
Ikaris|Male|3|AussiexGSD|New dog|M: Pasily, open He watched the other dog closely, eyes slightly squinting as he saw what she asked. "Ikaris," He replied, his voice a little raspy from not speaking in awhile. Though, he thought it was important to add, "I'm deaf." He dipped his head in apology for his fearful behaviour, the other canine came out of nowhere and scared him. The dog's ears flicked as he glanced around, his mind now elsewhere, not bothering to see what she would say next, unless, of course, she managed to gain his attention again. Ikaris was quite happy to be out of that cramped and crowded house, he could now stretch and walk around without bumping into someone by accident, but he used to always get snapped at no matter if he didn't do it on purpose.

Pasily and Nessa|f|5 and 2|Doberman mix and German sheperd mix| M: Ikaris "Nice name!" pasily replyed after the male said his name. His voice is kind of weird she thought to herself. She then looked up just in time to hear him say "im deaf". "W-what really?!", pasily said, for the first time being speachless. After a couple minutes she found some words but saw that the male was looking away so she decided not to bother him anymore. Pasily picked herself up and walked around, looking for someone to talk to meanwhile Nessa gained a bit of courage so she slowly got up and ate some of the food that was in a bowl in her kennel.

Hondo l Male l German Shepherd Lab Mix I 2 years I New Dog . As Hondo slowly opened his eyes the Sun shined brightly through the cage door. He looked around still not used to his new surroundings. 'I wish I knew somebody here' he thought. 'But maybe I can make some new friends'. Hondo got up and stretched his legs, walking over to his food bowl. After crunching down a couple of the dry food nuggets and lapped some water he went to the cage door. Waiting for someone to get him. For someone to care
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Paisly|f|5|Doberman mix|M:Hondo Pasily walked around the whole building. It was peaceful and pasily loved it. She talked to herself all the way around. After a while paisly just sat down and again watched the sky. Again pasily mumbled to herself about random thing she could think of. Soon paily started to walk again but soon she saw another male dog. He almost looked a bit sad so pasily made her way over to him. "Hi, im pasily, are you alright?" she asked the German Shepherd Lab Mix. "Ive been here for three years so if you need anything i might be able to help".

Hondo l Male l German Shepherd Lab Mix l 2 years l New Dog . Hondo watched as the dog approached. He cowered away trying as though not to be seen. But his attempt failed. She walked over to him. After she finished speaking Hondo tryed to look away, but he couldn't. I should try to be friends with her. But I dont want to be rejected. But what wrong would a friend do? He thought to himself. "Hi" he replied, his voice shaky, "My name is Hondo, could we be friends?"
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Paisly|f|5|Doberman mix|M:Hondo "I like your name", paisly responded with a smile. Everyone seems so scared all the time pasily thought to herself. They are just probably just scared because of their past but still.....She then shook her head, clearing those thoughts and smiled, "Of cource!" "Everyone here is so shy, and no one wants to be my friend so ill be glad to have some company." Pasily then muttered under her breath, after a week or so ill be back to having no friends. Pasily really wanted a friend so she tryed her hardest to keep her trap shut as she waited for the male to do something.

Hondo l Male l German Shepherd Lab Mix l 2 years l New Dog . For the first time in days, Hondo's tail started to wag. Hondo bounded up to Paisly tail wagging so hard that it was like a fan. Hondo yipped and lowered himself into a play bow. Panting, his tail wagging, he gave a bark of challenge. Then he darted to Paisly's left. "Catch me if you can!" He barked playfully.
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Paisly|f|5|Doberman mix|M:Hondo Pasily was shocked at the sudden boldness of hondo. As he bounded up to her she pulled back her head in surprise. She then smiled as the dog got into a play pose. She then barked, "Your on!", after the male had said "Catch me if you can!" She then bounded to her left, trying to catch hondo. She missed the first time but managed to get him on the third try. After she had playfully bit his ear she took off in the other direction as fast as her deformed paw would take her.

Hondo l Male l German Shepherd Lab Mix l 2 years l New Dog . Hondo glanced behind him as Paisly took off after him. He took a sharp right as Pasily lunged playfully at him. Soon she was right behind him again. He could feel her hot breath on his hunches. He leapt as she dived and then took a sharp left. Hondo slowed a little because he thought she'd given up. But out the corner of his eye he saw her. He had to step on the gas if he wanted to get away. Soon he was back to full speed. But then he felt her tug playfully at his ear. He turned toward her as she took off. Shes fast he thought. As he bounded playfully after her. As he was about to reach her he landed wrong on his right forepaw. Hondo tripped over his own footing and fell in a heap. He yelped in pain. "Help!" He howled to Paisley. Hopefully she could hear him.
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Paisly|f|5|Doberman mix|M:Hondo Pasily could feel hondo right behind her but all of a sudden she couldnt feel his breath anymore. She then heard him call "Help!" She quickly stopped, almost falling herself and ran to him. Once she got to him she lowered her head and sniffed him. "Are you alright?! I can go get help, like a human, or a dog, or someone, or-" Pasily realised that rambling wasnt going to help so she quieted and waited for his answer. I hope he okay, she thought to herself, hes my first real friend.....