
Zaphara Mentions: Jackson and the kids Finally, she scoops the fox in her arms and takes the cookie out of his mouth. Placing her child back onto the ground, giving him a soft pat on the side and watches his scurry off to tackle Wraith. Hearing his words, she tosses the cookie into the trash, and dusts her hands. "I just, deal with it. Harsh it may seem, but I have people to protect." She approaches him again, pulling the man into a hug and leads him to his two children. "The first step is to ensure the happiness of not only your children, but yourself." She turns to him, giving him a soft smile. "I have my own methods with grief, so it's time to find yours. Being sad or greiving isn't a bad thing, Jacky." Placing a hand on his cheek, turning his head so he can see his two children. "Glory left you something behind, your own little bit of joy. Don't let grief fill your heart and mind." Hearing that dinner was done, she lets out a sharp whistle to get the kids attention. "Alright. Go inside, wash your hands, and sit at the table! Dinner is ready!" Tavu and Wraith scurries inside, the fox shifting back into a boy with a giggle leaving him. Zaphara turns to Jackson, giving him a soft nudge and walks over to the building. She didn't enter, instead, she climbs on top to the roof with ease, taking a seat and starts star gazing.

Jackson I M: Zaphara
Jackson sighed, looking at both of his kids. Gosh, he just wanted to hug Zaphara and not let go. He had been pulled away from his love and it had scarred him. The only person he really had left that was stilll there and cared about him was Zaph. He scooped Dia and Aztec up into his arms and hugged them both tight. He set them back down before the door, ushering them through. He sighed, not wanting to go back inside when he was still feeling depressed beyond measure. He followed Zaphara and climbed up on the roof. He laid on his back, looking up at the sky with Zaphara. He thought of Glory and how she might be up in the stars. Maybe that's what he'd tell Dia and Aztec. He sat up and turned away from Zaph, hoping that she wouldn't see him as he started to tear up again. He didn't know the first thing about dealing with grief, much less being strong.

Dr. Volks: Mentions: Ero and Dr. Jefferson A faint smile crept on Volks' face when Ero said that she would do anything to get together with her love, which was perfect. He nodded to Jefferson before talking through the intercom once again. "I'm glad to hear that Ero. All we need you to do is go along with the tests and experiments that we have lined up for you and before you know it, you'll be wrapped up by your boyfriend's arms once again. But if you want that to happen you must follow along and follow instructions to a T. Understood?" He asked before turning to Dr. Jefferson, a wicked grin on his face.

Zaphara Mentions: Jackson Zaphara kept her eyes set on the stars, noticing Jackson joining her, only to turn away seconds later. She sits up, pointing at one of the stars. "Glory is right there, the brightest one at the moment." Her star is with the big dipper and at the very end of the handle. She turns his head towards the crying man beside her, giving his back comforting rubs, and she offers him a small smile. "She's here but in a different place. Watching over you and the kids." She turns her eyes to another star, pointing at it with a smile on her face. "That's where my father is. That speck right there." She gestures to a batch of stars, "Those are all my friends. The ones I lost when I was a kid. I never forget them since I can always remember them each other." Hearing her stomach grumble, she chuckles and rakes her fingers through her hair. "Being dead for two years was, how should I put it, traumatizing. Well, my death was different." She brings her knees to her chest, lets out a sigh, and starts playing with a strand of hair. "I was in a coma-like state. I couldn't move, do anything really, but I can hear everything." Closing her eyes, allowing the chilling winds to brush against her skin. "I felt so alone during those two years. Sephtis was the one who unburied me. Hate to say this, but I'm grateful that he did."

Jackson I M: Zaphara
Jackson looked over at Zaph, seeing her seem upset. He looked up at the stars, seeing Glory's star. He started to get choked up at seeing Glory's star. He managed to keep himself from sobbing, but instead noticed Zaphara seemed to be getting upset too. "You're not alone anymore..." he murmured, gently putting her arms around her waist and pulling her close to him and hiding his face against her shoulder. He didn't care about how he was crying against her, he just needed someone to hold and she seemed like she needed someone to hold her.

Dr. Jefferson I M: Ero (ind.) and Dr. Volk
Dr. Jefferson grinned. It had worked, the woman cowering in the corner nodding as she mumbled an agreement to Dr. Volk. She was finally going to respond to testing and not shy away completely. "This is perfect, now she'll finally listen for awhile. Gosh, this is going to be amazing. I was sick of wanting to beat the shit out of her to get her to listen." Dr. Jefferson said after he made sure the speaker into her room was off. He watched the woman look around. She looked slightly more open to things, looking around slightly more alertly. She also had relaxed slightly and her heart rate had gone down as they talked about Jericho. Hm, she really loved him. That made him even more excited to manipulate her.

Night | M: Kage Night grinned as Kage turned her back on him after the surprise kiss with a mischievous look in her eyes. He loved when she did that. Catching up to her, he nibbled her ear in return. "Two kids would be a handful." He agreed with her, pulling away before smiling at her, "Are you hungry yet? I'm pretty sure the others have started dinner."
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Kage I M: Night
Kage grinned, but she suddenly had a good idea. She went over to him and pulled him close to her, keeping on with their affection-retreat game they so often played. They weren't a very constant affectionate couple like some others. They liked giving each other affection, but in a playful and fun manner. "Maybe we're going to have another kid and you just don't know about it yet." She said, pulling away from him and raising her eyebrows to see his response. "Mmmm I am a bit hungry, but I also had something else in mind..." she said almost completely after her other comment, but was still watching Night and reading him for his response.

Night | M: Kage Kage suddenly got close, playing their affection and retreat game. "Maybe we're going to have another kid and you just don't know about it yet." Kage said, pulling away and he stopped for a moment looking into her eyes. "Your kidding with me. . .right?" He asked, debating on whether she was playing with him or not. He raised his eyebrows before blinking confused. "Well, you would tell me if we did yes? I don't want you to go through that process you did last time." He finally said after a long moment, looking at her seriously.
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Kage I M: Night
Kage rolled her eyes, a michevious smile playing on her lips. She went back over to him and slid her arms around his waist. She laid her head against him, looking up at him. "Not to my knowledge we're not, not that I really want to question that right now." She murmured, letting out a sigh. "I'm going to go out for a scouting mission, but on my own. I don't want to leave them in Ibex any longer than I have to." She pulled away from him again, having a seriousness in her eyes now. She wasn't going to worry about possibly being pregnant. It was always a possibility, and it was jsut added stresss she didn't need.