
Blue Blue looked at Skadi as she talked then he turned to luna, waiting for her anser. He knew if she said yes he would have to go look too. He didnt really want to but if she was in trouble and he didnt go and thats the reason she got hurt or killed he would never forgive himself. He then shifted his paws nervously, i hope shes ok he thought, waiting for luna to anser.

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna looked at the sky and back at Skadi. "We probably should. If you'd like to eat, the pack..." Luna then thought, What if some want to rest a bit before we leave, like Sky? Luna stuttered a bit and said, "or...or anyone who'd like to can search for her. The more searching, the faster we will find her." Luna said, looking at the pack.

Mockry "What?" Mockry said, her voice muffled by a mouthful of food. "Where are we going?"

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna looked over at Mockry who was still eating. "One of the pack members, the lead hunter, is missing." She told her. She then looked around, raising her voice so everyone could hear. "Attention, Kelly is not here. We could not find her within the area. Whoever would like to search for her, please start. If you are going to stay here, please stay by the food or close to it so we know where you are." She then looked back at Skadi. Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple looked up as Luna spoke. She stood and shook her fur out. I might as well look to get my mind off things. Maple sighed, lifting her wings. She pushed off her back legs, giving her a lift into the air. She started to fly along the treetops, looking down at the ground. Behind her, she could see Saoirse. She seemed to be lower to the ground to get a better view of the tree branches. Maple flapped her wing a bit, wincing as she remembered the bullet hole in her wing. She shook her head, starting to spin a circle around the trees, staying away from the humans. Saoirse|F|3|Wings/Feathers|Scout Saoirse immediately took off as she saw Maple. She followed her, flying lower so she could see the ground more clearly. She could smell a few deer off in the distance as she flew. She steadied herself, trying to focus on the ground if Kelly was down there. Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke looked at his sister. He saw Maple and Saoirse take off in the distance and he looked back at the others who hadn't left yet. He thought, I'll stay and watch over them. We don't need everyone leaving. He laid down in between the food, watching Skadi to see if she would look for Kelly or if she would eat. Dustin|M|3|Wings|Hunter Dustin listened to Luna. He looked at Fawn and said, "If you want to look for her, you can. I'll come with you so you don't get lost as well." He laughed silently although he knew that this was probably serious. He waited for her response as Maple and another wolf took off toward the forest, probably looking for Kelly.

Aspen Aspen nodded as luna talked. She then took off after maple. She knew she hadnt said thank you yet and she was determined to tell her. Blue Blue nodded as luna spoke. He then looked at sky, i he started then sky interupted. Sky I know, its your job she said interupting him, ill be fine, now go find her hero she said with a smeark on her face, she knew this could be serious but she couldnt help it. She then watched as blue flew away, looking for kelly with a dumb smile on his face. Abyss Abyss heard that kelly was missing and she wanted to help but she had WAY too important thing to do here. She then crouched down, like scareing Emily. She then crawled closer to Emily and then pounced on her saying BOO! She then toppled over, giggling. Fawn Fawns wings turned pitch black with streaks of black red as she heard luna. She yanked her head up, out of dustins fur and looking at luna. She then turned to dustin as he said she could go look for her. Her wings turned a mix of yellow, black, gold and bright red as she said heck yes, she then paused thank you dustin. She then hugged him and took to the air, flying low to the ground, her eyes scanning, looking for kelly. (i have to go but ill be on later tonight, to respond to your post.) Edited at March 20, 2022 09:26 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Mockry Mockry immediately leaped into the air at Luna's words. She flew through the trees at a high speed, listening to the mockingbirds. Aha! she thought as she heard one bird mocking the missing wolf's voice. (don't ask how she knows her voice... I'm so freaking tired...)

(XD, fawn was sposed to fine her XD but it's fine lol, I'll just have to say she found them second. XD)


(No need for apologies! You didn't know! It really doesn't matter anyways!)

Fawn fawn scanned the area and soon got track of Kelly's sent. She then landed where the sent was. She sniffed around, her nostrils flaring visiously. She soon caught the sent again and where it led. She then followed the sent, her wings turned to a pure white color, that told Dustin that she was very very focused, the only time her wings turned pure white is when she was very very focused, when her wings were pure white they would tell a story of what she was thinking, it was actually very pretty. As she followed the sent a picture of a wolf appeared on her pure white wings and it then reacted the exact thing the sent said Kelly did. She then saw Mockry hiding in a bush, watching 2 unfimailar wolves that had Kelly! Her wings turned pure red, she wanted to go rip their throuts out but she held back. She then crawled over to Mockry. Wait she thought, she knew the female wolf, she was the one who attached Kelly and wanted sky! She low growled as she looked at Mockry, what are we going to do. She then watched as the make wolf picked Kelly up and both of the wolves head off to who knows where. She then looked over at Mockry as she waited for someone to say something before she lashes out.