
Mockry Mockry quieted. "I-I like it," she said softly. "Thank you."

Fawn Fawn smiled slightly. Your welcome she said quietly. She then looked at the female, still bleeding still very hurt. She then closed her eyes and looked back at Mockry.

Erza Erza sniffed the ground, smelling like blood and the screams of wolves. In powerful leaps he bounded over to the wolves, seeing Hazel bleeding profusely. He leaped into the center of the wolves, flapping his wings frantically, nudging Hazel. "HAZEL! WAIT NO STAY! I TOLD YOU NOT TO!" He cried, whirling around and facing the wolves. He spotted one with blood on their muzzle.. they had color changing wings to but she was so young. "Why... he whispered collapsing. WHY??"

Fawn Fawns wings turned blue with streaks of black when a male wolf came bounding up to the female, the one she, she shook her head and focused on the male. She could feel herself getting dizzy but she ignored that as she stared at the male wolf. She then watched as he collapsed. Did he just, she then paused as she took a step closer, did he just pas out she said looking at maple and aspen. Aspen Aspen let out a snarl when a male came running up. She then watched as he collapsed. She then looked at fawn. I, i dont know she said as she walked over to the male and female. She then poked the male wolf with her paw and took a step back to see what he would do.

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple growled, her muscles tensing as the male ran up to the female. He collapsed and Maple lifted her head a bit. What is happening?! She wondered. She was thinking so much about what had just happened that she almost missed Fawn's question. Maple shrugged, watching as Aspen poked the male. She waited, wondering if they were going to attack them. Wait, where is Kelly. I can smell her. Is she where that wolf came from? If she was, wouldn't she be here by now? Maple then folded her ears back and growled a bit, What if they had killed her?! She looked at the male. "What did you do with Kelly?" Maple asked sternly. She wanted to know what they had done with her friend. Dustin|M|3|Wings|Hunter Dustin watched. He didn't know what to do. Was he supposed to stand up and hold up his wings too? He then watched as a male came running up to the female. He then collapsed. Dustin then heard Fawn's question about the male. Dustin heard Aspen answer and he shrugged as Maple had. He then heard Maple ask what they had done with Kelly. Dustin then wondered the same thing. What happened to her? Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke looked at Skadi and said, "I'll just be here, watching out for these guys." Luke then looked at Emily and Abyss run. He laughed quietly as they ran. He remembered when him and Luna would play like that. He looked back at Skadi who was leaving as the others did. I hope everyone is alright and I hope that they found Kelly. Luke thought to himself. He then turned back to Emily and Abyss who seemed to have not a care in the world. He smiled, watching them play. Saoirse|F|3|Wings/Feathers|Scout Saoirse looked over as Skadi landed beside her. "They found Kelly. I can't quite tell what is going on but that male just collapsed it seems." Saoirse then perked her head up a bit and said, "Oh, Fawn also attacked the female a bit before you got here." Saoirse lowered her head back down, trying to watch for any sudden attacks. She smelled the air, catching Kelly's scent. "These loners haven't attacked, but Fawn did. She did seem to like Kelly as she came into camp so maybe it was because of that?" Saoirse told Skadi, still watching the wolves. Edited at March 21, 2022 11:53 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Erza He blinked a weary eye up to the wolves. "Nothing. I haven't done anything and I don't know if Hazel has either... can you help Hazel? PLEASE? She's not happy she's not ok..." He buried his face in his paw. "I knocked the wolf out ok! I thought she was hurting Hazel but I don't know!" He finished desperately, hoping they wouldn't hurt him. He remembered his warrior skills and he felt a burst of pride. If they touched her again... he'd go for the youngest and fastest so they could go and alert the camp. It depended on how they planned it. Out-of-her-mind or not, Hazel was family and he was going to protect her as fiercely as he could.

Fawn Fawns eyes light up when the male wolf pleaded. She pushed past her friends and went beside the male and female. She looked down at him, i, i can help she said hoping he wouldnt tear out her throat like she was going to do to the female wolf before she thought things through. She then carefully bent beside the female wolf. She carefully enspected the wound. She then looked up at the male wolf, go get the biggest leaf you can find she said looking back down at the female. She then looked back at her friends, get lots of leaves and grass she said, anything thats soft. She then looked at Dustin, go get water and a very soft leaf. She then looked at Aspen, do you still have that bandage? She saw as Aspen nodded. Its not the cleanest but go get it she said looking at Aspen. She then tryed to confort the female by singing.

Erza He nodded, to tired to do anything else. He put his wing over Hazel's, the dark blue with black contrasting with her shiny purple. He sighed. "What happend to you..." he murmured. Edited at March 22, 2022 08:00 PM by Wolfex

Fawn When she had everything she needed she made a bed beside the female and gently picked her up and put her head on the small bed, lifting the wound. She then dipped the soft leaf in the water and carefully padded the wound clean. A tear formed in her eye when she cleaned the wound, i did this she thought. She then grabbed the big leaf and put in on the wound and put the bandage around the females neck. She then looked up at the male, i need to get some medicine and i need to find better suplies but this is the best i can do for now she said sighing.

Skadi Lead Scout F 4 wings Mimic Skadi watched as the situation deesculated. "Thank you Saoirse go let Luna know what's going on. I'll have some of the others down there take Kelly to the pack when found." She thought for a moment "Don't be seen. Who ever these two are they are causing trouble and I don't like it " she said to her scout before shifting her weight still watching the group for any sudden movements. A quick whispered mimic to Maples ear below to let her know that she was above as backup if need be.
Edited at March 22, 2022 09:22 PM by Ravensrun