
Jasper Vaquero| 17 1/2 yrs|Male|Manservant to Mion| Mentions: Prince Mion "Sorry excuse me Sir, I believe it is time to get dressed now" Jasper called out gently , he didn't want to disturb Mion but he had a feeling the suitors would be here soon. He had drawn Mion's bath an hour ago . He wasn't sure if Mion had stepped a foot into it or not . Mion has changed since his mother's death, not physically though. He still looking frickin' gorgeous even when he just woke up . He had curly black hair that Japser was sure everyone was drooling over. // Suddenly he snapped back to reality and blinked. He didn't want to call again just in case Mion had heard him but not answers because of lots of reasons but yet again he did just in case he didn't hear him. After all his voice was usually quite calm sounding unless he felt the need to shout over people's voices. He would wait by the door for a few more moments before he would properly enter see what Mion was doing. // His mind flicked to the boy who he called Darwin. That boy was older than him yet he seems like a younger brother that Jasper liked to put under his wing and protect him from any danger. He was probably working with the Second Prince and also the birthday boy, Prince Vesper. He hoped Darwin was okay, or at least more than okay. All those people would be pretty ovwhelming Edited at August 31, 2022 04:40 PM by Pastry Lord

Taking these down, changing backstory and employer. Spell approved. Edited at September 5, 2022 10:37 AM by Forerunner

Aislin Echethier | 19 | Female | Handmaiden to Princess Pheobe | M: Aislin paused her brisk walk along the upper corridors to swing open a window and take another fresh breath of air. She placed the basket by her side and leant out a little, enjoying the sunlight on her pale face. Her hair, still slightly damp from the early morning's wash, felt soft and fluffy at the tips, so that was always a good indicator for today. She glanced down into the courtyard, watching a handful of antsy guards gripping the hilts of their swords as they waited for the arrivals. It was almost amusing to her, watching them so on edge. Still, she shouldn't be one to judge. If she was being honest with herself, she'd admit how terrified she was about the whole event. Everyone's eyes would be on the Castle and it's people today, and she couldn't quiet her mind of the repetitive you'll mess up and do something stupid and look like an idiot, rushing thoughts. Surely her brain could come up with something a little more unique this time? Aislin had woken extra early to get ready - or at least to get Phoebe ready. For herself it was a quick process - wash, dry, eat, get changed, garden walk and watering... Her personal routine didn't have much variation but she liked it that way. These tasks she could do with her eyes closed. Her Handmaiden tasks were a slightly different story though. With young Princess was always ever so slightly difficult to handle on a normal day, it would seem this one would be extra busy. With the arrival of a range of Suitors, continued spring festivities, and Prince Vesper's birthday, it seems to her like a very long, unusual day. Hopefully Princess Pheobe, and herself, would be able to get through it without loosing their patience or getting all restless. She continued down the hall and stopped just outside the twin's joined rooms, putting the basket of freshly picked local wildflowers over her other arm and peering out the closet window again. Hopefully her little unplanned gift would be appreciated. Aislin had assumed Gene would meet her here in a little bit, along with Sybil's handmaidens, so they would be in time to prepare the girls for the Royal brunch. They'd likely get to work once Hestia was done with them. But for now she was happy to be early, enjoying a brief splash of sunlight and the scent of a few lavender flowers rising up from the basket. Hopefully Phoebe had finally got the message about how important today could turn out to be. Not likely, but on a day like this strange things could always happen. Aislin lightly chuckled, hearing the wild sounds of banging from inside, that was undoubtedly Phoebe. Yeah, today was looking to be eventful. Edited at August 30, 2022 10:25 PM by Moose

Sybil Mae Windsor | F | 8 | 3rd Rank Princess of Aibruvia | M: Phoebe, Hestia, Asmaranti & Vesper [ind.] Brunch Fit Baby Ducks, Bunnies, and Puppies. The thin wispy clouds that had barely begun to pepper the bright blue sky seemed to form animals, twisting and turning from one to another. The young princess stood looking quietly out the window. She was nervous, curling her toes inside of her stiff new shoes, in a last attempt to try and break them in before the big day. Vesper’s birthday. Baby Ducks, Bunnies, Puppies. The thin clouds shifted like a pattern, shrinking and stretching before they nearly would disappear from the sky. Sybil’s bright curly hair was quickly pulled back by a clip, which unfortunately hadn't done its job as well as she would have wished, as the young girl’s curls were coming loose at that very moment. A single red spiral slipped out of the clip to dangle in front of her face, giggling, Sybil blew lightly, her breath pushing the stray curl out of her face. A tantalizing scent caught her attention, and she pivoted to face Hestia, her Nanny, who was over by her and Pheobe’s eating area. She quickly ran over, licking her lips and reaching out a hand to grab a slice of warm cheese before she sat down. The flavors danced across her tongue as soon as she set the cheese in her mouth. “Mmmm, thank you, Miss Hestia,” she spoke, not wanting to forget her manners, before reaching for one of the apple pastries in