
Mae Holland | Mentions: Shi - Mae puzzled. What did this woman mean? Oh, wait… She didn't want her talking to her. It took Mae a minute to process the meaning of Shi's words, but as Shi walked off, Mae turned and watched her leave peacefully. For a second, Mae considered to get along her way and ignore that weird conversation, but as always, she picked up another hopping step and took pace alongside Shi. "What do you mean?" she queried, this time, about the bar again. "You caused that?" - Without trying, a tiny smirk hopped onto Mae's lips. This was curious, and she loved curious! - Mae tucked her hands into her pants pockets, hunching over slightly as she watched Shi's feet move. Without even leaving a second of time for Shi to reply to her, Mae spoke once more. "What's your name? I'm Mae," she beamed now. A part of her wanted to be the cheerful character she always painted herself off as, but another part of her was just doing this to wiggle out some answers from the woman. She loved to tease, and play it off as kindness.

Sky | M: Malaki Sky gaped at the man, shock and several other emotions passing through her face before she stuttered and then just went silent. She stayed quiet before her hands went to her head in panic. Hundreds of thoughts were going through her mind before she shut it down, a fighting instinct that was placed in her when Amber and her sister died coming alive. She looked straight at him before saying, "If Ibex is truly alive, we need to hold together. All of us." She whispered the last part, mostly to herself. She turned, starting to pace before turning back to him, "What is your name? I told you mine but you never told me yours. And how long have you been free of Ibex?" She asked, trying to gauge how she should tell him that they weren't the only ones.
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky "Malaki... my name is Malaki. And as to how long I've been free... uh... how many years has it been since the fires? About that long... I don't know for certain to be honest. I just left when I could and I didn't look back." He could see that Sky was clearly troubled by this revelation, as she appeared to be more worried than he was about it. It was clear that she had her own trauma when it came to her time within Ibex. "I know I may have just threw your world upside down, but do you possibly know if there are others like us out there? If so, we should probably find them so we stand a better chance if Ibex comes for us." The pieces were slowly beginning to appear in Malaki's mind, but if he was going to be able to do anything about Ibex, he would need others around him.

Shi | M: Mae "What do you mean? You caused that? What's your name? I'm Mae," The woman went on, annoying Shi. She tried to ignore her but couldn't as she kept pace with her. Mae definitely reminded her of Sky now. Shi glared over at the woman, not even bothering to hide her annoyance with her. Her blood was sparking wanting another fight. She said in a cold voice, "You do not need to know my name as with an attitude like that, you'll be dead by morning. And yes, I caused that back there. Bar fights are only fun when punches are thrown." She smirked before her face went back into a cold look. "Now would you leave me alone before someone else gets hurt." Shi said, purposefully making it sound like she left out, Like you. Even though she thought it.
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Sky | M: Malaki "Malaki... my name is Malaki. And as to how long I've been free... uh... how many years has it been since the fires? About that long... I don't know for certain to be honest. I just left when I could and I didn't look back. I know I may have just threw your world upside down, but do you possibly know if there are others like us out there? If so, we should probably find them so we stand a better chance if Ibex comes for us." Malaki said and she exhaled sharply before saying, "First off, Ibex should have been dead the first round of fires. They didn't. After several years of killing them off and running, they should have been dead the second run. Argh, why can't they stay dead?!" She yelled at the trees before turning her attention back to Malaki, her eyes glittering.
"And yes Malaki, you and me are not the only mutants in this world. I'll have to make a few calls to get the group back together but after all these years of non-communication, I believe there is still half a dozen to a dozen that I know that are still around. Although, several of them have families now so it might be harder to get them to fight." Sky said, oblivous to the fact that she might have just turned his world upside down. "Oh, and there might even be new mutants out there as well." She said suddenly waving a hand.
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky Malaki stood there, dumbfounded by the realization that there isn't just one or two more, but possibly a dozen of them out there. "So... there's more of us. That's good to know." He said, almost as if he was in a trance. I guess my time in isolation messed with my perception of the situation concerning my escape. If there's a dozen that she knows of... then how many more are there out in the world?! He had to close his eyes and really ponder it before he spoke again, but not before noting how pretty her eyes were when they glittered. "Well, that's good, I guess. The more the merrier, as they say. So Sky, I saw that you transformed into a wolf... griffin... thing moments ago. Any more cool tricks in that bag of abilities you have that could be useful?" He said, wanting to gage his powers against hers, but it was clear from the off that she might have had him beat in the power department.

Sky | M: Malaki Sky gave him a look before narrowing her eyes, "A few, but what useful powers do you bring? Anything that would be useful or that I should know of before we try and find the others?" She said calmly, not wanting to give away any more of her powers before knowing a few of his.
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky Malaki's face quickly flashed a moment of him grimacing and shame before returning to worry. "Well, I have three that I know of so far. My first is something I call Primal Fear. If I let out a scream in someone's direction, they'll experience an unstoppable episode of fear. From far away they would stop for a moment then continue on, as if they were wondering whether or not they left the oven on at home, while up close I've had people nearly have a mental breakdown, so that's something at least. It can affect multiple people at the same time, but the more people that are afffected by it, the less powerful it is. I'm pretty sure I can turn it on and off if I feel like the people I'm using Primal Fear on will harm me or someone I care about. Second, I can transform into a Werewolf during the night, and if the moon is full, or at least waxing, then my Werewolf form will gain strength, but if it's waning or is a new, or empty, moon, then it will be weaker. My third and final ability is something I call Frantic Dash: I can run much faster than normal for one minute, but once I start moving, I can't stop moving until one minute is up or something hits me really hard... whichever comes first. Yeah that's pretty much it, I guess." Malaki looked down at his shoes before looking at Sky once again. "Yeah they weren't able to get much progress out of experimenting with me, but one of the head scientists there kept them going, apparently thinking I had something great locked away, waiting to be revealed, but I guess not."

Sky | M: Malaki Sky blinked before saying calmly, "You will be able to gain more control over your powers once you practice with them." She took a couple steps back before saying, "As you have already seen, I do have a wolf griffin form. This comes with my power of a half shifter. I have four forms which you will learn one other soon. My fourth one I don't use often as it only happens when I lose control of myself." She extended a hand out, ice bouncing off her hand. "I have ice power. It's not the strongest but is more of a defense mechanism that builds a suit of armor around me when I need it. The last one you need to know about right now is my strength. I can lift a house if need be, thanks to some training. So be careful if I start throwing punches because my opponent will have a smashed face when I'm done." She brightened up then, some cheerfulness coming back as she said, "That's never happened before so I doubt it would now."
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Nyx || Mentions: Blade Nyx shook her head, looking at Blade. She was now more frustrated then anything, why wouldn't he just give her abilities back? She sighed heavily, and had let go of Blade comepletly letting him fall, and she simply didn't care. She stood up straight, rubbing her neck, clicking her tongue, "You entered my home. Pretending to be a victim. Then you threatened my life and my childs. You took me to.. whatever this place is!" She looked around, her arms in the air. She pulled them back down slowly, looking at Blade once more. "You attacked me, nearly suffocating me to death. Then you attacked my child. Don't you think I deserve my abilities back you asshole!?" Her voice rose as she got closer to the end of her statement, her face was full of anger, and hatred for this man. "If you won't fix me. I'll do it myself," she took a few steps back, and snarled, "My life was great until you stepped foot on my porch." She turned around, walking out of the room, to the exit. She turned the doorknob and it was locked. She sent a nasty look at Blade, before she backed up, and kicked the door loose with one single kick. And she walked out, going around the side of the building. Now, she just needed a spot to safely get up and away.. behind the warehouse sounded good. Ish.