
ˋ°•*⁀➷ He wagged his tail and allowed her to touch his nose. "Its a pleasure" He'd smile fianlly perking his ears back up. "Is their others we should meet and plan with?"ˋ°•*⁀➷

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings Luna stretched out her legs, waking up from her short rest. She looked around, seeing Rocket and Kelly talking. She stood up and stretched. Luna started to walk toward the cages. She walked toward Luke's cage and whined, waking him up. Just then, Luna saw a new wolf whom she hadn't seen yet (Vasilios). He was still asleep and his cage had been locked. Luna picked the lock with her teeth and opened up the door. "Hello?" she whispered, trying not to wake the other up. "Are you alright?" she hoped the wolf wouldn't be too startled when he woke up. She then noticed his feet. They looked like bird feet. Luna ignored them are watched the wolf, waiting for an answer.

Sky woke up yawning and she immediately smelled a bunny. Her ears perked up and her tail started to twitch, she hadnt eaten in days so she was hungry. She quietly got up making sure not to wake the pups and then she put her nose to the ground. She began to track. Soon she found out that the smell was coming from outside. In despreation she started to dig. After a while she was too tired to continue so she put leaves over it and layed down huffing at the rabbit who was staring at her through the cage.

Sky When she was resting she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. She let out a yelp of pain. Before she knew it she was getting dragged into the building. She tryed to fight back but the sleep dart made her to weak to do anything. Abyss Abyss woke up to Sky letting a yelp of pain. She quickly ran to her but it was to late, the humans already had her and there was nothing she could do about it. Tears started to fall, Sky was talking care of her who would now? Scared she curled up letting the tears roll down.

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
[Whoops my bad, I got a lil busy!]
Vasilios | Male | 5 | Mentions; Luna
Opening one lazy, white eye, it quickly became apparent that the large male was, in fact, awake. Perhaps he'd never actually been sleeping in the first place. Stretching stiff talons out and lifting his head, he met the other wolf's gaze. "Hi there. I don't think we've met." Vasilios greeted evenly with a slight dip of his head. At her question, he paused, appearing reflective for a moment before cracking a teethy grin, slinking out of the cage in one fluid movement. "I'm just fine, thank you. Bit stiff, perhaps." He answered honestly, shaking his feathery coat out.

Drizzle opened her eyes groggaly. She had been working on digging in the hidden spot she had found, when she had colapsed. Now that she was awake, she was very disorented. Everything appeared louder, even the faint buzz of the insects in the surrounding forest. She looked up and realized that many wolves were missing. Furious that she was too late to save them, she threw herself at the ground by the fence, digging as fast as she could. The scrape of her claws seemed unnaturally loud to her now sharp ears. . When she finally colapsed from exausten, she backed out and pushed the rock back over to cover the hole

Lúthien said: Drizzle opened her eyes groggaly. She had been working on digging in the hidden spot she had found, when she had colapsed. Now that she was awake, she was very disorented. Everything appeared louder, even the faint buzz of the insects in the surrounding forest. She looked up and realized that many wolves were missing. Furious that she was too late to save them, she threw herself at the ground by the fence, digging as fast as she could. The scrape of her claws seemed unnaturally loud to her now sharp ears. . When she finally colapsed from exausten, she backed out and pushed the rock back over to cover the hole
Sorry, ik Drizzle is silver valleys wolf, but she emaled me and asked me to post that for her b/c she couldn't make it to the forum

Lúthien said: Lúthien said: Drizzle opened her eyes groggaly. She had been working on digging in the hidden spot she had found, when she had colapsed. Now that she was awake, she was very disorented. Everything appeared louder, even the faint buzz of the insects in the surrounding forest. She looked up and realized that many wolves were missing. Furious that she was too late to save them, she threw herself at the ground by the fence, digging as fast as she could. The scrape of her claws seemed unnaturally loud to her now sharp ears. . When she finally colapsed from exausten, she backed out and pushed the rock back over to cover the hole
Sorry, ik Drizzle is silver valleys wolf, but she emaled me and asked me to post that for her b/c she couldn't make it to the forum
ok lol

Abyss had cryed herself to sleep but she now was awake. She peeked over the bush to see if her mom had exscaped out yet.......

Abyss didnt see her mom but she did see a wolf she hadnt seen before, bored and alone she cautiously walked up to him. Hello she said in a shaky voice as she lowered her head to show she was friendly.