front of her. She laughed out loud, a high-pitched giggle, rocking back in her chair and wrapping her arms around her knees as she brought her legs up to her chest, as her sister’s banter with Hestia began. Sybil always found her sister to be quite funny. Imagine waking up before the sun! “Pheobe how can you be awake before the sun if the sun doesn't sleep!” she laughed, her giggling increasing as her sister made the mistake of grabbing one of the hot pastries before her. “Silly you have to wait for it to cool!” she lightly scolded, now doubled over to catch her breath, her giggling fit over. Her eyes widened as she hopped down from her chair, walking over to where Hestia was polishing the tiaras. Sybil always found the one with the swans the prettiest, and whenever she got to pick she would go with that one. There was also the matching swan necklace that she would occasionally wear with the tiara, the swan charm was set on a silver chain. The bird itself had a slender silver neck, connecting it to a solid diamond body, shaped like a teardrop to represent the swan's body. The swan was a pretty creature, and it always reminded her of her mother. A swan was a perfect, graceful, holy creature. Just how she imagined her mother to be. “Can I wear this?” she asked her Nanny, pointing to her favored swan tiara, looking up at the woman with unblinking grey eyes. It was the loud shuffling and sudden disappearance of Pheobe that caused her to look for her sister. Who had only disappeared to her room, where she had brought out a wrapped gift. “Pheobe it looks so good!” Sybil complimented, clapping her hands, “I think our gifts will equally be the bestest!” The young princess had gotten some help with her gift, her live gift. She knew her older brother liked animals, so she asked her personal guard Mara for some help. Sybil wanted to get him a puppy, and a very fluffy one. She told Mara the fluffier the better because Vesper should like fluffy things too. And if he didn't then she volunteered to keep the new dog. The young princess had no clue when her guard would be getting her brother's puppy, but the thought of having a fluffy dog in the castle almost had her squealing with excitement. Sybil had even made a tiny bow to place on the dog's collar because she wouldn't be able to wrap the animal. The bow was made from a silky material, and there were little flowers embroidered as well. She held the bow now, turning it over in her hands and feeling the texture of the flower petals on it. “I have my bow ready, but my gift is not here yet,” she told Pheobe, before placing it gently back on the table beside her chosen tiara. Standing near her Nanny when Hestia had asked, "Do you remember what I taught you for today?" Nodding enthusiastically the young girl moved to stand near her outfit for the brunch that morning. She was nervous to be around so many new foreigners but was also a bit excited about the day's coming events.

Asmaranti Karkita Noriega | F | 22 | Royal Guard | Mentions: Sybil, Phoebe, & Hestia The young guard had been making sure to complete their duties for the day. They had completed a routine check of the castle, reported to her superiors her findings for the morning and then she went to work in preparing for the day. After training for a little while and soaking and a good bath she dressed her self in a rather dashing white and black uniform. With her coat jacket being snow hits and her shot having the nice buttons. And her black boots were polished and shined to go, and her sword was by her side. Their hair was in a simple updo and she gave a rare soft smile as she picked up a rather heavy basket. Small yips coming from inside, her Little Lady would be terribly excited for her gift and Mara was quite proud to be able to spoil the young princess themself. Sybil was one of the few people that had her undying adoration and loyalty. The little girl could ask her to wear the frilliest dress and she would just for the sake of her Little Ladie's happiness. That meant more than anything to her in the world. And she would definitely cherish the smile the girl would be giving soon. The young person soon found the twin's conjoined room. It seemed they were both gathered in Sybil's room today. Hestia was already with the girls and they seemed to be very excited and thrilled for the day. The young person could feel their eyes soften at the sight of the little princesses and was excited to show Sybil what she wanted. The little princess wanted to surprise her big brother during the brunch, and she wanted to give him something very fluffy. And so Asmaranti traveled and made inquiries until she found the fluffiest puppies you would ever see, all for her Little Lady. She set down the beautifully decorated basket. "Little Lady, your gift has arrived." She said with a small smile. And she gingerly pushed back the satin fabric hiding the gift. And it revealed two beautiful, fluffy creamy-white puppies similar to chow-chows in appearance. And Asmaranti gingerly picked up the one with the blue bow and kneeling down to the little princess said, "you said you've been wanting a little puppy for a while now. And the seller wouldn't sell these twins separately, so now this little boy is yours. I hope you like him, my Little Lady." And she gave the princess the puppy to hold. And she went to get the other puppy, the girl and with a mischievous tone said, "Now, Little Lady and Little Dame we must keep this puppy a secret from his Royal Highness before the brunch where he will receive his gifts from the suitors. But it's already discussed that you two will be first to gift him Little Lady and Little Dame. No can you all keep this secret?"

