
(True they deserve it but are we just gonna die because of poching?)

(I'm gonna go get some food quick. I'll be back around 6-6:30 hopefully.

Nah. Shadow-Wolf said: (True they deserve it but are we just gonna die because of poching?)

Abyss woke up to a voice, it was quiet but at the same time loud. She couldnt understand what the voice was saying or where it was coming from so she looked around the room. She saw wolves in cages but none of them were talking to her. She continoued to look around the room. She saw a small window and a small bird on the outside, in desperation she asked are you talking to me? The bird answered back to Abysses surprise. He said yes im talking to you who eles would i be talking to? uhh Abyss said in shock. Then the bird flew off leaving Abyss in shock.

The Midnight Wolves said: Nah. Shadow-Wolf said: (True they deserve it but are we just gonna die because of poching?)

Are you ok Sky asked trying to look at her sister but the ropes restrained her from seeing her sister. Edited at February 14, 2022 05:57 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Emily looked at her sister and started to try and open the cage. After a few unsuccessful attempts she finally got it open. She walked in and asked "Do you want me to see if I can chew through the strapes?" Emily said " Yeah I'm ok. " Edited at February 14, 2022 05:57 PM by Shadow-Wolf

Skadi f 4 wings mimic Skadi saw a flash of green eyes from his cage. " do you know what happened everyone started collapsing then the leaches came and took a few of us" (Sheesh lol just realized luke and Skadi are both 34 inches and around 100 pounds. They big wolves lol. ) Edited at February 14, 2022 06:23 PM by Ravensrun

Lucy was looking around and few wolves where left. She hoped everyone was okay. She looked to see a queen and a pup with another she-wolf that had blood dripping from her mouth. She got up and walked over to them and sat down watching the pup and queen. Edited at February 14, 2022 06:00 PM by Shadow-Wolf

Sky was surprised how strong her sister was, Yes and how did you get out Sky asked as she wiggled to try to get the ropes loosened so it would be eaisier for her sister to get them off.