
Skadi F 4 Raven wings(mimic ability) dark grey with gold eyes Skadi woke up hearing Luna nearby. She looked in surprise at the fact that she was loose in the cage room. Many cages hanging open but empty. She glanced at the strange device on the ceiling. her head was filled with voices of something she barely remember. The words were clear as day. {this camera here will pick up any movement the wolves make so we can see how they interact and if there heightened intelligence does anything to them when it comes to trying to get out} she realized she had inadvertently remembered the humans talking from a month ago. "Luke wake up , Luna can you get us out as well" Edited at February 15, 2022 03:08 PM by Ravensrun

⁀➷ He turned away hearing distant voices. He rotated his ears to listen to the voices but was unable to pick out who it was. He then allowed his wings to shift from his sides and slide on the floor. He wanted to see who all was here so he knew how to adjust the plan better for them all to escape but he lowered his ears feeling a nervous pang deep in his stomach for he had never needed to meet others and was only used to others startng the convorsation so he just stayed their waiting for kelly to do somthing ⁀➷

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings Luna heard a voice behind her and turned around. It was Skadi and Luke. "I'll get you out!" Luna said, unlocking both cages with her teeth. "There you go." She then sat down and tried to hear the birds again. (I'll be back on at about 5pm)

She got out and stretched. "Thank you"(same 5 or six. )

Saoirse|F|3|wings I could hear the non-frequent voices of other wolves getting louder, even in my mostly unconscious state. the human kept pushing my cage down a never ending hall, the closer i got the louder the voices got until i was right out side of the door to a room. then the human opened the door to my cage and the door to the room, grabed me by my fur and pulled me out and into the new room filled with wolves i dont know. (sorry if its bad, i kept trying to think of how to bring my character into this world and this is all i could think of)

Morning Pace said: ⁀➷ He turned away hearing distant voices. He rotated his ears to listen to the voices but was unable to pick out who it was. He then allowed his wings to shift from his sides and slide on the floor. He wanted to see who all was here so he knew how to adjust the plan better for them all to escape but he lowered his ears feeling a nervous pang deep in his stomach for he had never needed to meet others and was only used to others startng the convorsation so he just stayed their waiting for kelly to do somthing ⁀➷
Oof sorry I was at school and they yell at you if ur on ur phone

Kelly turned around looking at the wolves outside, she brushed wings with rocket. "Come on!" She said encouraging,"Let's go form a plan"

Abyss peeked out of the bush looking if ethier sky or her mom had came out of the building. Abyss frowned as she saw only Kelly and another wolf she hadnt seen before came out of the building. Sad and alone she decided to see if they would want to play so she slowly walked towards them. She lowered her head and asked in a shaky voice Will you play with me? Edited at February 15, 2022 05:50 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Luke|M|4|Feathers/Wings Luke stood up and walked out of the cage. He had weight so Luke looked back and before him, there were beautiful silvery-blue wings. They had little speckles of black. Luke stared in amazement. He tried flapping them, trying a few times before doing so. He looked over at Skadi who had just gotten out of her cage. Luke then wagged his tail at Skadi, showing her his new wings.

(Ok, now I'm confused. So ome wolves got taken and brought back to the lab, and they are trying to escape from there?)