
Blue Blue looked at the ground but then looked up at luke as blush spread arcoss his face. I, i he said studdering. Does every, everyone, of cource he said rambling, w, we, were just friends he said finaly spitting it out. W, were just friends he said again. When he saw the ya right face on luke he sighed. Y, yes i do like her, i loved her ever since i saw her the first time as a puppy he said looking up at sky with loving eyes. (ill be on later but i gotta go)

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke giggled a bit as Blue rambled on. As he said that they were just friends Luke looked at him as if he were saying, yeah right. Luke smiled when Blue finally admitted it. Luke looked back at Sky. "You two will have the help of everyone here. You'll be fine." As he looked at Blue, he shoo his head a bit. Luke looked across the treeline. No one yet. Luke was starting to become a bit worried. What were they doing? He laid down, resting his head on his paws. He hoped they would return soon. (Alright bye for now!)

Blue Blue slightly smiled then got up and said I'm going to go. He then walked over to sky and put his wing around her and gave her a small kiss on the cheek after he made sure no one was watching except for Luke. He saw her blush and she gave him a small kiss and he blushed a bit. They then layed down and snuggled a bit.

All my wolves be knocked out.~.


Fawn Fawn returned with lots of herbs in her mouth. She then splashed the male with water to wake him up. She then mixed the herbs up and carefully fed it to the female. She then mixed up more herbs and carefully took off the bandage and smeared the mix of herbs on the wound. She then wrapped the wound back up and said this is all I can do. She then got up and went over to maple and Aspen, I'll go get the others she said. She then ran towards the pack. Edited at March 24, 2022 09:50 AM by TheHappyHowlers

Emily F Pup 4 months old Wings Feathers Snoring loudly as she napped emily ran in her sleep chasing a squirrel. Her little legs running in place as she dreamed. Skadi Lead Scout F 4 yrs old Wings Mimic Skadi held in her laugh as the young female splashed the male with water. "Fawn seems good with herbs Amaya may have an apprentice on her hands " she said to Luna quietly Edited at March 24, 2022 09:48 AM by Ravensrun

Fawn Fawn then ran towards the pack. She then saw Skadi and Luna. Oh your here she said once she reached them. Kelly is somewhere around here she said looking at Luna and Skadi. Ill go get the pack she said as she ran off. Once she got to the pack she said, we know a general area where Kelly is, follow me if you want to help! Sky Sky tryed not to laugh as she watched her little sister run in her sleep. She then looked up when fawn spoke. Blue Blue tryed not to laugh as Emily ran in her sleep. He then shot his head towards fawn. He then got up and walked over to her. I already found her, shes at medic. Fawn Oh she said as he tail wagged and her wings turned yellow and gold, mixed together. Ok ill go tell luna, and before anyone could say anything eles little fawn was off. When she got to luna she panted and said, blue has found kelly, shes at the medic. Blue Blue nodded as he watched fawn run off. He then went back over to sky and layed down as he put his wing over her.

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke watched as Emily ran in her sleep. He smiled as the little pup was probably running or chasing something. He then lifted his head as Fawn spoke. Luke was confused because Kelly was already here. Then Blue answered her and Fawn ran back into the forest. Luke looked back at Kelly. She seemed to be fine. Luke then twitch his ear, turning back toward Blue. Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna looked at Fawn as she spoke. Luna said, "Okay." After turning back to Skadi to answer her. "Yeah. Fawn seems to know much. She also seems like she'd be a good healer." Luna sighed, watching her packmates until Fawn came back. "Kelly is at the medic? Blue must've snuck around everyone and brought her back to camp then." Luna said.

Skadi She was glad that Kelly was back and safe. "Once those two wake up I'll probably hop down and make sure everything goes well. " she could see the sun getting higher. "As we need to go soon who knows if the humans are gonna try again today" hearing about blue she gave a smile. Glad her scouts were doing a good job. Edited at March 24, 2022 10:12 AM by Ravensrun