Cassia Thomson | 25 | Handmaiden to Princess Niamh | Female | Mentions: Niamh, Harland (ind), Kristopher (ind), Suna (ind) Cassia helped the princess into a lovely greyish blue dress, designed in a way that complimented both Niamh's beauty and her personal style. Cassy believed her princess had made quite a lovely choice, though there was a glow of pride that this dress had been one of the top three out of quite a few Cassia had chosen. The woman's thoughts wandered to the events of the day, and she couldn't help but smile as she imagined the eye candy she'd be receiving. "There will be some handsome entertainment," she joked with a soft laugh. Obviously nothing within her personal interest, as they were all royalty and nobility, and she had no intention of marrying up, but she would enjoy looking as much as any. "And that's your outfit done, absolutely stunning and fierce, per usual," Cas said, her face glowing in obvious pride. Green eyes roving up and down Niamh's form, Cassy admired the princess' hair in its natural wavy texture. A quick brush brought a bit more volume to the curls, and a bit of oil on top of what had already been administered tamed the frizz that rose up. A style quickly came to mind, and Cassy set to work braiding the topmost layer of hair so that a braid crowned the head where the crown would then be settled on top. The two braids, one on each side of Niamh's head, wrapped around the top and were then brought together in the back in an artfully styled bun. As Cassia tucked into looking at the style from every angle, she smiled at the princess' inquiry. "I've heard a few things from the other staff, I'm not sure if anything is of interest, but nevertheless..." She thought for a moment before coming up with some of the things she'd heard. "Well, I've heard from one of the cooks, not a very reliable source, mind you, that Prince Harland Evander from the Slerosea kingdom is a trained assassin, I felt that would be a fact that would intrigue you." She smiled at the thought of an assassin prince within the palace walls, she must admit the thought excited her. "Oh, there's Prince Kyro Vermillion, and he's the crown prince for his kingdom, as I'm sure you know. So, you know," she raised her eyebrows in a teasing manner. She implied that Niamh earned his favor to become a queen, "Though Kyro is known as a womanizer... though his brother is quite the looker, I've heard, but lacks such a flashy title." She thought another moment, "Then there's Lady Suna, who is said to be quite the beauty, though quite fit, as well- reminds me of you...." She trailed off, coming short in a search to find something else to say. "That's all I can think of, but you know I've got all the gossip, and I'll tell you the moment something else come up," she said with an affectionate smile and a wink. She quickly finished nit picking over the princess' hair and sighed with another smile, "You look stunning, I think we're done here, so I'll follow your lead, princess."

Royal nanny Hestia LoveLace|26|F|5'4|Abruvian|M:twins, Seth, Asmaranti,maids Hearing the exclamation of giggles and gasp of pain unmistakably from a burnt mouth Hestia swiftly poured a glass of cold milk out of the pitcher next to the pastries. Handing it to Pheobe as she burnt her tongue. "Patients and observation is a valuable thing to learn little one. Are you okay?" Once she had made sure she was indeed fine and had eaten her breakfast with them; she addressed the dishes of the now eaten pastries. Setting them aside near the servants door to be picked up by the kitchen maids. Turning back to her task at hand but being stopped by the feeling of her dress being tugged on in distress of Phoebe lost lost sword. After reminding her to respect personal boundary's she discussed the matter "As for your sword you should be able to defend yourself with words not just your weapon, Seth's job is to protect you and even he isn't allowed to leave it on the table little miss and if he does I'll have a stern talking to him as well" she added the last bit with a smile coaxing out a giggle from the girls.
