
(ill be back tomorrow around 4 bye!!)

(I'll say Skadi couldn't find blue then and I just had saoirse take first watch)

Hazel Hazel darted through the trees, her heart racing. Thoughts and feelings where tumbling through her mind, clamoring for space. Not Sky, Blood, hurt. Went crazy, not ok, pup, food, hurt, hurt, hurt. Hazel rememberd to breath. She gulped in and out, slowly relaxing. Her tounge caught the scent of Erza nearby. She padded towards him slowly. "Hey..." She said emerging through to bushes. "Hazel WHERE WHERE YOU?? IS THAT BLOOD???!" He screamed padding up to her. "I'm fine-" "Hazel! I just sent you to get food.. you didn't try to steal from that pack?? I told you not to!" Hazel winced from the reprimand. "It is fine Erza!" "Hazel," He said commandly,"You've been so... off. Ever since the pack came here, you've been distant! What's wrong??" Hazel sighed. "I can't tell you." She responded. "I know. You've never told be anything about your past. But you do seem to be obsessing over this pack." "It's one on one..." She mumbled, lost in thought. She circled around and laid by the river. Thinking. I really hurt that other wolf... I got carried away.. am I ok?

Skadi Lead Scout F 4 Raven Wings Mimic After about an hour Skadi woke not able to sleep. She passed Luna and the two new wolves talking. Luke laying near his sister, he looked exhausted she hoped he was okay. They must be discussing coming to join us she thought as she made her way though camp to go looking for a early morning snack as she was quite hungry. She passed Saoirse on the packs patrol "everything quiet out here? I'm heading on a 2 am hunt; I can bring you back something if your hungry" Skadi waited to hear the scouts reply. Scenting the air to see if she detected anything.
Emily F Pup 4 months snowy Owl wings, feathers
Utterly exhausted from her night Emily was power snoring. Safe next to her sister. She was dreaming about there journey they were to travel in a few hours. She scratched with her back paw in her sleep. The spot she scratched looked normal and then a green blip shown up then disappeared. Back at the a lab a screen showing tracked wolves and there vitals was watched over by scientists.

Saoirse|F|3|Wings/Feathers|Scout Saoirse turned her ears behind her. "No, I'm good." Saoirse kept smelling the air, her tail twitching. She looked at Blue, still looking tired. Saoirse said, "I haven't found anything yet, Skadi." She told her.

Skadi nodded "alright we'll stay safe and keep up the good work I however am hungry and need to find me something" with that she ran into the woods scenting the hares she picked up. She soon found a burrow. She waited for a few minutes and pounced killing one as it ran out. She tilted her large head, ears perking as she could hear the second rabbit in the burrow. She began to dig as it was taking to long. Her massive paws soon getting to the main chamber where she snatched the second rabbit. Skadi picked both of her kills and carried them back to the pack. She walked by Luke and gestured that one was for him as she walked to her resting spot. Dropping both rabbits.

Edited at March 10, 2022 08:48 PM by TheHappyHowlers

TheHappyHowlers said: (OK so is Dustin and fawn in the pack now like where are they? Also midnight don't forget to reply to aspen 😆)
Read my post on this page.

(Oof ok sorry that didn't click in my head even know I read it lol but now I understand lol, thanks raven)
