
Skadi she rose her brow as the shewolf leapt into a bush. "Sorry didn't mean to startle you just getting a drink while on patrol" she had picked up Sky's change in scent recently and hoped she was doing okay. "I think your gonna be a good mom by the way" Skadi said gently letting the nervous female know she didn't have to hide.

Rocket|| Open He was watching them all from a distant tree this made him miss the pack more then what he wanted to they all had been peaceful for awhile. He shook his fur almost stumbling out of the tree.

Sky Skys eyes widened as the words i think your gonna be a good mom btw came out of Skadis mouth. Her mouth hang open for a second then she slowly came out of the bush, slowly revealing her big belly. She came and sat by Skadi. H, how did you know she asked as tears filled up in her eyes. Aspen While aspen was resting she heard a tree rustle. She quickly turned around and jumped up, flying into the tree, knocking a wolf to the ground. She landed beside the wolf. Who are you she asked in a growling tone. Edited at March 16, 2022 05:03 PM by TheHappyHowlers

(Maple and Dustin are already hunting. I think you missed them lol)


Skadi "your scent has changed. Plus I recognized the signs from experience. " the grey she wolf lowered her head thinking about her own past pregnancy when she was Locked up with the humans. "I was carrying pups when I was captured in Greenland. They experimented on me anyways. I lost them before they were born. That was almost two months ago." She said sadly. But her head came back up with a protective and caring smile. "Me and the pack won't let that happen to you".

Sky Sky looked over at Skadi, Im so sorry she said as she looked back into the creek. Thank you she said when Skadi was done talking. Im worryed though she said atlast, breaking the silence. Not just because its new, but i only got pregnant a couple days ago, and im already this big she said pointed to her belly as a tear ran down her muzzle. She looked up at Skadi, what if they die because of what the humans did she said as another tear fell.

Rocket || His breath came out in a yelp as it was knocked out. "It's Rcoket" He gasped for a single breath and lept up. I don't think I've met them rocket lowered his head to even with his shoulders and he curled back his lips hoping he didn't have to fight. Edited at March 16, 2022 05:47 PM by Morning Pace

Aspen Aspen snarled as he got into a fighting stance. Why are you here she said as she got into a fighting stance.

Rocket perked his ears "You really don't remember me? Or atleast heard my name?" He raised his unusually massive wings a little over his head. "Im just here to see how the pack is doing" He loosened his snarl he shouldn't waste his energy on trying to intimidate the hybrid but save it unt'll the wolf broke out a fight. Hopefully someone that remembers pop up he'd think aimlessly Edited at March 16, 2022 05:50 PM by Morning Pace