Then watched with well earned anxiety as Phoebe ran and crawled under her bed. Not knowing what could be pulled forth from the wild child's bed. She retrieved an eight year olds splendidly wrapped gift for her brother. Sighing a breath of relief she let the girls go about discussing gifts and the excitement of the day as she finished polishing the tiaras. After a few minutes of giggles and rapid twin talk Sybil approached her side requesting her jewelry for the day. "Of course the swan one is gorgeous a very fine choice my lady..." Pausing her words a familiar knock on the door could be heard. Seth. Hestia opened the door ushering him in. Sliding over a one of the last two pastrys to him knowing the guards too needed to be in tip top form and not distracted by a growling belly. "Good morning Seth. These little ones maids should be here any moment to get them dressed and ready for the brunch I want you posted outside the door with Asmaranti until then." Speaking of the other princesses guard the woman entered right after Seth with a large box. The unmistakable sound of puppy could be heard from within and her suspicions were correct as two fluffy heads emerged and one was placed into the young girls arms. Oh lovely more little ones to keep an eye on. She couldn't help but smile though as she pet the pups head and scratched under its chin. Causing its foot to thump in happiness as she explained to the newly arrived guard the same plan as she had discussed with Seth. Sitting back down going over her notes for the day waiting for the maids. Edited at August 31, 2022 11:04 AM by Ravensrun

Corin Wren - 19 - Male - Suitor - Mentions: Everyone at docks,
He had never been good at being bold.
Evidence of this aspect of himself was quite apparent at the moment, where he was standing a respectable distance away from the prince and, who was that man? He could have sworn he had seen him before, perhaps when they were on the boat. Judging by the attire, the back of it really, and that crown he was wearing, he assumed that he was a part of royalty or something of the sort. Taking the advantage of not being noticed quite yet to try again to calm himself down, to still his shaking hands and curb the urge to let his breathing quicken, to calm his now pounding heart.
With half his attention on the prince and currently unknown royalty, in case he was adressed by either of them while he was standing there, his gaze began to wander. Blue-gray eyes glancing at the prince, the man with him who was probably a servant or friend of him, and the one that he was quite sure was a guard. Then his eyes flicked skywards for a moment, taking a glance at the sky, which looked decidedly pleasant.
Then, as he returned his gaze to eye level, he noticed the second prince's unusual violet eyes seemed to be watching someone, directed over where the boat was. Out of instinct, he looked over his shoulder to see what it was that caught the prince's attention. It was a young woman, barely shorter than him, most likely an inch or less; she had a more surprising appearance, with a shocking head of white hair, and yellow eyes. He hadn't known that human eyes could be that color, and the look in her eyes sent a ripple of unease through him. It reminded him of the eyes of a predator, coloration aside, intense and fierce.
And, three armored guards behind her.
Call it gut feeling, but he was quite sure that a display such as that was not a wise choice.
As per his wont, as the woman neared, he soundlessly gave ground to her. Moved out of her way and to the side a bit, glancing away for a split second as he did so; and when he took another glance at her, he thought he caught a smile curling her lips. Unease sounded alarm bells in his head, a certainty growing in him that shit was about to go down that made him take an instinctive half-step back. What was she up to?
Corin looked away again, for scarcely a few moments, and when his head turned back again, his eyes caught the white-haired woman bumping into the prince's shoulder and jerking away from him, as if insulted or angry. That was incredibly rude, what is she trying to do? He thought as his eyes widened a fraction, exposing just a little bit more of the white ringing his blue-gray irises. His felt his heart drop at the barely heard hissed insult the woman delievered to the prince, he had only heart the last one or two words, but he heard them all the same, shock rushing through his body at the blatant disrespect directed to the prince. Immediately afterward, the shock subsided enough to allow a firm dislike to take root in his heart, directed toward the woman; he knew he would not like this woman, just by this first impression of her. He had run into several people like her before, he knew her type, and he did not like them.
What the hell. Was she trying to fight the prince of all people-
He visibly flinched as the prince hit the imprudent woman on the cheek, breaking the brief moment of tense stillness; the swiftness of the strike, as well as the sight and sound of the hit contributing to the start he gave. Wincing the screeching of the woman's servant, the young man silently watched as said servant turned on the prince who had unceremoniously hit her mistress, and it looked as if she had made to hit him.
