
It's finally out ^^ - Rules Hate the character, not the pack No 1x1's, do that in PM's or Scenes Be kind No swearing unless its something you think a dog would say to swear The rules are a WIP - Loners 2/5 - Crystal - Bobcat Wander - Broken Night of Fire Pack Alpha - Felisha - Biologist at Work Beta - Mara - East MountainClan Patrol - Zira - East MountainClan - Lorenzo - Biologist at Work Hunters/Scavengers - Sparrowhawk - Broken Rivers of Ice - Daisy - Graywing - Eclipse - Violet Moon - Erebus - Austan Vindar Mothers - Falcoln - Broken Rivers of Ice Pups - Omega - - Discussion: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=36&t=90525 - This whole top part is a WIP. The thread is open. Have fun ^^ Edited at April 11, 2024 10:47 AM by Austan vindar

Sparrowhawk/M/Hunter/M: Open He stretched, blinking at the morning sun coming into his den. He got up, and shook himself, careful not to get any dirt or anything on anyone else in the den. He wondered what was happening, and nibbled some dust out from between his toes. Sparrowhawk stepped out of the den, avoiding a puddle of rain that steamed where the sun hit it. Probably very acidic, and he didn't need sore paws. He sniffed the air, then sat down again, waiting for someone else to exit the den and talk to him, maybe go on a hunt with him if possible. Especially good if it was a hunt. Then, maybe, he could sneak away and visit Wander. He fluffed up his ashy fur. It was a cold day, and that was annoying. Prey usually didn't come out as much on cold days. Edited at April 11, 2024 11:08 AM by Broken Rivers of Ice

Wander/F/Loner/M: Open Wander looked around, seeing the acid puddles all around. She ran to the shadows, careful not to step in a pool. Or be seen by the pack that lived nearby. She swished her tail around, watching the sun rise above the abandoned city.

Crysal || F || Loner || Fox || M: Open - I creep out of my den and slink out of the run down house. I strech out in the sun just out side. The sun beats down on my side and makes the acid rain bubble. The stench of this area is singing my nose hairs. I pant as the world wakes up and starts to funtion. The air was cold, but the sun poured it's furry on the earth. The scarce prey crawl out of their dens with a warry look in their eyes. I yawn and debate wether I shoud hunt or not. Edited at April 11, 2024 01:05 PM by Bobcat

Sparrowhawk/M/Hunter/M: Wander He gave up on waiting after a few minutes, getting up and padding out of camp. He looked around, cautiously making sure no one was watching, and skirted around a few puddles as he walked toward Wander's den. He sniffed the air, wincing as it stung his nose, but then smiling as he caught her scent. He shook himself, then broke into a run, wanting to get to see her faster. He knew that it was wrong that they were mates, and especially wrong that he was leaving camp alone this early, but he had to see her. And besides, everyone else in the pack was still asleep. What rules was he breaking?

Daisy/F/Hunter/M: Sparrowhawk | Daisy woke up to the sun shining into her den. She stretched and walked out of her den, observing the acid puddles all around the camp. She emerged just in time to catch Sparrowhawk's tail as he ran out of camp. Where is he going? She thought to herself. No one else was awake, so it was up to her to find out what was going on.
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Crysal || F || Loner || Fox || M: Open - I watch Sparrowhawk run to the run down building. I get up to make sure he does not get close to my den. I speed up when I see him growing close to the hole I call home. I start to run as I see another dog behind him. "Hey!" I shout, ariving at my den, "What do you want?"

Sparrowhawk/M/Hunter/M: Crystal He whipped around, his long teeth bared in a snarl, and saw a loner. Some sort of fox. He stalked up to it, and crouched, snarling threateningly. "Why. Are. You. HERE?!" His grand collie ruff brushed the ground as he crept toward the fox, greatly annoyed that it was preventing him from seeing his mate. Why was it even trying to battle him? He snapped at it, his tail swishing with anger.

Crysal || F || Loner || Fox || M: Open - I used my tail to point to my den. "You are very close to my den. And you are a pack dog." I bristled my neck cuff to. I have no need for a fight. "Please make you way around it. You are going into dangerous territory. Some loners might not like you encroaching in their space." I star Sparrowhawk dead in the eyes.

Wander/F/Loner/M: Crystal, Sparrowhawk She crouched and ran into a deep alley-way when she heard voices. And one of them was Sparrowhawk. She grited her teeth and crept behind all the garbage and acid pools. Her black pelt made it hard for the others to see her, and when she was able to see who her mate was talking to, she snarled and walked out of the shadows. "Leave. Him. ALONE Crystal! He's just one of those stupid pack animals." She flicked her tail and winked, hoping hm to see that she was just pretending, to get him out of this situation. Edited at April 12, 2024 07:26 AM by Broken Night of Fire