
Erza Erza's eyes flew open when he heard a loud ravens call. He shook up his wings, and stood tall displaying his large frame. "What was that for? The sky falling or something?" He asked the bluish wolf (Skadi) as she looked at him weirdly for making a joke at this time when she was being serious.

Aspen Aspen walked closer to the male. Why does your mate want to hurt or even kill Sky she asked, voice full of snarling. (she persumes their mates XD)

Erza “Mates? Me and Hazel are not mates- why we can’t even share prey properly!” Erza exclaimed hotly. He stepped towards the silvery she-wolf (Aspen), stood up tall, and looked right into her sliver eyes, his copper eyes gleaming. “And I know of no Sky. And killing??? Plus, who is this Kelly you keep speaking of?” He asked, ruffling his bluish wings. He looked around at the wolves around him. They all looked so mad. A small growl escaped his throat as he stepped back to defend Hazel. He didn’t understand what they were talking about, and wasn’t going to risk Hazel getting hurt even further. “Why don’t you go trod along back to your camp. If you have any problems with that talk to my claws.” Erza leaned down to help Hazel when a branch rustled. He froze, sniffing. Something metallic glinted. He froze, the metal scent triggering something familiar. “Humans…” He whispered under his breath. The metallic thing moved and pointed to the bluish wolf (Skadi) that was still glaring at him. With not a moment to spare, Erza knocked her to the floor, crouching down but the bullet grazed his wing. He spun around, ready to attack but was meet with a barrage of dogs. He tried to bit one but it bolted towards Hazel, still unconscious. NO! His mind screamed, but he was too far away…

Mockry "Wh-what's going on?" she stammered.

Aspen Aspen stood her tallest as the wolf came closer. She growled, well im sorry i didnt know. Sky is my friend and whatever the female is too you she wants to hurt or kill her she snarled as she explained to him, half upset and half asking herself why she was explaining this but never the less she countinued. One day the female attacked kelly, thinking that it was sky, she also almost killed skys little sister by letting her fall to her death but luckily the wind picked up and she was able to not crash. And then this, she lured kelly out here and YOU knocked her out. She then let out a laugh as the male threatend her. Please, i would love to she said with a smeark. Before anything eles could be said she saw humans and dogs. Dogs attacked the male and soon her. She fought as the dogs attacked her. Fawn Fawns eyes widend as she saw humans and dogs. She quickly dove down and landed beside the female. Then the dog lept at her, tackling her to the ground. She quickly got the dog off of her and countinued to protect the female. She was in much pain but ignored it as she fought.

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna watched as Skadi and Aspen talked with the male. Aspen seemed ready to attack and Luna was fine with this. They were not to be trusted at this point. Just then, he pushed Skaid to the ground as a bullet grazed his wing. Luna looked around, spotting humans and dogs attacking them. Luna growled, her eyes glowing with anger. She slowly crept down the tree, focusing on the shiny silver thing that one of the humans had. She crouched down, waiting for the right moment. As they looked away for a split second, Luna pounced, grabbing it from the human's hand. It yelled at her as she heard another shot. It barely missed her, hitting a tree. Luna kept running until she felt that the humans weren't chasing her anymore. Once done, she stopped and set the thing down. How does this work? She wondered. She smelled it. It smelled of metals and a bit of smoke. Luna sneezed. She turned back around and headed back toward the humans. She believed that if she took all of the metal-smelling things, the humans would be defenseless since they had only been using those things and the dogs to fight. Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple growled as the male and Aspen talked. If they start to fight, I'll help Aspen take down this wolf. Maple thought. Just then, he pushed Skadi to the ground as a bullet flew past. Maple froze. Humans? Again? She looked over at the unconscious she-wolf and Fawn was protecting her. Dogs started to attack her. Maple shook her head, hoping that Fawn was doing the right thing. Maple stepped beside her and started attacking dogs that ran up to them, trying to take them down. Maple flared her wings in the air, trying to make herself seem bigger as she had done before when she'd first seen the two loners. Dustin|M|3|Wings|Hunter Dustin was watching Fawn as she seemed to be talking to someone. After Skadi flew down from the tree, he knew that she'd been up there. Then, he was startled as humans appeared. A bullet flew past him and he growled. What are they doing? Can't they just leave us alone?! You know what, I don't care. I'm not going down without a fight. Dustin thought. He was then caught off guard as a dog attacked him. Dustin grabbed the dog's paw, throwing him off his body. He then saw Luna out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see her running with the metal thing. He smiled, glad that she stole a human weapon. Dustin then focused back on his job; fighting the dogs and humans. He then attacked a dog heading for Fawn and Maple. They were guarding the unconscious she-wolf and seemed to be doing a good job. Dustin grabbed the dog's neck, pinning it on the ground. The dog yipped as Dustin picked it back up. He then threw it on the ground, the dog whining. Dustin smiled and watched the dogs coming at him again.

Fawn Fawn smiled slightly as maple helped her. She then watched as Dustin protected them. She was a bit annoyed, I can handle myself she thought as they all fought.

Mockry Mockry dive-bombed at the humans, screeching obsenities and screaming out horrid noises in their ears.

Kelly Kelly blinked awake in the healers den. It took her a moment to register where she was and what happened. Then it all came back to her, flooding her head and clamoring for space. The wolf and the big wolf, did he knock me out? Then how am I in the healers den if I was just in the forest. Kelly padded outside and looked around for other wolves but the place seemed pretty empty, only a couple wolves sleeping. She sat down on her hind legs and shook out her wings, aqua with worry for the rest of her pack mates...

Blue Blue smiled as Kelly came out. He got up and went over to her. How are you feeling he said as he sat down Infront of her.