And she was also unceremoniously put down, by being tripped.
"I am Vesper Sterling Windsor, the Second Rank Prince of Aibruvia. Your host, and you are sorely mistaken in thinking I will allow such incompetent and imprudent behavior."
The tone in his voice was deadly, venomous, dark. He felt a shiver crawl down his spine at the sight, but his eyes remained on the scene, even if he wanted to, he wouldn't have been able to tear his eyes away from the incident. Watching as Prince Vesper turned to the other woman, the instigator of it all, as he nudged her head with a shoe, and began speaking to her.
"Get up. Such disgrace, such vileness and malicious behavior shown on your arrival."
Here, the Prince uttered a giggle, cruel in tone, and covering his mouth as if he found it amusing. Fear running through his veins at that, feeling like it chilled the blood; his heart was beating painfully hard against his chest; and his body tensed; his already tenuous control over keeping his breathing steady broke the last fragile thread, his breath came in quiet, sharp, shallow breaths. His eyes had widened more, in the involuntary manner of instinct; he was barely resisting shrinking down, instinctively making himself a less noticable target for the perceived danger, but his arms had come to fold across his body.
"How dare a mere Baron's daughter dares to even think of brushing against my shoulder. How pathetic."
As his ears registered the venomous words, adrenaline had started flowing its course through his body in reaction to his emotions, which were increased by the sight and sound of the interaction in front of him. The old fight-or-flight instincts, preparing him to either run or fight, for instincts know no reason. It is encoded in the very being of all beasts, the very thing that aided survival over generations.
"You break the rules by having three guards. You offend the host in whose home you'll be staying, and then you disrespect me by using profanity to my face. Such unbecoming behavior of someone who's supposed to be of a titled rank."
Corin nervously flicked his eyes between the Prince and the white-haired woman, swallowing a lump in his throat, not bringing himself to look away from them, but managing to take a glance, or the best he could see of them. He had once witnessed a crash in the streets when he was younger, this feeling of not being able to tear his eyes away from the scene felt rather like that.
"You poor, poor fool."
The tone in the Prince's tone had changed to something softer, but no less infused with malice and something condescending in there. No less dangerous than when she had first challenged him.
"I hold the keys to what you're here for. You really think I'll even let you have the honor of looking at my sister if you can't even have the mere decency to respect me." Despite the fear and adrenaline still running through his veins; despite the pounding heart and quick breaths and sweat making his hands clammy, the primal part of him, found itself starting to relax; as if instinctually recognizing that the worst of the storm was ending, that the thing that inspired visceral fear was calming, that the situation was starting to wind down. And the vague thought in the back of his still survival focused mind said that it would be a good thing if the white-haired woman did not end up with the princess, after all, she did not seem like a good person. Rather the opposite, from that encounter he had seen before the tables turned on her.
"my sister's mere existence is worth more than your pathetic one - you are nothing compared to me, nothing compared to them. You are at the bottom of the rung of a social ladder and you are like poor Icarus flying too close to the sun. Careful that one day you don't find yourself being burned, because there is always someone more powerful than you no matter how smart or conniving you think you are."
With that, he released his grip on her face before standing, shooting the guards that had came with her an angry look. His eyes tracked his motion, not out of attraction, although that ill-timed part of his brain seemed to give a small thought of 'he looks good'; but rather out of caution, instinctive and vestiages of fear, wariness that had been present before but was now amplified by what was basically a display of dominance.
"Two of you will have be taken back to Eailseon because only one guard is permitted per guest. And please make sure to be on your best behavior and not let an incident like this happen again or else I won't be so forgiving"
The Second Prince Vesper spoke to them in a commanding voice, before turning back to the white-haired lady, a rather predatory smile gracing his face, filled with all the malice of one of the wild hunting beasts, bringing to mind of a wolf.
"Welcome to Aibruvia Miss Cadieux. I hope your stay is pleasant."
The simple, formally spoken words sent another shiver of fear and nervousness snaking down his spine. Something about the tone, the words, and the Prince's expression and body language made it anything but welcoming. And he acknowledged that was likely the intent.
The young man was startled by movement in the corner of his eye, gaze immediately snapping to the newcomer. A very tall young man with very pale skin and contrasted by bright red hair, carrying what looked like a bouquet of flowers. His words were agreeing with the Prince's actions, and while Corin was probably going to be jumpy around the Second Rank Prince for a while, he did agree with it also, and a part of him also respected him for taking action like that.
