
Skadi Lead Scout F 4 Wings Mimic Skadi rolled as she was pushed getting back on her paws. A slight cut on her arm from a thorn tore into her. She gave a light growl looking up a dog ran toward her but skidded to a stop when her fierce and pissed glare met it's eyes. Tail tucking the mutt ran the opposite direction she heard it's human counterpart swear obscenities at the cowardly dog. 'Dammit dumb dog. Randy load more trackers up and go get that do...' her teeth clamped down around the humans jugular cutting him off. Dropping the limp form she ran to her pack mates and snarled in the direction of the other humans. Ready to fight more. The faint word of trackers burning it's way through her mind. That's how they kept getting found. Edited at March 26, 2022 01:25 AM by Ravensrun

Erza After Hazel was safe, he found himself fighting with the bluish wolf (Skadi) "Which one of you has the scent?" He asked her as they were warding off dogs. She looked at him confused. "The scent, the trace, the tracker! How the humans find us!" He elaborated.

Kelly Kelly smiled at blue. A shawdow crossed her face though as she asked: "Where is the rest of the pack? What happend to me? Who is that purplish wolf and red one that attacked me in the woods?"

Blue The rest of the pack is dealing with some wolves he said as his smile faded. You were attacked and those wolves, i have no idea he said sighing as he looked at sky, still worryed for her safety. Anyways, you have someone who wants to see you he said looking over at luke. He then looked back, make sure to rest, and before Kely could do anything he was off, back at skys side.

Kelly Kelly nodded at Blue, who had already rushed back to Sky and was now standing gaurd over her. Kelly shifted and sighed, her wings rippling with blue. It seems he is deep in love already... wish I had something like that... Kelly got up and padded over to Luke, still feeling a bit groggy, and laid down next to him. Kelly laid her head down and rolled on her side, looking into his green eyes. She blinked a couple times and then broke the silence. "How long have I been out?" She asked to Luke, looking concerned. (Midnight I just had a idea for a romance, but we can tweak it if you want. So here it is: Kelly starts leaning on Luke and Luke is kinda so-so. Dustin in the corner is jealous of Luke because he secretly has a crush on her, so of course he pulls out the middle school boy tactic and starts being a jerk. Some other she-wolf (Sakdi, Hazel, I don't know) gets put in the story and openly likes Dustin. Now he his trying to evade her and at the same time win Kelly's heart. Luke and Kelly tryout a relationship, and it's going well and they are happy until the she-wolf figures out Dustin likes Kelly. Dustin finds out about the relationship and starts being even meaner to Luke (poor Luke) until Kelly steps in and puts him in his place. The she-wolf plans to hurt/permanently injure Kelly because she believes that Dustin only likes her because she is Lead Hunter, thus in a important place, and if she is permanently injured she can't hunt anymore. Dustin and Luke figure out about this plan right after Kelly and the she-wolf leave to go "hunting", which is where she plans to hurt her. Dustin and Luke start bickering like "I'm her girlfriend" and "I'm stronger and faster!" In the end Dustin gets their first and stops right before the she-wolf hurts Kelly. Kelly starts liking Dustin more and in the end talks to Luke about it and he is kind and understanding. Dustin and Kelly mate and have pups. Happily ever after.)

(i dont know about other wolves but Fawn will like dustin and kelly beng together because she already thinks of kelly as a supermodel XD and thinks of dustin as a father so ya XD)

(I mean I think that could put a bit more drama in the story! I think this would be good. We would have to see what Ravensrun thinks about it though. ^^)

(oop I forgot that Skadi was the one who liked luke and not kelly! Im so sorry!)

(yeah, but Skadi seems really kind though, but love can make people and wolves do desperate things)

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke looked at Kelly. "I don't know for sure but I know that you were gone before the sun was halfway risen." Luke told her, truly not knowing. He wondered what the others were doing. Fawn should've told them that Kelly was brought back unless something happened. Luke didn't worry too much. He trusted the pack, especially his sister. (Howlers, it's alright and I agree Wolfex.) Edited at March 26, 2022 09:41 PM by The Midnight Wolves