
Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple was full and walked past Dustin. She hit him lightly with her paw as she lay under a tree. She felt like sleeping but she knew that they would leave soon. Dustin|M|3|Wings|Hunter Dustin turned as Maple hit him in the back. What was that for? A good hunt possibly? Probably. He thought. He turned to Fawn who was laying on her back. Dustin laid beside her and sighed. A successful hunt. He thought. Saoirse|F|3|Wings/Feathers|Scout Saoirse didn't eat until she was full like everyone else. She ate a bit until she didn't need to eat anymore. She needed to stay as focused as possible when flying. She didn't need food making her tired. She watched from a treetop as everyone started to stop eating. Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna looked around. The wolves seemed to have eaten well. She stopped eating for she was starting to become full. She looked at the rising sun. Once everyone is done, we can leave. She thought for a few were still eating.

Fawn Fawn watched as maple walked past her. Then a familiar sent went into her nose. It was almost like, she shook her head as she got up. Hi she said looking at Maple. Im fawn!

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple looked at Fawn. "Hello, I'm Maple." Maple looked at Fawn. Firmiliar but were the birds telling the truth? Maple wondered. (so if I didn't say this already, I might've but I'll say it again. When Maple was with a small group of nice wolves, one talked to a bird saying that Maple had a sister who was lost to humans. Maple wanted to stay if the humans brought her here but Dustin found her first. I hope that made sense.)

Fawn Fawn smiled, h, have i seen you before she asked hoping she didnt seem weird.

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple looked at her and stuttered to say, "A...around here? Or when you lived in the forest?" Maple cocked her head a bit, wondering what she was going to say.

Fawn Fawn paused, uhh n, not here, l, like when, when i was, was little. At that moment all of fawns happiness was sucked out of her and replaced with nervousness.

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple looked at her. "I...I don't think so." Maple folded her ears back. She didn't know what Fawn was getting at. Maple then thought, What if Fawn feels like I'm familiar like I feel like she is familiar? Maple twitched her tail, wondering about this.

Fawn Fawn folded her ears back as she maple replied. I, im sorry she said as she bowed to maple. W, well thank y, you for the breakfast. She then started to walk back to dustin.

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter "You're welcome." Maple said a bit sadly. She laid her head on her paws and kept her ears folded back. Maybe I should tell her when we stop tonight...about all of the things that had happened. Maple sighed, waiting for Luna to announce when they would leave.

Fawn Fawn went over to dustin. She then rubbed her head on dustin and a small tear fell on dustins pelt. She then layed down, still pushing her head into dustin.