
Soon Abyss came running back to her warm mom. She had gotten cold due to the rain and she was pretty tired too. She jumped on her brother and pushed him out of the way so she could be inbetween him and her mom. She snuggled close and soon fell alseep.

Kelly frowned, looking around for the red and black wolf she thought was named crimson

Sky watched Ivory and her pups and smiled then frowned. She was glad the pups had a good mom but why did they have to be here? They didnt deserve this, no one did she thought to herself. Then she curled up tighter around Emily, making sure though it wasnt too tight but she just wanted to squeeze her and never let go.

Crimson looked up and locked eyes with a gold wolf with ice blue eyes over by the pups. He struggled for a moment to recall her name, then remembered that it was Kelly

Kelly padded over to Crimson "Hey!"

"Hey" said Crimson. "your Kelly right?"

Emily looked around for her sister wondering where she was. She tried to move her wings a few times and finally was able to strecth them out. Emily then folded them back and looked around.

Lonestar toar his gaze from Daisys eyes, and looked at her wings. "Oh look," he said "you have wings. Wait, I'm pretty sure you've figured that out by now. Never mind. It seems kinda unfair that some of you guys got these great wings. I Don't even have feathers! I wonder why they even bothered taking me."

Dasiy looked at Lonestar and said "You probaly have something with the DNA we just need to figure it out." She looked Lonestar up and down but his apperance didn't look altered. Daisy said "Maybe wait could you have possible not been tested on!?"

Lucy looked at Amaya and said "Do you know anything about herbs im just curious." Lucy laid down waiting for a response. She looked at the she-wolf wondering about why they took the wolves.