Now that he was starting to calm down and think rationally again, although that was comparable, seeing as he hadn't been very calm sicne he stepped off of that boat; at least he didn't feel like he was about to loose the battle with his instincts to bolt, he was sure that his face was paler than usual. His legs did feel weak also, a feeling he equates to the aftermath of fear or adrenaline or both. Though he did not think he was in danger of collapsing, wouldn't that just be wonderful if he did?
Still unsure of what to do at the present moment, Corin took a deep calming breath, held it for a few seconds, released it, and unfolded his arms so that they remained at his sides, as they should. Trying to regain some semblance of composure. And he waited until either adressed directly or until the Prince issued an order that applied to all of them.

Ezra Derringer || 20 || Aibruvian Guard || M: Vesper, Diamond, Cordelia, Rainier, Neptune, Aries, Corin The princess of Wrales was the first to present herself, and it appeared that she was disappointed to only find Vesper to greet her. Actually, that wasn't quite true. When she had first unloaded, she'd seemed quite eager to get to him -- aha. Vesper was wearing an obnoxiously froofy dress, and his hair was long. Vesper himself often appeared quite feminine... until viewing him close up. The slightest, blandest, wryest smile crossed his face at Vesper's words once the princess left. He agreed, albeit silently. Princess Cordelia was, most definitely, only interested in pursuing women. Ah, well - as long as she stayed far, far away from Ezra's sister, he couldn't care less. The prince of Wrales was next. This man seemed more relaxed and easy-going than his sister, going as far as cracking a joke. Well. This... Rainier was a pleasant enough fellow. As both he and Vesper discussed the next steps and carriages, Ezra pulled his gaze back to the ship, only to have to stifle a groan of irritation. The next in line, it appeared, was going to cause issues. She was no taller than Vesper; her guards -- three of them, which was bound to be trouble -- towered over her petite frame. A sniveling maid was basically tugging on the young woman's coattails. Heavens, the maid was worse with this suitor than Darwin was with Vesper! The white-haired girl, who, based off of reports, he figured to be Neptune, a baron's child, drew closer and went from a lounging, catlike walk to a more purposeful stride. As she came to the Aibruvian prince, a look flashed across her face that suggested a quick internal debate; she quickly faced away from him and her trajectory changed ever so slightly -- and then she collided with him. Ezra's sword was halfway out by the time the girl hissed at Vesper. He did not draw it completely, as her guards stayed back and she appeared to be retreating. Then, typical to Vesper, the prince landed a well-placed (and well-earned, in Ezra's opinion) pancake slap right across her porcelain face. If only she broke as easy. Neptune made to hit him back, and now Ezra's sword was out in all its glory. Vesper briefly swished against him and one petite, high-heeled foot sent the girl crashing to the ground in a most unceremonious manner. With Neptune taken care of (Vesper was more than capable), Ezra moved to cut her off from her guards and the now shrieking maid. He wouldn't mind running a few of them through; she had two extra guards, so they would need to leave one way or another. Some were making movements to come to the aid of their fallen charge; Ezra brought his sword up and snarled, "Do not intervene!" The message seemed to get across, as none stepped towards Vesper. His eyes remained on the four servants while his ears tuned in to the prince's rant. Oh, he was really ripping into this girl, certainly adding more theatrics than necessary, but this was Vesper Sterling Windsor, Second Prince of Aibruvia, Great Jewel of the King's Crown. He lived for theatrics. And Neptune certainly deserved them. Ezra took his position up beside Vesper once more as the prince dismissed the girl, his final words being, "I hope your stay is pleasant." The guard took liberties, now. If Vesper wanted to yell at him later, so be it. Gesturing with his sword towards the carriages, he mused, "That was an egregious error, Miss. Please know that such behavior within the castle, and towards another royal, may result in the removal of your titles and lands, exile, or execution." He doubted this girl would cause too much trouble after such a public humiliation, but one could never be too sure. Ezra offered an icy smile before moving on to the next suitor. His sword remained out in the open, though the tip was now directed at the ground. A large man approached, condoning Vesper's actions. This suitor had to be at least two inches taller than Ezra himself -- no, maybe even three. He was certainly not one to cross lightly; he had plenty of visible scars and looked like a warrior. Well. At least he hadn't been the one knocking into the prince; poor Vesper would have been flung into the next kingdom over. "..these are for you..." Ezra nearly guffawed out loud, but instead he halted the sound so that only an amused grunt came out. The bouquet of flowers in Aries' hand was, um, forward. Three roses... Well. Had Aries even met Vesper? This was a party to win over the hearts of the royal children, though, so perhaps it had been intentional. For now, though, Ezra would say nothing. Vesper could handle this as well. Instead, Ezra looked back to the docks to see who was next in line. Another smaller suitor, who appeared even tinier than he probably actually was compared to the giant that now stood before Ezra, appeared to be quite hesitant in approaching. No wonder, considering the debacle that had just occurred with Neptune. Ezra offered a slight nod and gestured towards Vesper with the smallest wave of his hand. They needed to hurry this along before Vesper got so bored that he just up and left. Besides, the other suitors, if they were well behaved, would have nothing to worry about.

