans where bad but now she had a perpus and she would protect that perpus with her life Edited at February 13, 2022 02:32 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Lonestar shook his head trying to clear the grogginess. He has been put under for the whole trip after he had bit the human on the hand. He rose shakily to his feet and looked around. All these strange wolves, milling around, His eyes widened when he realized that some of them had wings. he looked behind him, half expecting to see majestic eagles wings on his back, but found nothing different about his appearance.

Drizzle shook out her fur as she rose, yawning, and stretched. She couldn't think straight, but tried not to let it show. You never know who is watching. When she looked around, she saw that there were many wolves. As she stretched, she suddenly became aware of a new and unfamillier felling on her back. She turned her head and allowed a gasp to escape when she saw green and red shimmery wings coming off of her black fur. On closer inspection, her fur also had a glossy green coat to it. Resisting the temptation to start trying to fly, she slunk to a corner and sat down, observing the others through hooded eyes.

Daisy/3/wings Daisy walked around and spotted a male wolf without wings and walked up to him. She recognized this wolf but her memory was foggy. She said "Hi".

Lonestar looked up into the greenest eyes he had ever seen. A slender grey and brown wolf had said something. What was it? he had been to distracted with those eyes Lonestar took a gamble. "Yes." he said

Tap. Tip. Click. Clack. Kelly slowly cracked open an eye. She was back in her cage, in the white room. Everything was so bright she couldn't focus on anything. She closed her eyes and rested, hopefully she would be let out soon... again.

Soon a human came out of the building and looked around. Soon the humans eyes where set on her and Emily! Panic fell on her as she stood up, Emily she said, go hide and stay out of sight. Then she walked aways from Emily and she growled at the human who was now a few steps away from her. As she was about to attack she was shot in the chest. Her eyes became heavy and she became weak. Soon she felt the human draging her into the building. There she saw little emily with terrer in her eyes and only thing she could do is wink as she passed out

No. That was Ivorys first thought upon waking. No. no no no no. Her pup did NOT have wings. Her pup would never fly into the sky where it would be a long way to fall. THis was not happening to her darling pup Abyss.

Emily/3 1/2 M/ wings Emily stared on terrified but she listened to what Sky said and hid. She was waiting behind some bushes and rocks for Sky to come back. Emily laid there hoping Sky was okay scared to death for her. Edited at February 13, 2022 03:06 PM by Shadow-Wolf