
Mockry Mockry heard the tiredness in the wolf's name, and, feeling sympathetic, she followed her.

Aspen aspen was relived when the loner followed her. She walked over to luna, Luna, this is a loner we found, please take care of her she said sighing. Her name is Mockry and i guess shes a friend aspen said shrugging.

Mockry Mockry grinned, fluffing out her fur once again. Her wings fluttered.

Edited at March 12, 2022 02:05 PM by Royal Pack

Skadi Lead Scout F 4 Wings mimic
Skadi gave her tail a wag to greet Kelly as she came over "Yeah but it will keep us safe having stronger numbers" she relaxed more now that she had her pack around her. Her eyes drooping. She lifted one of her raven wings so Fawn could curl up between them. Skadi finally fell asleep Edited at March 12, 2022 02:25 PM by Ravensrun

Fawn fawn was so happy the pack was accepting of her. She dove right into the middle of them, curling up under Skadis wing. When she was comfy one by one her eyes closed and her wings turned back to their normal color, tan. Soon she was asleep, and safe, dreaming of her new adventure with her pack.

Kelly Kelly smiled as she watched fawn sleep with Skadi. She let herself fall asleep, thinking: To many loners. What if we can't trust them and they tear the pack from the inside. The thought tossed around in her brain. Her wings shimmered black and she feel alseep thinking: I hope I can sleep before the pack moves at least...

Fawn fawn was sleeping peacefully when she felt Kelly moving restlessly through her sleep. In her sleep she thought, she can't go to sleep so she put her wing around Kelly, pulling her closer to her and Skadi. She cuddled her, trying to help calm her. That was always what her sister and mom did when she couldn't sleep. Even know she didn't remember how her family looked she still had memerise of them.

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna looked at the new wolf. So many loners. They were probably all in the same facility. Luna thought. "Hello. I'm Luna. Who are you?" Luna asked the wolf. Dustin|M|3|Wings|Hunter Dustin watched Fawn sleep with two females, one being Kelly. I'm glad that she's getting along with everyone Dustin thought as his tail thumped on the ground. He walked near a patch of taller grass near a tree. He laid down, looking at the sky. He remembered before the pack came along, he and Fawn would look up at the stars every night. Dustin let his wings fall beside him on the ground. He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep. Luke|F|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke stood up as he heard Skadi's voice. He watched as Kelly and Fawn lay beside her. Luke wagged his tail, glad that the young wolf was getting along. Luke walked beside Skadi and lay down, careful not to wake her up. Luke put one wing over Skadi and one to his side. Luke closed his eyes, dreaming of a better place, without humans. Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple watched as the loner followed Aspen to Luna. After the loner left, Maple flew up to a branch in a tree, landing on it softly. She laid down and fell asleep very soon after. Saoirse|F|3|Wings/Feathers|Scout Saoirse watched as the wolves sorted out things with the loner. Saoirse looked around for anyone. If they are all going to sleep, should I? She wondered. She shook off the feeling and told herself "no". If there was an attack, who would wake them all up if they were all asleep? The sounds of yelling from a wolf being killed? No, Saoirse would. She did feel her eyes become heavy but kept walking around so she could stay focused. Then, a voice in the back of her head said, If you stay awake, you will be tired all day tomorrow. Saoirse stopped herself and laid down. Maybe...I'll just rest my eyes. She thought. She closed her eyes and moments later, fell asleep. (There is no "resting your eyes" unless that's what you call sleeping. XD)
