
Ero I M: Jericho Ero looked up at him, seeming that he also seemed to be feeling some stress about the situation. She felt bad, both guilty and sick. She shifted herself so she could lay her back against him. She sighed, a sad and stressed sigh. "I'm hungry, but I feel like I'm going to throw up." She murmured to Jericho, closing her eyes. "Maybe we should go get some food... maybe it'll cheer us up..." she said sadly, not seeming very cheery at all. "I don't want to throw it up though..." she sighed. "Are you happy with having the baby?" She suddenly asked, looking up at her boyfriend.

Shi & Silver | M: Ko and Ace Shi chuckled at the man before smirking at Silver as the man looked her over and walked off. "Well, that was worth the walk out here." Shi said laughing. Silver glared at her annoyed, "When we get back into the ring, your going to get a fist to the face." Shi simply did a mock bow, "He's all yours. Just don't kill him, I'd like a shot later." Silver cackled before Shi winked. Ice spiked out, freezing and popping the tires on the van. The ice covered the van until only one door could be opened. Silver flicked her hand, the door of the van disintegrating into ash.
A cold breeze blew before Shi stepped back. "I suggest Ko, you stay behind me." Shi said, throwing a dangerous smirk behind her to him. Silver started to stalk towards the van. "Ignore me why don't you?" She hissed, her eyes turning into slits. Scales covered her body as she started to shift and grow. Her viper form was way bigger than what she was used to but she used it to her advantage. Wrapping a tail around the man, she pulled him out as she flicked her tongue at him hissing playfully, "Miss me love?"
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Jericho: Mentions: Ero Jericho looked down at his girlfriend, mulling over his answer. He had very mixed feelings in this regard; he did want to have children, but this situaiton was not the best all things considered. "Um... I do want to have kids of my own, but this situation is... less than ideal." He rubbed his eyes to clear away the tears still lingering before hugging Ero once again. "In any case, we need to take care of you. Come on, let's get you some food... and hopefully you'll be able to keep it down." He slowly put his clothes back on and took a deep breath, clearing his mind.

Ero I M: Jericho Ero nodded, slowly getting herself off of the bed. She was very unsteady, mostly becuase she was exhausted beyond measure. She had already slipped Jericho's shirt on earlier, so she just slipped on some underclothes and waited on Jericho. She was starving, she needs to eat something, even if she threw it back up. "I'm ready to go." She murmured, going over and clinging onto Jericho's hand and arm. "I'm happy to eat this time." She was referring to Ibex and her times where she refused food. "Did they give you food in Ibex too? Or was it just because I'm..." she trailed off, not wanting to say pregnant. She didn't realize he hadn't been in Ibex because the doctors had tricked her. She stumbled over her feet a little bit, very tired. But she ignored it and just held onto Jericho.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero Jericho held his piece, completely confused in regards to what Ero was talking about. He was never captured and forced into the facility like Ero was, but what did she mean? Did they somehow trick her into thinking that he was there as well? If they did, then would she react poorly when she figured out that she was lied to? "I... was never there Ero. I think the doctors told you I was there to calm you down and keep you from hurting yourself since... you know." He rounded the bend and found the kitchen, and he quietly lead her over to a chair before opening the fridge and taking out a few things. "Generally, whenever I feel nauseous, anything dairy makes me worse, so we're going to be careful in figuring out what does and doesn't make you sick." He took a second look before looking up at her again. "Do you have any food allergies?"

Ero I M: Jericho Ero felt horrible when Jericho said that he was never there. She felt weak and niave for believeing that, on top of already feeling terrible for all the other reasons. She sat down in the chair, feeling absolutly exhausted and defeated. "I don't think so... I mostly just eat steal-able food, I don't know how to cook." She murmured, looking at the table and tracing her finger along it while looking down blankly. It had been a lot for Ero to try and process all at once, and it was getting to her and you could tell. "I'm happy you're trying to take care of me. I can't take care of myself very well." She told Jericho, looking at him and giving him a small strained, tired and sad smile. Her eyes were red from crying, and she looked like she was very tired, which she was.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero "Alright. We'll be slow in figuring out what makes you feel unwell until you're further along and the nausea goes away." He grabbed an apple, banana and cut up a carrot before putting it together. "Here's a little something to tide you over for the time being until I can cook something properly." He placed all of the food on a plate and placed it in front of her. Jericho took another look at the fridge and grabbed what he needed to make chicken tenders. It was a simple meal, but it was exactly what he needed in this moment.

Ero I M: Jericho Ero nodded, picking at what he had put in front of her. She started from eating just a few slices of the carrot, then she started to eat it slightly too fast. She was starving, so she quickly ate it all. She finished the banana and then the apple, the carrot slices already gone. She looked longingly at the plate, wishing there was more food. "It was good." She murmured, looking for any crumbs or anything else. "I'm happy to eat again... I didn't want to eat in Ibex." She rested her elbow on the table and her cheek on her hand. Her eyes drifted open and closed, showing her exhaustion. She started to fall over slightly until she awoke herself and did her best to stay upright and not fall over again. She was hungry, but she was tired too. She opened her eyes weakly again, looking at Jericho. She stretched, trying to wake herself up. "I'm excited for food..." She told Jericho, rubbing her eyes and trying to wake herself up.

Sky | M: Malaki "Gee Sky... if I didn't know any better, I would say that you have a thing for me. You know... being locked away in that facility for three weeks, it gives you time to think about things, and well Sky..." Malaki paused before almost falling out of the saddle. Again. Whatever Ibex had given him was strong. "Does this thing have... a seatbeat?" Malaki said and she barked a laugh. Tucking her wings in on either side of him so that he wouldn't fall off, she tilted her head back at him, "Better?" She winked up at him before increasing her pace. "What exactly did Ibex give you?" She asked, navigating them through the woods.
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Stupid phone somehow double posted this. -_- Edited at February 22, 2022 03:05 PM by Dragonhorse