Mion Naprotiv Windsor | 21 | M | 5’11” | 1st Rank Prince of Aibruvia | Mentions; His Family(Ind), Jasper(Ind/Dir). (Brunch Outfit) https://postimg.cc/gallery/M6Q7Szh -- “Sorry, excuse me Sir, I believe it is time to get dressed now.” -- Blearily, Mion’s eyes opened, staring down at the top of a wooden desk. Wait, desk? Mion sat upright, blinking the sleep away from his eyes as he glanced around. When had he fallen asleep? What time was it now? What had he been doing? Most importantly though, wasn’t today his younger brother’s birthday? -- …Did he have to go? He certainly didn’t feel up seeing people today. And that was just the idea of the party itself, forget about the whole brunch that was supposed to come first… He groaned, huffing quietly. He shouldn’t be this upset over having to socialize. People socialized all the time. Had he ever finished the gift he’d been preparing for Vesper? -- He glanced back at the desk, quite relieved that the gold wire metal tree he’d been making the night before was still intact. Little red gems were bound to the metal branches as if an apple tree, with green gems bound to the branches to act as leaves. -- “Mion?” -- Ah, Jasper was outside his door. He fixed his clothing and called back, hoping it wasn’t obvious in his voice that he’d just awoken, especially since he wasn’t sure how much more time he had to prepare for their guests, “Yes? What is it, Jasper?” -- While waiting for an answer, the first ranked Prince stood and grabbed the gold and red box he’d gotten to put the wire apple tree in. He took the tree into his hands and looked over it, making sure it was actually finished and that the gems were bound tightly enough to the branches to not come undone before placing it into the box and closing the lid on it. -- He placed the box on his desk and then turned to the door, straightening his clothing for a moment and brushing his hand through his hair to try and calm it enough so it wouldn’t get in his way. Which caused him to remember his monocle, that he wasn’t currently wearing. That was good, he’d hate for it to have broken because he fell asleep with it on. He looked back at the desk, grabbing the monocle and securing it onto his face. -- Mion doubted he looked presentable, at least by his own standards, but he supposed it would do for the moment. Perhaps it would show he wasn’t at all interested in their guests. Most of them were apparently lower on the social ladder anyways, which was rather unfortunate. And not to mention how absolutely undermining. Who did those low rung pests believe themselves to be? Certainly not worthy of their last name, of their title, and especially not of their time. Few were, he’d only noticed a small amount of actual royalty arriving on the list. Wrales and Slerosea. But there were even more that were not of royalty coming. The eldest Prince could only hope that his elder sister would make the right choice in who she would marry. Mion, himself, was not planning on fraternizing with the suitors anymore than absolutely necessary to keep up the appearance of his kingdom. Even then, he was fairly certain that his family could handle such a task. -- He stepped towards the door and opened it to face Jasper while waiting for an answer, keeping one hand on the door itself to hold it in place. And just so he could close it easier, and quicker, after the interaction depending on Jasper’s answer. The silence was somewhat annoying, but Jasper was known to be quieter at times, which should most certainly be worked on but at the moment Mion was willing to provide a bit more prompting for him. “Well? I should hope there’s a reason for you to be calling my name, Vaquero.” -- Even now, referring to his help by last name in public areas was awkward. But he’d already compromised on still calling them by first name when he was in his room, or in private with just one of them. He couldn’t compromise this, regardless of his own tension. Perfection wouldn’t have it, after all- He was above them and he had to act like it. It was only professional to do so. And that was all that truly mattered here, professionalism and perfection. Forget about the dark pit of contempt in his gut, he had to be respectable.