
Kelly Kelly nodded. It must not have been that long ago I guess. Time just seems to pass by. She shifted her wings to a kelly green. (that's a color right, oh my gosh she should do that when she catches feelings that's sooo cute XD) Kelly looked into Luke's eyes again and something fluttered in her stomach. "I guess I've been chilln' while you've been nervously waiting for your sister.."

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke looked laughed a bit. "Yeah," he then sighed, still smiling. "They should've been back by now though. Fawn came by a little bit ago and Blue told her that you were already here. They may still be dealing with the loners then." Luke said, hoping that was the case.

Kelly Kelly thought some more. "What are their names? Hazel and... I don't know the male's. Are we going to still let them in or not?" Kelly asked worried. That purple wolf, Hazel, is a lunatic. She'd scare the pups, heck she even scares me!

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke thought for a moment. "I don't know. Fawn never said. Also, if Luna let them in and accepted them, that'd be crazy. If she brought them in to question them, that's a different story." Luke said, wondering about this now. Would Luna let them in? She'd been so open to loners in the past...but these? These loners are crazy. Luke thought.

Kelly Kelly nodded fervently. Its a bad idea I know it! Plus shes after Sky Kelly finished, looking at Blue and Sky. She sighed and put her head in between her paws.

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke looked at Kelly, surprised. "She's after Sky?! Why?" Luke asked, wondering if Kelly knew. He looked at Sky, laying with Blue. Why would she want her? She can't get attacked. That may injure the pups. Luke thought, looking back at Kelly.

Kelly "I don't know.. she kept talking about Sky killing somebody but Sky would never do that.." Kelly said. She watched the sun slowly rise and warm up her cold paws. "We need to get a move on soon! The humans must be close by."

Hazel Hazel woke up in the middle of a battle. She blinked a couple times, trying to figure out what was going on. It seemed like humans were attacking them. Everyone was paying attention to them, so Hazel slowly got up, but surprisingly the wounds didn't hurt her! She checked them and they where almost healed. Hazel shifted the thought aside and sneaked out of the battle, silencing only 2 dogs. She slipped through some bushes, following the packs scent. She then came upon two wolves talking, one white with green eyes, the other one.. the one she had knocked out! Her wings were changing colors which was odd, but she listend into their conversation. They were talking about Sky!! So she is here!

Sky Sky shifter her weight as she heard luke and kelly talking about her but she knew it was true, that wolf was looking for her. Blue Blue could sense Skys nervousness so he hugged her tighter but not to tight and licked her cheek.

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior "No, she wouldn't." Luke said. He then looked to the sky as Kelly spoke. "As soon as the others get back...whenever that will be." Luke said, rolling his eyes. "Now that you mention the humans, is that what the others are dealing with?" Luke asked, now wondering if that was the case.