
Luna|F|4|Wings After the slight collision that Luna barely noticed, she nodded her head toward Emily in a sort of "It's Fine" manner. She then walked along the fence, the sun in her eyes and blinding her. She then turned and kept looking for weak spots. There were none that Luna could see. She then returned to her spot in a corner, across from her brother's spot. Luna flattened her ears and looked up. The sky net would be a problem. Then, she heard Sky talking to Daisy. Luna tried to listen in as best as she could, trying not to seem like she was listening. (HEY, ATTENTION!!! We will now have the DNA mutate once, giving all of the wolves ONE more ability (Wings, Feathers, Mimicking Others, or Understanding Birds) Your Welcome! (Thank TheHappyHowlers because they asked me and now the DNA will mutate ONCE)) ^.^ Edited at February 14, 2022 04:57 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Sky started to feel light headed, she tryed to ignore it though. She countinued to look at Dasiy but sky was finding it harder and harder to focus on Dasiy. Soon the dizzieness was so bad she rolled over to her side the whole world spinning around her, making her sick. The last thing she saw was a wolf satndng over her, then everything went blank

Emily yelped as her eyes started to hurt. Emily said "Sky i...... My..." . She yelped agian. She didn't know what was happening she started to shake. (She will has super eye sight so basically eye sight like eagles and what I meant about daisy was at first she thought Emily was Sky's pup) Edited at February 14, 2022 05:08 PM by Shadow-Wolf

(can you give details to the mimic others. Still not quite sure what that does) Edited at February 14, 2022 05:09 PM by Ravensrun

Sky could hear Emily but she couldnt move or see. She managed to say Emily its ok just stay calm. Then she felt things growing, down around her feet, her neck. her wings and her tail. Then she relised the humans had done something again. Edited at February 14, 2022 05:11 PM by TheHappyHowlers

(guys someone has signed up to join the rp!!!)


After a couple minutes of intence pain her eyes began to see again, though it was foggy. She also was able to move, though it was stiff. She slowly sat up and looked over at Emily to see if she was ok.

Emily was still shaking but started to whimper. She said "Sissy help..." . Emily eyes where hurting even worse now and she couldn't open them.

So, mimic is when they hear something, they can remember it for a long time. They can also repeat the exact words that they once heard, even if it was about 10 years ago. Ravensrun said: (can you give details to the mimic others. Still not quite sure what that does)